Chapter 6: Explanation

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We both make our way to our lockers before joining the rest of the students on their way to 1st and 2nd period. Lucy didn't seem to have many friends, I've noticed, as we take our seats in the Science Lab. People just stared and snickered at her. I could see why though.
While other girls had beautiful blonde waves and colorful clothing, she wore black makeup to go with her brunette hair and green eyes. She was still rather beautiful though.
"Okay class, the first 15 minutes of class will be spent on partner work. Find a partner and try and solve this worksheet I'm about to give you." Mrs. Anderson announces while passing out the 10 problem sheet over the elements of the periodic table.
     I turn around to eye Lucy who nods her head in return. 'At least I'll be partnered up with someone more civilized.'
     "Alright, 15 minutes starts now." She says allowing everyone in the room to grow loud in conversation. I turn around and face Lucy who was twirling her pencil between her fingers.
     "Okay, I can work all these out while you talk to me." I say bringing my paper over to her desk to examine. She nods her head and leans in close so no one would hear us.
     "First things first, did you get your name put into the list?" She whispers while I tried to remember what atomic number Gold was.
     "Alright, I hate to break it to you Eleanor, but...seeing how quickly they got to you, it looks like you aren't gonna be normal for awhile," She sighs, doodling on the corner of her assignment. "They tend to be with a girl for a short amount of time to see if they actually like her or not. I was lucky enough to only get a one time thing with Roger." She adds allowing me to look up to meet her eyes. "Wait, did he fuck you already?" She whispers as my face beams red with embarrassment.
     "Shhh, no he didn't. He just fingered me and I must say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was." I reply, getting closer to her as the two next to us started to eye us awkwardly.
     "Oh darling of course. He's like magic I swear. I absolutely loved him..." she pauses in mid sentence, heaving a sigh. "until the day he left me for some blonde a grade above me. She graduated but that didn't phase him. He just went on with the next girl who I believe was a freshman." She says, my eyes growing wide with shock at her words.
     "Wow, that's terrible. So, wait, how do no adults know about this?" I ask, wanting to know more about how I could get myself out of this mess.
     "Well, a few know but they can't do anything about it. They'll kill you if you told any authorities. They've done it before too. But don't let that worry you. Almost every girl that's graduated from here has been with them and is now living a perfectly fine life somewhere else." She replies, nibbling the end of her pencil.
     "But why? Why do they do this?" I ask, looking over to the four boys huddled around one another in deep conversation.
     "Well, south of London, there's another gang: The Jackson 5. They're their worst enemy. Apparently, there's a competition going around that the gang with the most signatures get the dirt lot on the other side of town. The place is huge and great for just hanging out. Brian brought me there once, it's pretty nice."
     "The Jackson 5?" I repeat, the name rolling off my tongue.
     "Yeah, a bunch of African American kids from Wales. I actually find them pretty cute if I was being honest. But apparently, the man who originally started the gang moved away and handed it off to his son Michael. But I don't know, it was just something I heard." She explains, looking over at the stupid boys laughing and whispering to each other.
     "Oh my god. So, what should I do?" I ask in a desperate, shaky tone. She turns her head to meet my eyes.
     "Do as they say, and don't die." She replies in a tone that I knew was honest and a bit sarcastic at the same time. My heart sank at her words. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to do as they said either. 'If they were serious enough to actually kill me than, god I don't know.'

     The bell rang for lunch, thank god. I haven't encountered them once today so far. Sure, I've seen them but they didn't seem to notice me at all.
     "Hey, c'mon. We can sit at the empty table over there." Lucy says, tapping my arm as I come out of my daze.
     "Oh yeah...right." I reply, following her to the empty table I sat at yesterday. We take a seat across from each other on the rectangle table.
     "So, lets start with each member," She starts, taking out a sandwich from her lunchbox. "Freddie, the leader and drug addict. I think I've only done marijuana with him, but that's all. I'm not sure what's he's gonna do to you though. Um, what else, oh, do not disobey him. He might actually slit your throat." She says swallowing her bite while I could barely chew mine.
     "You've probably seen their tattoos on their necks. Um, I think Brian does tattoos with you sometimes. I've never had one but other girls have. Okay, Brian. You never know what you're gonna do with him. He's like the mystery toy in your cereal box, you just don't know. Lets see, I've done some parties with him and maybe slept with him once. He's alright but gets jealous easily so don't get too close with any other member except him."
     "John, he's more of the quiet type. But like the silent bomb sort of thing. He looks all cute on the outside but boy has he done some fucked up things in his life. I sprayed painted a few trains and shop lifted with him. We sometimes used to smoke behind the school around 4th period. I don't know, but he's a bit nicer than the rest."
     "Oh Roger Taylor, the stupid one. He's not that smart when it comes to almost anything. For instance, he may or may not have fucked his own cousin at a party on accident. Anyways, um, you'll have fun with him. He's great with sex, maybe a little too great. I don't know, I fell for him first is all I can tell you," She says as I slowly peeked behind her to find the four boys. 'God, Roger was so cute why did he have to be an asshole to everyone?' "Hey, are you listening?" She asks turning around to eye the boys horsing around one another.
     "What? Oh yeah, I'm listening." I reply taking my eyes off the now three boys. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as to why Roger was suddenly gone.
     "Don't tell me you've already fell for one. C'mon, which one is it?" She sighs as my face turns red with embarrassment. Her eyes suddenly avert above me before a feeling a shiver run up my spine.
     "Hey there beautiful. Did you miss me?" I here a rather high voice whisper in my ear. Rogers hands crawl around my waist while his front was pressed up against my back. "I see you've met Lucy. How are you dear?" He asks, still gently stroking my waist. Lucy raises an eyebrow before snatching her lunch and grabbing ahold of my wrist, pulling me up from my seat.
     I turn my head to find Roger with his arms crossed and his lips formed into a small smirk. "I'm doing just fine Rog. Now, if you'd excuse us, she'd like some time without you." She says, yanking my arm towards the exit and down the hall, leaving the blonde alone.

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