Chapter 5: Friend

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     He allowed me to sit in the front seat before driving off towards my house. "You better not look out the window or else you're gonna get fucked up by Freddie." He warns allowing me to avert my eyes from the window to my hands resting in my lap.
     The rest of the ride was quiet. I didn't know we were in my neighborhood until I heard the usual dog barking near my house. He pulls the car over and waits a bit as I sit with the door still locked.
     He then turns to face me, his blue eyes piercing my soul. "You understand the rules right?" He asks resulting in me nodding my head in return. "Good, gimme a kiss before you leave." He adds sitting patiently as I awkwardly scoot closer to him before pressing a casual kiss on his small lips.
With a look of satisfaction, he pulls a small smile before unlocking the doors, allowing me to escape from the the vehicle and make my way to the house.
So many questions were spiraling through my head as I hurry to the door and find the house dark. 'They must be asleep already,' I think to myself before kicking off my shoes and quietly making my way to my room.
     Laying down on my bed, I began to silently cry. 'What did I get myself into? How can four high school boys take over my life in not even 24 hours?'
     Not only did I feel lonely, I felt trapped. These guys were gangsters and could kill me if they wanted to. The only thing that bothered me was the fact I...was maybe starting to grow feelings towards the blonde. Not only was he incredibly handsome, he looked so caring from afar.
     'Who am I kidding?! He basically raped me, sorta.' I raise my head from my pillow and hold my wrist up to my eyes. The burn mark was already beginning to scab before permanently becoming a marking on my body.
     'I wonder how many other girls they have. I only saw a few other names on that page but there were so many pages before that. God, why me?! I'm probably the most unattractive person to ever live in London.'
     'He said something else though, how I was special and to be careful with. What is that supposed to mean?'
     All these questions made my head hurt until I passed out from exhaustion.


My alarm rang throughout my room while I slowly opened my eyes. Turning it off, I go over to my clothes and pick out an outfit. I pull on my jeans and blouse before remembering something.
Averting my eyes to my bag, I see the little slip of black envelope peeking out through the slot. 'I totally forgot about that.'
I bend down at retrieve the small letter from the boys. Opening it, I find a familiar cover card inside.
To Eleanor
'How reassuring'
Although having you in my way was the worst part of my day, I'm intrigued by you and ask for you to meet me by the alleyway at midnight.
Love, Queen
'This is awful. I can't believe I went there in the first place and had Roger...' I couldn't even finish my thought after the image of his actions bloomed in my mind.
"Ugh! Just when I was beginning to like him too!" I muttered to myself before chucking the card on my bed and grabbing my bag. Racing down the stairs, I find my mom drinking her coffee and reading the newspaper.
She looks up to meet my eyes before flashing a small smile. "Hello dear. What time did you come home? You look tired." She notices pointing to her under eyes as if they were mine.
"Oh, not too late. Um, the bakery had to close early due to a little problem so I couldn't get the bread last night." I lie, looking through my bag to avoid her look.
     "That's alright. I'll just fetch a loaf today. Hopefully you'll be here today to see your father. He left early this morning." She explains, flipping the page of her newspaper.
Nodding my head, I then look over to the clock hanging on the wall reading 7:40. "Well, I should get going." I say, excusing myself towards the door before exiting through it.
Finally finding my way outside, I begin the walk to the place where I would encounter the four horrible boys. I look down at my wrist. The small circle still laid, forever holding its place upon my fair skin.
"Fuck you Roger Taylor..." I mutter under my breath before going back to paying attention to the path ahead of me. The more I thought about what he had done to me, the more I hated him and I didn't really want to hate him. He looked and acted a bit different than the others. Although, I could be easily mistaken.
     My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sight of students and the school. Breathing a sigh, I trudge on until I reached the entrance which was when I quickly headed for the ladies room.
     'Thank god for privacy.' I watch as girls apply makeup to their tired faces and exchange compliments between each other. One girl stood out though. She was brunette with rather short hair and pretty dark makeup. She wasn't talking to the other girls who applied bright colors to their faces.
     Avoiding eye contact with any of them, I proceed to take a stand in front of the large, lit mirror which so happened to be next to the girl. Setting my bag down, I take out a tube of mascara and begin to swipe it along my lashes. As I do so though, I see her look down at my wrist with the marking.
     "How'd they get to you already?" She asks out of nowhere allowing me to turn my head to face her. She was rather prettier up close. Her green eyes stuck out from her dark appearance.
"I...I'm sorry?" I ask, my face turning red with embarrassment.
"That's what that is right? Don't be shy, most girls here have it, including myself." She says, sliding her sleeve up to reveal a similar looking spot on her wrist except hers is more faded. My eyes grow wide in shock at the coincidence.
"Um, yeah. did you know?" I ask, confused. Out of curiosity, I look passed her at the other girls only to find, the same markings on their bare wrists.
"Oh darling, this is only the beginning. It's gonna get worse before it gets any better. Believe me, I went through the same shit you're about to be dragged through." She explains, batting her midnight lashes at my startled eyes. "I'm Lucy by the way." She adds, shrugging her shoulders at her name.
"Eleanor, but do call me El. did you get put into all of this?" I ask, wanting to know as much as possible of the gang who I 'now belonged to.'
She heaves a sigh at my question before placing her makeup back in her bag. "You sit in front of me in first period, right?" She asks, dodging my question with another. I nod my head in return before stashing away my own makeup. "I can explain as much as I can there, then we can continue at lunch."

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now