Chapter 14: Queen

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     His words strike me like a knife, in the best way possible though. "But," he sighs, sitting up allowing me to sit on his lap, my chest still very close to his. "I have rules, rules that I have to follow." He finishes, gently brushing his thumb across my plump lips.
     "What...what kinda rules?" I stutter, my words choking up in my throat. He pressed his lips together at the question before responding.
     "Rule 9: you can only sleep with your victims. There may not be any intimate relationships with anyone, no matter the meaning they may have behind the gang." He sighs, breaking eye contact with me and putting his hand down from my face.
     "And...what happens when you...break one?"
     "Well, each rule comes with a big penalty behind it. I could either be released from the gang, or..." he pauses, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I could possibly end up dead."
     I swallow my throat dry before turning my head away from his. "Right, sorry. I didn't mean to...invade in any way." I apologize, climbing off his lap and laying back down on my side of the bed.
     'Of course, right when I start to fall for someone, they aren't allowed to love me back.'
     "I'm sorry love. I love the gang but I also love you. I want those rules to be gone as much as you do." He mumbles, laying down and propping himself of his elbow so he was facing me. "It doesn't mean we can't make out or anything, it just means you can't be my girl."
"It's fine Roger. It was stupid of me to even assume in the first place." I reply, turning my body to face his as he hovered over mine. He furrows in confusion before replying.
"Assume what?"
"That you could actually fall for a girl like me!" I reply in a loud, whisper tone. His lips part into a smile before quietly chuckling to himself.
"What's wrong with you? I find you absolutely perfect." He replies, scooting closer to me so I was basically pressed against his warm, bare chest.
"I'm far from perfect. You on the other hand," I say, tracing the heart tattoo on his arm. "Are absolutely magnificent. So magnificent, it makes me upset sometimes." I over exaggerate, making him laugh.
"Looks like we were made for each then." He replies, shooting me a wink as I snuggle up closer to him. I feel an arm wrap around me before a kiss was placed on my forehead.
"I suppose so." I mumble, smiling at his warmth surrounding my chilled body. That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep in his arms.


A wake up to the sound of pounding. Opening my eyes, I sit up and stretch my sore arms. I look over to find Roger spread out and still asleep. My eyes then avert to the clock ready 6:29. 'Who would be up at this hour?'
The pounding continues and there seems to be no sign of anyone else waking up to go answer it. 'Well great.' I think to myself before crawling out of bed and going over to the door before opening it. Walking across the living room, the pounding continues on the door.
'Too bad the windows are boarded up or else I would be able to see who it is.'
Unlocking the door, I unknowingly swing it open to find 5 very tall boys on the porch.
"Well well well, look who it is boss." The man who I think is Jackie, says to Michael who was standing beside him. The color drains from my face as I freeze in my position.
"What a nice surprise." He replies, looking at my up at down. Not knowing what to do, I quickly slam the door and lock it as they began to pound and yell.
'Dang, do these boys not wake up to loud noises?'
I rush up the stairs to look for someone's room, anyone's room for all I cared. Opening a door, I find Brian laying horizontal on his mattress. 'How did he even...I'm not gonna ask.'
I hurry over to his face, which was hanging off the side of the bed, before trying my best to wake him up.
"Brian. The Jacks are here. You gotta wake up dear." I say to him as softly but urgently as I could. His eyes begin to flutter open before finding me hovering over him.
"Oh hello, did we..."
"What? No. The Jacks are here. I don't know what to do." I explain motioning downstairs to the pounding and yelling from outside. His eyes grow wide before attempting to sit up but almost falling back.
"God damn it, here, you stay here and I'll go..."
"No! I'm not letting you face them alone. Everyone else is passed out. There's no way they're waking up anytime soon." I say, holding his hand and helping him to stand up. I notice multiple bottle of vodka scattered across the floor and bed. "And plus, you're hungover."
"Alright alright fine. C'mon love." He says opening the door wider and following me down the hall and stairs to the awaiting door. The pounding was getting louder, I swear the door was about to fall down.
"You better come out Queens!" A voice yells from outside. Brian groans before unlocking the door and swinging it open to reveal the two of us.
"Can I help you...Michael?" He asks grabbing ahold of my hand and pulling me closer to him. Michael sees the action and just smiles.
"Saw what you bastards did to our lockers. That was really fucked up of you guys." He says, crossing his arms and smirking at us.
"Oh like you didn't write a note on her locker? Being a bit of a hypocrite aren't you Mike?" He replies, flashing a sarcastic smile his way.
"Yeah well, good thing we deleted the footage from your security footage after unlike you fools." He recalls, his brown eyes gazing at mine for a split second. "Oh and I absolutely adored your note dear. Very clever. Maybe too clever."
'What the fuck was he talking about? It's like he knows me.'
"What's that gotta do with anything?" I reply, stepping out from behind Brian and continuing to hold his hand. I could see the small bruise on his face when I had punched him.
"I don't believe we've formally met." He replies, dodging the question and holding his hand out.
Cocking an eyebrow at his sudden gesture, I shake his hand as he smiles his perfect, white teeth at me. "I'm Michael. Michael Jackson." He greets, retrieving his hand and shoving it in the pocket of his jeans.
"Pleasure." I reply, stepping back and leaning against Brian.
"And what is your name..."
"Doesn't concern you. Now why were you boys at the school on a Saturday anyways?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows as they all give me dirty looks. Everyone except Michael.
"Doesn't concern you dear. Alright back to the topic, you vandalizing our property." He replies, crossing his arms over his leather jacket.
Brian opens his mouth to speak but I squeeze his hand, giving me permission to reply instead. "One, it ain't your property mate. Didn't see your name on it, it's not like you payed for it. Two, you did the same thing to me first so we're fair and square."
"Oh, that's not how it works here love." Tito replies, cracking a smile and shaking his head.
"They went on our turf so..."
"But you went on ours." I interrupt Jackie who glares at me afterwards.
"That turf don't belong to you dear. You ain't a Queen." Marlon adds, putting his hands on his hips in satisfaction of his comeback. Rolling my eyes, I turn around and lift my hair, revealing my tattoo on my neck.
"Actually, I am and I better get the fuck off our property or else theres gonna be some serious shit happening. You don't want that, don't you Michael?"

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now