Chapter 30: The Return

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"R..." I was speechless. He was a blonde, a very familiar blonde but I wasn't him. " you're not real..." I mutter, stepping back as he stepped forward.
"Ana, look it's me. I'll explain everything to you, I promise just, let me in please." The man pleads as my eyes begin to water and my mood turns sour.
" fake...your death...and expect me to let my house?" I stammer, running my hands through my hair as I regathered my thoughts.
"Oh for crying out loud." He whispers, taking my hand with his ring on it and dragging my jelly body into the house. "Ana, I'm not dead, I promise, let me explain..."
"You're not real.'re dead, right?" I ask him as he holds my hands in his. "This is a dream."
"It's not a dream. Look, when I fell over that ledge, did you hear a splash?" He asks, my lips quivering as I tried to remember the horrid night. Now that I thought about it though, I didn't. "Exactly, I didn't fall, I was able to catch myself on a bar under the bridge. I had hit my head and was trying to stay alert while you continued to fight from above but, then you all thought I died...even Michael."
"Now if I had given myself away that I was alive, he would try to kill me all over again. So, I had to convince everyone that was no longer alive."
     "How could you?" I interrupt, tears streaming down my face. "I mourned over you, I cried everyday, I had actual pain, Roger. Do you know what that was like?" I cry silently, cupping my face as he purses his lips together.
     "Oh my darling, gang life is much harder than you intended it to be, hmm?" He whisper, reaching his arms out and pulling me into a hug that I gladly returned despite my anger.
     "I also almost quit the gang because of you." I cry into his chest, his scent bringing life to me once again as I continued to weep.
     "Oh darling darling, I'm so sorry but I was doing it for the sake of ever seeing you again. If I would've climbed back up in the state I was in, I would've been dead right then and there." He explains, gently swaying me back and forth while peppering me with kisses.
     "Roger...?" I breathe, lifting my head and looking up at him. "Tell me you love me. Look into my eyes and tell me you love me." I whisper, my eyes glossy as they pierce into his. He lets out a shaky sigh at my words before taking his hands and cupping my face.
"Diana Jackson, I love you. I love you more than any girl I've ever seen in my life. I love you more than the gang. I love you more than myself. I love you more than the air we breathe for gods sake, I love you the most and only you." He says while keeping his gaze on me the entire time. 'He was telling the truth.'
"Shhhhhh baby, let just show you." He whispers, leaning in and gently pressing his lips onto mine. I kiss him back, the usual sensation of his lips is felt, bringing me great comfort. "Oh my dear, I've missed you."
"Oh god Roger, I've missed you too." I reply, raising my hands and tangling them in his wild hair. "Mm, wait where have you been living the past week?" I ask, breaking the kiss and looking deep into his eyes.
"There's a gang down south and I have a very close friend there. He helped me recover for bit and even let me stay in his crackhouse." He explains, can't helping but smile. "Everyday I was in that house, Ana, I thought about you and only you. I then thought since it was a weekday, you'd be at home. Unfortunately the only way I could get to you was at night so I apologize if I looked like an intruder."
     "Roger Taylor, you could be any man in the world it wouldn't change the way I feel about you. I love you and want to be with you forever." I mumble, gently pressing pieces of blonde away from his face.
     "Don't you worry darling, very soon, everything will be back to normal...I promise."

To be continued...

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