Chapter 27: Bait

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     "What d'you mean you fucking lost him!?" Freddie yells at the brunette who was slightly shaking in fear of what Freddie was capable of.
     "Seriously though deaks, how can you lose a whole person in a ginormous lot?" Roger butts in which Freddie didn't take too nicely.
     "Shut up, Taylor. John, explain yourself." He says, crossing his arms as the brunette shutters uneasily.
     "I had asked him everything I thought we needed and on the way back, when we were driving past his neighborhood, he jumped out of the fucking car and ran into the area where people were. I lost sight of him through the crowd and didn't want to cause a scene while looking so I drove home." He stammers, hugging his arms to try to hide his nervousness. I look over at Roger to see his reaction but only find him lighting himself a cigarette.
     "Okay okay," Freddie sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You were right to at least try and not cause a scene but you could've done a better job of securing him."  He finishes, heaving another sigh as he does so.
     "So what'd we do now?" Brian asks, resting his arms on the back of the couch and eyeing everyone questionably.
     "Well, what could he possibly do next?" I ask, looking at Freddie who was pacing back and forth stressfully.
     "He could rumble us again, he could kill us, he could steal you, he could blackmail us, he could do anything Ana!" He snaps resulting in Roger getting upset.
     "Hey! Don't talk to her like that." Roger barks back allowing Freddie to whip his head around to glare at the angered blonde.
"You don't get to tell me shit, Rog." He mutters before going back to pacing angrily.
"Why don't I just sacrifice myself?" I suggest getting odd looks from all four of them. "What?"
"Are you mad? You're the most wanted gangster in London. If they get you, you either die or get turned in." John replies in an almost offended tone.
"Right but no one even knew I was even alive until a week ago." I reply getting Freddie's attention.
"I mean, it's not a bad idea." He replies in a casual tone that threw Roger off and made him even more upset.
"Have you lost your head as well? We can't just toss her to the enemy like she's nothing!" He snaps at the leader who just sighs and pretends to listen to the pesky blonde.
"Yeah, she doesn't know how to properly fight or even use a gun." Brian adds, allowing my mood to turn sour at his words.
"Then teach me for gods sake!" I scoff, regaining their focus on me and giving them the idea to contemplate. "I did use a gun on them once and I did tackle Michael to get him over here but if you guys think I'm not ready...then teach me." I repeat, crossing my arms and pulling the most serious expression that I could.
"I mean, we could..."
"Shut it Brian, you don't know shit." Roger snaps at the member who just rolls his eyes in return.
"Okay both of you shut it." Freddie shushes the two boys as he continues to think. Out of nowhere, he pulls out a switchblade and flicks it my way. Not knowing what happened, I open my eyes to find the blade pointing at me only 2 inches away from my face.
"Holy shit." Roger whispers as I lower the knife and release my held breath.
" did you fucking do that?" Brian stutters as I fold my knife and toss it back to Freddie.
"I...I dunno." I whisper, stepping back and crossing my shaky arms.
"She doesn't need us...we need her." John says to Freddie who was nodding in approval while his eyes scanned me. He then takes a few steps towards me until we were only about a foot away from one another.
     "You think you can do it?" He mumbles, his alcohol breath gently hitting my face.
     "I know I can."


