Chapter 2: The Walk

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The first couple of periods were completed allowing me to finally head off to lunch. I decide to go with only an apple since I wasn't that hungry before heading over to an empty table. I had brought some homework we had started today so I began to work on that while eating my lunch.
I start to hear some loudness coming from a few tables away from me. Glancing up from my paper, I find those four dumb boys laughing and talking to some other girls.
I watch as the curly haired one grabs a girl by her waist before whispering to her. She  turns a bit pale before he crashed his lips on hers while the other boys hollered and cheered.
"Oooooooh Bri! I didn't know you added her to the list." Freddie remarks before taking a seat two tables away from me.
"Seriously? I didn't add that bitch, she added herself." He replies secretly opening a can of beer and taking a sip from it. "Shouldn't of tried to say no to me." He adds allowing the others to laugh and shake their heads.
"Hey I got another the other day. Her name Julia." The blonde says taking the can from the curly haired and taking a gulp. "But mate," He says allowing them to huddle close. "We fucked 3 times already." He mumbles in a loud enough tone so I heard as the others all exaggerated and cheered once more.
Suddenly, the blonde turns and looks at me allowing me to quickly look back down at my calculus homework. I see him from the corner of my eye smile before whispering to the others who then looked at me as well.
Thankfully, the the warning bell rang, permitting me to gather my stuff and hurry back towards me locker. I quickly toss my apple cord in the trash before opening my locker and pulling out some books for the next period.


Finally, the bell rang. All the students, including myself, get up from their seats and make our way towards the door and then the lockers.
Opening my locker, a black envelope falls out and floats to the ground. The girl next to me sees the note before gasping and going back to her own business.
I cock an eyebrow in confusion as to why she got so scared before picking it up and placing it in my backpack along with the rest of my studies, deciding I would open it later.
Hurrying down the hall, I open the doors leading me to the fresh London air. As soon as students were out of the building, some either began to smoke or do immature things.
Making my way down the sidewalk, I notice the four boys racing toward a black convertible with a word on the side. I squint my eyes to get a better look only to find it said, "Queens."
'Odd name for a gang.'
The long brown hair and curly haired take a seat in the back while the blonde slipped some sunglasses on and took the front seat. Freddie climbed into the passenger before the car started and drove off, thankfully in a different way than I was going.
I hurry into my house and upstairs to my room. Landing on my bed, I heave a deep sigh in relief of the first day being over.
"El!" My mom hollers from downstairs allowing my head to shoot up in curiosity.
"What!" I reply sitting up from my bed, waiting for her response.
"Can you walk over to the bakery?! I need you to pick up a loaf of bread!" She says allowing me to get up and make my way to the stairs.
"Yeah..." I reply heading down the stairs to meet her in the kitchen.
"Here's some money." She says handing me 5 pounds before going back to her conversation on the phone.
I take it and make my way outside towards downtown which was only 4 blocks. I needed the fresh air anyways. As I finish a block, I notice it getting darker than usual meaning it would probably be dark when I start to walk back.
Finally reaching the edge of town, I hurry into the bakery to find it surprisingly full. Sighing, I take my place in line and wait for the customers in front of me to receive their orders.
As the last customer before me left, I asked for my order and handed him the bill. Taking the bag, I receive my change and make my way outside back on the sidewalk.
It was twilight outside with only the cars and traffic lights illuminating the streets. Walking back, every time I passed a street light, I was scared of something I couldn't see in the dark. That was until I noticed a pair of headlights that had been behind me for a unnervingly long time.
Turning halfway, I see the familiar black car close to me on the road. 'God Damn it.' I quicken my pace as I hear them calling after me.
"Hey new girl! Where do'ya think you're going?" One of them yells followed by a cat call. I continue to walk until they suddenly speed up to pass me only to pull over next to an alleyway that I was about to pass.
I see four silhouettes exit the car and wait for me as I annoyingly approach them. I find I have no way of escape without crossing the busy road to do so.
"Well well, funny to find you here." Freddie laughs before taking a drag of his cigarette and blowing it towards me as I stop only a few feet away from them.
"Funny indeed. What d'you want?" I ask wanting nothing but to just go home. The blonde lets out a small chuckle before lighting a cigarette of his own and blowing it in my face.
"Oh darling you received a black invite. You know what that means don't you?" Roger asks in a sarcastic yet rather serious tone.
"Clearly I don't so why don't you all tell me then." I reply sarcastically back allowing them all to be rather surprised before exchanging looks with each other.
The curly hair boy bites his bottom lip before approaching me and leaning close to my ear. "It means you belong to us now."

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