Chapter 7: The Lot

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"Okay, here's my home phone number and this is my address. If you wanna hang or something, call me." Lucy Days, writing a series of words and numbers on my arm with a black pen.
"Will do. Thanks again Lucy." I reply, flashing a smile her way.
"No worries El. See you tomorrow." She says with a shrug before waving me goodbye and going over to her locker.
Still smiling, I turn around to face my opened locker only to find Freddie standing in front of it.
"You should've told us you had a nickname. Much easier than Eleanor, I must say." He says flashing a toothy smile before lighting a cigarette in between his lips.
"Only my friends call me El. You, don't get to call me that." 'God damn it! That was the wrong thing to say!'
"We'll see about that. So El, the boys and I were gonna hang around in this one lot outside London. You're coming with us." He says, blowing a cloud of smoke into my face resulting in me coughing.
"I...can try and...make it dads coming home and I'm supposed to...see him today." I reply in between coughs. He just lets out a cheeky laugh at my response before taking another puff.
"Awww, are you daddy's girl? How sweet, you're still coming with us." He says, moving away from my locker, passed me. "Don't be long, the car's waiting up front." He adds before going towards the other boys at the other end of the hall.
"Asshole." I whisper to myself before shoving all my books in my locker and only packing my assignments. Zipping it up, I shut my locker and hurry down the hall after them.        
     Reaching the doors, I find the car parked in front like he said. I watch as I few people stare and point at me as I make my way to the car shamefully.
     Brian offers a hand before I take it and climb my way into the vehicle. Roger presses the gas allowing the car to speed forward towards this 'lot.'
     "How was your day today darling?" Brian asks, twirling a lock of my hair around his finger. I say in between John and Brian and boy were they close.
     "It was fine." I reply shyly, tucking my arms inward, as far away from them as possible.
     "She was talking to Lucy at lunch today." Roger adds, allowing all three of them to turn and eye me badly.
     "Lucy Watterson? Why?" John replies, furrowing his eyebrows at me.
     "Don't know. Probably said a bunch of bad things about us, right darling?" Says Roger, eyeing me through the rear view mirror. His blue eyes pierced me before I lowered my head nervously.
     I don't say anything. I don't want to say the wrong thing that could hurt either side. I hear Brian heave a sigh before reaching in his coat pocket and pulling a switchblade out.
     "He asked you a question." He mutters holding the knife up to my raised neck.
     "She didn't say anything bad I swear." I reply, swallowing hard in fear of the blade slicing my neck.
     "You're a terrible liar." Brian scoffs, pressing the knife harder against the skin.
     "Alright alright!" I say allowing him to stop. "The only thing she explained was how you guys are making a list and competing against another gang called the Jackson 5." I add, holding my hand up and pushing his hand away from my throat.
     "Jesus Christ that woman. I thought I told her to keep her fucking mouth shut." Freddie mutters, massaging his stressed temples. "Darling whatever she says, don't listen to her. You belong to us now and the Jackson 5 can't hurt you." He says reassuringly but, I didn't feel reassured. I felt fucking confused.
I nod my head and go back to looking down at my lap. The car comes to a stop allowing me to look up at the dull scenery. It was dusk, so the sun was sitting on the horizon and the clouds scattered across the purple sky.
I get out and follow the boys across the gravel lot. 'Lucy was right. It's huge. Surely the perfect spot for a gang and their friends.'
     We reach a couple of old pickup trucks with empty bottle of alcohol scattered around the ground. John climbs onto the hood of one before taking out a cigarette and lighting it.
     Roger pats his hand down on one of the hoods next to him. I sigh before climbing up the vehicle and taking a seat next to him. He slides closer to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders making them tense up.
     "You think any Jacks are gonna come Fred?" Brian asks, opening a bottle of vodka and taking a large gulp.
     "Shouldn't be, especially at this hour. If one comes, you gotta hide her. Them Jacks can't have this one." He replies, twirling his knife in his hands.
     I don't say anything. 'Why am I so special? What do they want out of me?' I see Roger hold out his cigarette to me, offering it.
     "I don't smoke." I reply backing away from the weed.
     "Well you do now. Here." He says as the other boys chuckle with each other. I sigh and take the smoke from his fingers. Placing it between my lips, I inhale and blow a cloud out. "Impressive. You used to smoke?" He asks taking it back and putting it in his mouth.
     "Done it a few times. Don't wanna start a habit is all." I reply, averting my eyes away from his.
     Suddenly, a rumbling sound is heard in the distance. They all perk their heads up, including myself. One after the other, a switchblade is out and ready for anything that comes their way.
A light is seen coming towards the lot at a rather fast speed.
"Fucking Jacks. Roger, hide her." Freddie mutters, lighting himself a cigarette and preparing himself beside the other boys. Roger quickly grabs my hand and jumps down from the hood onto the small rocks.
A car comes into view with 5 boys riding in it, 3 of which were in the back.
"C'mon Eleanor!" Roger demands, pulling me harder towards the car but it was too late, they just pulled up in front of us.

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