I walk out of the car that was parked behind a house close to theirs. The porch light was on and already screaming is heard from inside. I was probably 20 feet away from the house although it felt like 5.
I give them a thumbs up before going over to their fence and hopping over it. Pressing myself against the house, I could hear Michael yelling and the sound of plates being smashed. I was planning an entrance they wouldn't suspect.
As I pass the window, I continue to sneak around until I was out back where I had escaped earlier. Looking up at the roof, I sigh before climbing on the piles of rotted wooden logs and pulling myself up onto the small roof.
The darkness kept me hidden as the roughhousing in the house was still continuing. I look up at the window where I jumped from previously when I was here.
It wasn't that high up, I could maybe jump to reach it. And so I did. Jumping up, I grasp the window sill and use all the strength I had to hold myself up with one hand while I used the other one to open the window and crawl through.
My heart pounded as I stood in the dark room. Closing the window, I look over at the room I was in. A chair stood by the desk, giving me an idea. This looked like Michaels room so taking a playboy magazine, I turn the chair so I face the opened door and took a seat in it comfortably.
"You guys are useless!" I hear my brother shout before stomping is heard coming up the stairs. 'Perfect.' I think, opening the magazine and crossing my legs as his footsteps come closer.
He turns on the light, illuminating the room before he harshly slams the door. He was in his usual leather and his hair was as curly as ever.
He sits down on his bed, burying his face in his hands while I tried to contain my laughter. Finally opening my mouth, I say, "rough night?"
He raises his head quickly to find me peaking over the magazine with a smile on my face. As swift as air, he pulls out a pocket knife and holds it up to my neck as I slowly lower the issue and place it on the desk.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He growls, his eyes filled with both anger and confusion.
"Y'know, you should really lock your windows. Being a gang and all." I say casually as I slowly push the knife away from my neck.
"W...why are you here?" He mutters as I get up from the chair and unnecessarily dust off my jeans.
"Why are you here?" I ask back, getting his jaw to clench. "What is it you want...Michael?"
"I already told I want you to accomplish goals with me. I want you and I to take back justice and kill our father." He says, slowly stepping closer to me. "I need your help, Ana."
"I won't help you Michael. I've come to tell you that I won't fight you anymore. I don't exist to you anymore." I say coldly only get a small laugh from him in return.
"You think it's that easy to leave me?" He chuckles, continuing to walk towards me until I bumped into a wall, his body cornering me.
"I'm not afraid of you." I remind, only making his smile wider. Reaching in his pocket, he pulls out a small black box. It wasn't too small, almost like a bracelet box.
"You should be." He mutters, handing me the box and taking my other hand before dragging me behind him out of the room and down the stairs.
"Stop it! Let me go!" I resist, trying to pull away but he was too strong. I end up downstairs where the others were. The sight of all of them around me scared me.
"Well well well," Jackie sings as Michael continues to grasp my hand while the other one continue to hold the mysterious box. "Look who came running back."
"Shut the fuck up, I never came back for you..." I snap back only to get a slap in return.
"Don't you talk to my brother like that you bitch." Marlon orders as my cheek stings at the sensation. My eyes move over to a nearby window as the others talked above me.
A crack was seen between two shutters that looked out of the front of the house. There, I could see the car behind the building and the silhouettes of the men.
They saw me almost immediately and before I knew it, their apparitions begin to move towards the house. I shake my head at them, showing I could take them, but they didn't listen.
"What should her punishment be, Michael?" Jermaine hums as he traces my face with the side of his finger.
     "You guys won't lay a fucking finger on her!" He snaps at his mate as he jerked me away from their grasp. "She's all mine." He chirps, looking down at me as I showed a face of fear.
     "Are you out of your fucking mind, Mike? You can't fuck your own sister." Marlon scolds at the leader who continued to smile as he held me close to him. I squirm, hoping I could escape his grasp but he had me good.
     "Yeah, yeah I am fucking out of my damn mind!" I shouts with a psychopathic smile on his face. "Now all I have to do is kill those fucking queens and she's all mine." He laughs, pulling out a knife and holding it to my face so I turned to face him.
     "Now aren't you just the luckiest girl in the world?" He whispers, his alcoholic breath hitting my slightly parted, and quivering, lips.
     " wouldn't." I mumble, holding my pose as his smile grows bigger.
     "Oh...but I would and I will. I just gotta get rid of your little boyfriend and then everything will be okay. I promise." He whispers seductively before pressing his lips on mine in which I quickly pulled away from.
     "You're disgusting! It wasn't about power all along!" I spat at him only making him press the knife harder against my skin, almost making it break.
     Glancing towards the window, I see no silhouettes meaning they could be here any moment. I had to kill some time first.

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