Chapter 8: Gang #2

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"Well well well, what have we here?" A man in the back of the car says, jumping out and slowly approaching the two of us. I try my best to hide behind Roger who had his knife out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Freddie, John, and Brian quickly approaching us.
"Hey blondie, did ya miss us?" Another one says, hopping out and following the other. They all seemed to have afros except for the one in the drivers seat. He had dark curly hair that hung over his tan face a bit. Some of it was tied to the back of his head in a short ponytail.
"Fuck off Jackie." Roger replies, placing an arm behind his back, and holding my hand. I look down at my hand buried in his. 'This isn't good.'
"Who've you got there Taylor?" The man next to "Jackie" asks, trying to go around to catch a glimpse of my face that was hidden behind my free hand.
"Non of your god damn business Tito." He replies stepping back with me still behind him.
"Hey, what the hell Mike? What're doing on our turf?" Freddie calls out, slamming his fists on the door of the drivers seat. The man in the front just chuckles before taking his midnight sunglasses off.
"This ain't your turf Fred. The competitions still going." He replies in a rather high tone, something I didn't expect from a leader.
"Aye mate! Watch the car asshole!" The man in the passenger yells, pointing to Freddie who just glares at him.
"Shut it Marlon." Brian barges in, taking a stance next to Freddie.
"Roger, what do I do?" I whisper through his blonde locks, his grasp on me tightening. The boys continue to argue back and forth with each other while Jackie kept his eyes on us.
"Just stay behind me. I won't let anything happen to you." He whispers back, stepping back closer to me so my chest was pressed up against his worn leather. His scent filled my nose, bringing me great comfort in the heated situation.
"How about you just get back in your fucking car, and drive down south where you belong." Freddie mutters to the guy by the name of "Mike." 'Wait, That must be Michael.'
"This ain't private property mate, which means..." he pauses, opening the door and climbing out to face him. "we can stay here for as long as we fucking want." He finishes, flashing a pearly white smile. "Besides," He adds, stepping away from Freddie to face Roger and I. "I didn't get a chance to meet your girl."
My heart drops at his comment. I could feel Roger tensing up at his words as well. "Yeah, not a good idea mate. We were just leaving anyways." He replies, pulling me impossibly closer to him. A small snicker is heard in return.
"Oh if only my father was still here. He'd beat all your asses in one swing." He chuckles, getting closer and closer to the two of us. Sweat was building up in the palm of the hand with Rogers in it. My heart rate was almost humming by how scared I was.
     "Oh yeah? Wanna Rumble pretty boy?" Freddie replies crossing his arms in front of his chest and popping a hip out.
     "It'd end too quickly with your weak asses." He replies, his footsteps getting closer and louder.
     'What should I do? For all I know, this guy could be the most dangerous man in the world. God, I just wanna go home!'
     "Wouldn't get any closer mate." Roger threatens, holding his blade farther out in front of him to keep Michael from coming any closer.
     "Y'know, it's been a whole 8 years." Michael mumbles, stopping in his tracks and growing quiet all of a sudden.
     "It ain't our fault you lost her mate. If anything, it's best that you don't find her. She's predicted to be the most fierce gang leader to ever live in London."
     "What the fuck did you just say Fred?" He snaps, turning around to face the laid back leader.
     "Roger, get in the car. You two also." He orders, John and Brian following us towards the awaiting vehicle. I turn around to watch the two easing up on each other. "Hope you find her someday mate, really do. But for now..." he pauses stepping back closer and closer to us. "She's all ours."
     "Roger start the fucking car!" Freddie barks, racing into the car while Roger started up the engine and starved around the chaotic men. I had no idea what was happening. Everything was blurry and I was now in the back of the car, cramped between John and Brian.
     "You get back here you dipshits!" I here the man yell from behind us as we drove back towards the city.
     "Hahaha! God that was great Fred!" Roger laughs, playfully punching the leader on the arm.
     "Fred, you might've said a bit much." Brian adds, looking down at me curled up into a ball onto the seat. He turns around to face me from the passenger seat, a toothy grin shining.
     "I...I'm so confused..." I mumble, stuttering through my words as I do.
     "Oh it was just an inside joke from the early high school days. Had nothing to do with you El." He replies, turning back and leaving me still puzzled.
     "I like that nickname. It suits you." Roger adds from the drivers seat making me blush a bit in return. 'God, stop being so pathetic!' He then proceeds to smile through the rear view mirror allowing my heart to slowly melt into a puddle.
     'I can't help but think of what their conversation was about. 8 years? Lost her? Lost who? She's all ours? What?! None of it makes sense! Although, Freddie did say it had nothing to do with me. God I sure hope he's right cause the last thing I to end up in between two vicious gangs.'

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