Chapter 9: Message

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     "Alright darling. See you tomorrow then we'll all have the whole weekend to ourselves." Freddie says followed by a wink while the others snickered.
     I stumble out of the car and make my way to my front door but not before waving them goodbye. 'If I'm being completely honest, I'm beginning to like those boys.'
"Oh El, getting too close to your heart again." I mumble to myself before creaking the door open and setting my bag on the ground. I notice the lights in the living room on as I make my way past it.
"Oh, hey El." I hear a deep voice greet as I enter the living room with a big smile on my face.
"Hi dad." I reply, looking down at my feet with my hands clasped behind my back. He sat on the couch, still in his suit, with a smile painted on his face.
"So uh, what've you been doing lately. I saw a car drop you off. Are they your friends?" He asks crossing his legs and leaning back against the cushioned sofa.
"You could say that." I reply, feeling a bit off about the whole conversation that had just sprouted out of no where.
     "Couldn't help but see that they're all boys. Am I wrong?" He asks reaching over to the coffee table and grabbing a bottle of beer before taking a sip. I shuffle my feet and try my best to avoid his eyes.
     "No, their just friends and I...enjoy being around them." I say stuttering through my sentence. He nods his head and stands up before slowly approaching me. Looking into my uneasy eyes, he rests a hand on my shoulder.
"You know I love you right?" He mumbles. 'Oh boy, here comes his little pep talk.'
"Of course." I reply, trying my best not to screw up anything I say.
"Then I think it's best if maybe you stay away from boys, especially ones who you are now friends with. Go find some girls to be around. Boys are weird to be friends with, especially if you're a girl. Understand Elle?" He asks squeezing my shoulder sympathetically. I try my best to force a smile before nodding my head up and down.
     "Okay dad. I'm going to bed. Good night." I say pivoting my stance and making my way towards the hallway leading to my room. 'I'm 18. I shouldn't have to be treated like I'm 10.'
     I collapse on my bed and notice the card still there. Lifting it up, I read the verse over and over again. Love, Queen.
I let out a sorrowful sigh. 'Why do I miss them right now?' I look down at my wrist with Lucy's number on it. Taking out a pen and paper, I write everything down before it fades off.
"Ugh, I just wanna see them tomorrow. They have been the only exciting thing since the move." I mumble to myself, rolling over so I was facing the ceiling. "I wonder if they miss me too."
Before my mind could wonder any further, I get up and change into pajamas before crawling back into bed. I turn my lamp off and try my best to fall asleep without having those boys pop into my mind.


"Right, gotta go mom. Bye!" I say to my mother before racing out the door towards the sidewalk that lead to the school. Walking on the paved path, my heart happily hummed to the thought of seeing Queen today.
As I reach the school, I see their car already parked in its usual place. I follow the rest of the students into the school and make my way down the hall.
As I approach my locker, I notice a group of students surrounding it. Pulling a puzzled expression, I hurry towards the crowd and try my best to shove passed them.
Finally barging passed the classmates, I notice paint all over the front of my locker. In red letters, there stood a message.
You can't hide from us forever. We'll get ya one of these days. -Jackson 5
"Aye, move it. What's going on?" I here a voice behind me ask. I turn around to find Roger and the rest of the gang eyeing the locker nervously. "Fred, get a look at this."
Freddie appears from within the audience and reads the message. "Those fucking Jacks." He mutters turning around to face the still thick crowd. "Alright nothing to see here. Quit staring and let us take care of this." He announces allowing the people to slowly walk away from the scene.
"How'd they even get into the school to write it?" Brian asks, taking a finger and swiping a bit of the paint off.
"Oh they're fucking asking for it." Freddie mutters in return, taking a paper towel and smearing the words. "Gang, tonight we're gonna show them Jacks who owns that lot." He announces, tossing the napkin in a nearby trash can. "El, you're coming with us."
"Good, cause I need something fun to do tonight." I reply, pulling a smile as the others eye my puzzlingly.
"Never heard a girl of ours say that before. Lucky we got to her first." John says, smiling back.
"Oh, Bri, it's your turn to have her today. She's all yours." Freddie announces allowing my smile to slowly fade at the remembrance of their little cycle.
"Lovely, you and I are gonna skip first and second." He says grabbing my hand and hurrying down the hall towards the exit. As we reach the outside, I turn to face him.
"So, what do you wanna do first?" I ask, scanning the scenery and avoiding his eyes.
"You need a tattoo."
"I...what?!" I reply, unsure of what he was saying. "I can't get a tattoo! That shit's permanent!" I exclaim, walking beside him to the car.
"What'd we say about swearing, love?" He recalls, allowing me to shut my mouth.
"Right, Sorry." I reply, climbing into the passenger seat and fastening my seatbelt. A smile spreads across his face before starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot towards the tattoo parlor.

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now