Chapter 23: Queen #5

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We arrive at the bridge which, like Roger said, was lying over a river in the middle of a forest. It was about 10:26 right now and the rain has cleared but that didn't stop puddles from becoming an issue.
My hair was damp and messy while hanging on my shoulder, as well as my previous clothes. Then that made me think: I still have a family and a life. What am I supposed to do about them?
We stop at the entrance on the bridge that stood tall and wide. There was already countless graffiti painted along the tall bars as well as the old rails.
"C'mon." Freddie says, stepping forward and walking across the long railroad. We all follow closely behind, making sure to avoid any cracks or puddles.
Suddenly, he stops and goes over to one vandalized rail before swinging his legs over the side and taking a seat. "Alright dear, here you are," he starts, pulling out a switchblade and handing it to me. "Carve your name somewhere on this bar." He instructs as the others also sit down near the edge. Luckily, bars running horizontally made a great place to catch yourself if you fell, but they knew what they were doing.
Crouching down, I see the previous carvings from the others. Finding an empty space, I begin to carve my name, my real name.
Roger crouches down next to me as I finish my name and begin on my last. He smiles and traces his name that he carved years ago.
"Welcome to the gang, Diana." He whispers, shooting me a wink as I finish the carving.
"Done. Here you go, Freddie." I say handing him the switchblade. He looks at it for a second before smiling.
"It's yours, has you name on it." He replies, turning it away as I pull a puzzled look. Flipping the blade I turn it over to find my name beautiful inked on the knife.
"How did you..."
"Mr. Jackson had it in his pocket at the house. John gave it to me so I could give it to you." He cuts me off and answering my question. I smile before looking down at it again. 'Diana J.'
"Freddie? There's something that's been on my mind for awhile." I say standing up and taking a seat next to him, my legs dangling off the bridge.
"What is it, darling?"
"Well...I still have a family. I mean, tomorrow we go back to school for the week and my mom, who has nothing to do with this, is probably worried. My father is probably gonna kill me when I get home and..."
"You wanna live with us, don't you?" He asks, interrupting my sentence and allowing me to think about the question.
"Well, of course I do but...I still have a mom who doesn't know any of this and needs me." I reply, trying my best not to tear up this time.
"I'll tell you this," He says, pivoting his body to face me. "Brian has the same issue. On the weekends, he lives at the house and during the weekdays, he's mostly with his parents. I can give you the same choice if you want." He says in a soft, soothing tone that I haven't heard from him in awhile.
"That'd be great. Thanks, Fred." I reply, breaking our gaze and looking out to the flowing river lit by the full moon.  A small breeze is felt, allowing my arms to grow bumpy with goosebumps. Suddenly, I feel a jacket being wrapped around me allowing me to turn to find Roger shirtless now.
     "Taylor, you're fucking shirtless and it's freezing." Freddie points out to the blonde who just shrugs in return.
     "I'm not cold."
     "Liar." I reply, flashing him a jokingly smile.
     "C'mon, we better get you two home." Freddie says, motioning to Brian and I. It was nice having someone understand what it was like to still have their parents.
     I get up as well, with the jacket still around my shoulders, and follow the others to the car. "Looks like we're gonna have to postpone." I whisper to Roger who had his arm wrapped around me.
     "I can wait. I'll see you tomorrow and maybe we can sneak it in the custodians closet." He replies with a sly smirk on his kissable lips. I shake my head at his suggestion before reaching the car.
     "We'll, talk about it." Is all I say before climbing in next to John and Brian.
     Brian was dropped off first in the neighborhood right next to mine before driven over to my house. Seeing my own house was almost terrifying. 'Hopefully, dad wont kill me.'
     "See you tomorrow, darling." Freddie says as I blow them a kiss goodbye. "Oh, wait..." he says, turning around and rummaging through the backseat of the car before pulling out a leather jacket and tossing it to me. "Welcome to Queen, Diana." He says with a smile.
     "Just give me my jacket tomorrow." Roger mumbles followed by a wink. I nod my head before turning around and making my way to my house.
     The smell of Rogers cologne brought me comfort as I use my free hand to open the door. The lights were off in the kitchen, but a little light was shining through the living room around the corner.
     Taking a deep breath, I kick off my shoes and turn the corner to find my father sitting on the couch with the television on. His eyes look up to meet mine before standing up in awe.
     "Stop," I say before he hugs me. He pulls a concerned expression while exchanging looks between me and the jackets on me. "That's not my name." I whisper, allowing his eyes to grow wide and breathing to hitch.
     "What're you talking about?" He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 'Worst liar ever.' "Where'd you get those jackets?" He asks in a much more serious tone.
     "My friends gave them to me...Mr. Jackson." I add allowing him to break eye contact with me and heave a sigh.
     "I don't know what..."
     "Cut the bullshit, dad." I stop him, his eyes going back up to me. "Hopefully by tomorrow, my name will be changed back to Diana Jackson and..." I say but stop as he presses a hand to my mouth, shutting me up.
     "Will you quiet down! Your mother is trying to sleep." He mutters, his tone serious and angry. "You will do no such thing, El. Now go..."
     "Stop calling me that." I demand, pushing his hand away from me. "I can not believe you right now. I can't believe you were a gangster leader, cheated on mom, broke Michael and I apart, changed my name, and lied to me my entire life." I mutter, his eyes filling up with tears at my harsh words.
     "Ana, I did it for your own good. These boys are bad people. You're not one of them and you will never be. Michael..."
     "I don't wanna hear it." I interrupt, turning around and beginning my exit only to stop and turn around one last time. "Oh, and on weekends from now on, I'm not sleeping here...not with you in the house." I add before going up the stairs and to the bathroom to take a shower.
     'I already can't wait to see them.'

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