Chapter 17: Love Making

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     I take a seat next to him on the bed where he was laying out 4 lines on a plank of wood. Yes, I was telling the truth. I got into drugs a little bit before I moved but I stopped before I got too addicted. It sure has been awhile though.
     "Ladies first." He says, handing me a tube of paper and the board of lines. Taking the tube, I brush my hair out of my face before positioning the end near my nose and inhaling an entire line.
     "Oh god," I breathe, rubbing the bridge of my nose and feeling the drug run through my veins. "It's been awhile." I mumble holding me nose and sniffing at the slight pain.
     "Don't mind. As long as you do it, I'm perfectly okay with your reaction." He chuckles, taking the pipe from me and snorting his line. "Oh god, that feels amazing." He sighs, sniffing at the remarkable sensation.
     "Give it here." I mumble, holding my hand out for the pipe as I was already ready for my next line. Receiving the tube, I lower my head and take in the next line. "God damn it." I mutter, pinching my nose and feeling the high already start to come. I wipe the bit of left over powder from my nose before attempting to stand up.
     "You can..." he pauses, inhaling another line. "Go downstairs if you'd like." He slurs holding his nose and sighing at the feeling. I nod and stumble my way over to the door before exiting and heading for the stairs.
     Grasping the railing, I look down the unexpectedly long flight of stairs. Not remembering the length of it, I begin to make my way down them, trying my best not to fall.
     "Y'know what? Fuck you Roger! I never wanna see your stupid face again!" I hear a girl shout before the front door slams and a blonde stands beside his room opening. His head turns towards me before cracking a seductive smirk.
     "Wow, you look...high." He chuckles, catching me as I stumble down the last step, falling into his bare arms.
     "It's...been awhile." I sniff, rubbing my nose to ease the pain. "So, how'd it go." I ask, looking up to meet his beautiful blue eyes. He shakes his head before brushing a piece of my hair behind my ear and replying.
     "It...well it sucked but," he pauses grabbing ahold of my waist and pulling me close to him. "I have a feeling you can make it a whole lot better." He whispers, as my hands wrap around his neck, wanting him to kiss me like he did earlier.
     "You wanna bet?" I mumble sarcastically, pressing myself against his front allowing him to purse his lips at the feeling.
     "Oh you are not gonna be able to walk tomorrow." He growls before crashing his lips onto mine and sliding his hands up my shirt. My fingers ran through his long blonde hair before he grabs my bum, allowing me to jump into his arms. He carries me into his room before slamming the door with his foot.
     I feel the wall against my back as he continues to kiss and suck on my skin, leaving little love bites along my neck. My head was in the clouds and my heart was in his hands. Everything felt just right.
     Without warning, he throws me on the bed before attacking me once more. I slide my shirt over my head, revealing my lacy bra that I didn't plan on wearing. His hands roamed my entire body, wanting to own every bit of it.
     His kisses lead down to my stomach where he claimed more territory with his markings. I softly moan at the feeling, biting my lip in pleasure.
"Mmmm, Eleanor." He moans, tugging on the hem of my pants before pulling them off my body. His teasing was getting the best of me and I absolutely loved it.
A hand is felt gently stroking my soaked core that was blocked by my underwear. I let out a hiss at the sensation before I feel my panties slide down my legs revealing my throbbing desire for him.
     "Roger..." I moan, arching my back as he gently placed a kiss on my clit. A smirk appears on his face at my reaction. I hear him unzip his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers. Oh damn, was he a sight to see.
     'This was gonna hurt like hell.' I think to myself, but of course, instead of telling him I've never actually had sex before, my fuzzy mind goes along with his actions.
     He bites his lip while crawling on top of me and pinning my arms above my head with one hand. The other hand traveled down south to his member.
I let out a small moan at the feeling of his tip rubbing up against my opening. He quickly locks my lips with his, muting my moans and sending waves of euphoria through me. Without warning though, I feel him quickly shove all of him into me resulting in moans from the both of us.
     "Jesus, you're so fucking tight." He groans, pushing all of him in me while tears were forming from the corners of my eyes. He slowly pulls out a bit only to shove him all back in. "Oh fuck."
     "Oh my god," I whisper as he continued the painful yet pleasuring pattern. I wince at the feeling of me reaching my high. He was getting close as well. "Roger...I'm cl..."
     "I know babygirl..." he grunts, pausing as he speeds up, shaking the entire bed with his thrusts. "Me too."
     I suddenly feel him twitch inside of me, triggering both of our highs. Our breathing was fast and heavy, filling the entire space of the room.
     He takes his hand and begins to quickly rub my clit as I came, coating my juices all over him. A moan is heard before he skillfully pulls out and cums all over my stomach.
     "Holy shit." He sighs, reaching over and grabbing a tissue before cleaning up his seed from all over my stomach and the bed. My chest rises and falls quickly as he collapses on top of me.
     "That. Was. Amazing." I pant, taking a hand and gently stroking his sweaty hair. Our bodies were sticky with sweat while our hair was wild with tangles.
     "You are, fucking incredible." He replies, raising his head to meet my eyes before planting a kiss on my lips. His kisses travel down my neck to my covered breasts before laying back down.
     "Can I tell you a secret?" I mumble looking down at him as he looks up, locking eyes with me once more.
     "Yeah." He replies, tracing small circles along my waist.
     "I've never fucking had sex before." I confess, allowing him to furrow his eyebrows and raise his head once more.
     "No wonder you were so tight." He mumbles, letting out a sigh and bowing his head in shame. "You should've told me. I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" He asks cupping one side of my face with his large hand.
     "No, I loved it. It was probably the best first time anyone could ever experience." I reply, propping myself up on my elbows as he continued to gaze into my eyes with sorrow in his. "Don't feel guilty, it was truly amazing." I add flashing him a forgiving smile.
     "I just...don't wanna hurt you is all." He sighs, softly stroking my cheek with his thumb.
     "And you won't. Not now. Not ever."

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