Chapter 11: Payback

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"You what?!" Lucy exclaims as I put my books away for lunch. I quickly turn to her and hold a finger up to my lips, hinting her loudness.
"God, quiet down. It's nothing to really get that excited about." I reply, slamming my locker and walking besides her towards the cafeteria.
"Uh yeah sure." She replies sarcastically making me crack a smile. "Damn, does your fist hurt?" She asks holding up the hand that was slightly red and swollen from the impact.
"A little bit, but nothing to worry about." I reply, pulling my hand away from her grasp as we take a seat at our table. As soon as I do though, I'm surprised by someone slamming their hand on my shoulder.
"Damn El! Look at you kicking Jacks asses!" Roger congratulates, making me jump a bit at the suddenness.
"Shut the fuck up Rog. God you're so loud." Freddie growls, bonking the blonde on the head with the back of his hand.
"He saw you're face though didn't he?" John asks, taking a seat next to me.
"I mean, for a split second yes but why does that matter?" I ask looking up at Freddie who was hovering over me.
"Hey, can you boys go fuck around somewhere else? We're trying to enjoy our meal here." Lucy interrupts, flashing an annoyed expression their way.
"Shut it Watterson. Look dear, part of the competition was to...uh, not show the other gang the girls' faces so that, um, they don't cheat and add the same girl to their list." He replies nervously. Lucy rolls her eyes at his response before digging into her sandwich.
"Um...okay I guess." I reply, lowering my head and gently stroking my still sore wrist.
"Hey, nice tat love. Great choice." Roger compliments, brushing the hair on the back of my head away to catch a glimpse of the fresh ink.
"Like I had a choice." I scoff, taking a bite of the apple Lucy packs but never eats. 'Did he just call me love?'
"Ah Ah Ah, no talking back dear." Freddie reminds, leaning against the table and pulling a sly smile. I let out a sigh and slightly shake my head towards Lucy who nods hers in return.
"Oooooooooo, Britney Hans 10 o'clock. She missed her appointment with me the other day." John announces, locking eyes with a blonde before getting up and going towards her.
"Oh shit, she's in trouble." Brian replies, shaking his head as John talks to her angrily.
"Anyways," Roger sighs, looking down at me with a grin. "We'll pick you up at 8 tonight. See you then love." He says, gently pulling my hair back over my tattoo before exiting the scene with Brian and Freddie. A shiver runs up my spine at the sensation of his touch leaving my skin.
"Hmmm, what do they got you into tonight?" Lucy asks as they walk out of earshot.
"Oh, a little payback is all. Nothing too bad I hope." I reply with a nervous laugh before taking another bite of my apple. 'God do I hope.'


"Dad, I'm going out. I'll be back a bit late." I announce as I pull my boots on and fluff my hair in front of the mirror.
"Hmmm, where're you heading off to?" He asks, leaning against the door frame to the living room as I take one last look in the mirror.
"A girl named Lucy's house." I lie, smiling his way before pulling a light jacket on. He smiles back before waving me goodbye as I open the door.
"Have fun." Is all I hear before slamming the door and hurrying out of the house towards the parked car outside my house. I quickly climb into the back next to, this time, Roger and Brian.
"Press the gas Fred." Brian demands before the leader slams the gas petal, sending us straight towards the school that the Jacks go to.
"Hello my love." Roger whispers in my ear before pressing a kiss against my jawline.
"Hey! Wait your turn Taylor." John mutters, turning back around towards the front of the vehicle. Roger just glared at him before locking eyes with me again. I could feel my heart begin to flutter at his touch again. 'God, he kissed me.'
"Don't worry darling, I'll have you in no time." He whispers, followed by a wink and a pearly grin. Pressing my lips together, I push back a piece of hair before turning back to face the surrounding scenery. 'They're so lucky they have a convertible.'
     "What're we gonna do anyways?" I ask Freddie from the back seat. His eyes avert to the rear view mirror, locking with mine.
     "We're just gonna give them a taste of their own medicine. They shouldn't have done that to you. That's against the rules." He explains, continuing down the road towards their school.
I nod my head in understanding before returning to the twilight sky.
     'Why am I excited? This is so illegal, and if I get caught, my dad will have my head.' I swallow nervously before taking a deep breath and pushing all those bad thoughts out of my head.
     We arrive in front of the fairly large academy before climbing out and following them towards the entrance. The freeze in their tracks as they realize the doors are locked.
     "Deaky," Freddie starts, holding out his hand. "Paper clip." He demands while John stared nervously at his empty palm.
     "I, left it in the house..." he mumbles, looking down to avoid Freddie's glare.
     "I told you specifically to bring the paper clip!" He mutters angrily, shoving his hand back in his pocket. I try my best not to laugh as they all begin to argue.
     "You guys would be lost without me." I giggle, flipping my hair to the right before pulling a bobby pin from behind my ear. They all watch in confusion as I bend down and insert the pin into the key slot. I jiggle it a bit before the door swings open, revealing our way in.
     "She's incredible." I hear Roger whisper behind me as we all enter the dark, abandoned building.

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