Chapter 15: Rule Breaker

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The leader squints his eyes at me before pulling a smile. "You really are her."
     "C'mon boys. Until then Miss Unknown." He says sarcastically before turning around and leading the boys back into their car.
"Looks like you didn't need my assistance after all." Brian yawns, letting go of my hand and patting my back lazily.
"Oh I still needed you. It's just, if I took care of it on my own, they could've easily picked me up and taken me right then and there." I explain, smiling up at him. "But thank you, for actually waking up and being there." I add, standing on my tip toes and pressing a kiss on his cheek.
He looks back down at me with a smirk on his face. "You missed love."
"Oh did I now?" I reply sarcastically before reaching up and pulling him into a loving kiss in which he had to bend over to accomplish. "Is that better?" I whisper onto his smooth lips.
"Mmm, you have no idea." He growls, pulling me into another kiss.
"I may have a rough sketch."
"Well, we're just gonna have to wait and see. Won't we?" He replies, gently biting my bottom lip before crashing his onto mine once more.
'Since I can't be in a relationship with Roger, I guess I can just do whatever I want with the other boys.'
As if he could hear me, a tired blonde walks out of his room with still only his jeans on. He looks up to find Brian and I pretty close before scrunching his face in disgust.
"What the fuck happened here?" He groans, he voice a bit lower and more raspy then usual. I unhook my hands from around Brian's neck and return to my normal height before replying.
"5 little bastards just visited your house." I explain, crossing my arms in front of my chest as he stands there in complete shock.
"What'd you just say?" He asks as if I had just spoken a foreign language.
"She said the Jacks stopped by for a visit you dumbass." Brian repeats, stretching his arms and making his way passed the blonde towards the kitchen.
"No I heard that part. I just didn't understand the part where you said 'your house'" He replies, making his way over to me, his whole torso exposed and illuminated over the light. "This is your house too y'know. If you want, you can come over anytime you want." He says, hovering over me and smiling down at me.
"You sure your leader wouldn't mind that?" I reply sarcastically as he just shakes his head at me.
"I'm sure he can manage." He replies, wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me close to him. Getting caught in the moment, I take my hands and wrap them around his neck, pulling me even closer to him. "So, what happened with those Jacks you were talking about?" He asks cocking an eyebrow.
"Nothing too important. They were just filing a complaint about their freshly painted lockers." I reply, cracking a smile as he jokingly rolls his eyes.
"Good thing they didn't snatch my girl." He whispers so Brian wouldn't hear from the kitchen.
"Your girl? Correct me if I'm wrong but I do recall you saying you weren't allowed to have a girl." I whisper sarcastically while running my fingers through his hair. He bites his lip seductively before crashing his lips on mine, dodging my question.
"You talk too much." He growls against my lips before kissing them again.
"I'm barely allowed to talk." I reply with a small giggle as he continues to suck my lips, gently biting on the bottom one.
The creaking sound of the stairs was heard as John and Freddie both lazily make their way down. It was only 7:30 which was probably really early for them.
"Morning lovies." Freddie yawns, stretching his arms and going towards the kitchen before grabbing a beer.
"We had a little visit from the Jacks this morning." Brian says, taking a sip of his freshly made coffee. Freddie's eyes grow wide at his words.
"What'd they want?"
"They saw the artwork we put on their lockers. Said something about how if we vandalize their property again, they'll rumble us but I doubt it's gonna happen." He explains, leaning against the counter with the mug still in his hand.
"Mmmm, interesting. Anyways, Roger," He starts, pointing at the blonde who still his hands around my waist as I stood close to him. "Cheryl, is coming over because it's your turn with her." He says before taking another gulp of beer. Rogers body tenses at the reminder before clearing his throat and replying.
"Um, you think you can skip me? I'm really not feeling it today." He replies allowing Brian to dramatically spit his coffee out into the sink.
"What?!" He replies, wiping his mouth from the dripping coffee.
"Since when do you not want to have sex with Cheryl? You told us she was better then Dominque and we all know that Dominque..."
"Yeah yeah I know." He cuts off John who was getting himself a bottle of vodka. 'Damn, these boys really don't know how to take care of themselves.' "I just, don't wanna alright?"
Freddie furrows his eyebrows and slowly begins to approach us. Confusion was written all over his face before reaching the blonde and staring him directly in the eye.
"Roger...I've known you for 4 years and every single one of them, you've been all about women and pleasuring them. What's changed?" He asks, crossing his arms as Roger breaks eye contacts with him. "Wait a minute...are you..."
"No, no, I never have and I never will." He interrupts, letting go of my waist and shamefully shaking his head. Freddie squints his eyes at the blonde and exchanges looks between us.
"Than I suggest, you do the job so I don't have to kill another fucking bitch." He mutters, turning back around and taking another drink of his beer before heading up the stairs.
'Oh god...Roger was right. He breaks these rules or else Freddie'll have his head for sure. This was gonna be harder than expected.'

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