Chapter 19: Truth

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     The boys form a circle around Michael and Freddie while I stood in the back, watching the fight go down. No one could supervise me since there was only 4 of us and 5 of them so keeping all of us together was crucial.
     The two circle each other for a good 20 seconds before Freddie takes the first swing, hitting Michael right in the jaw. That's when it all started.
     Roger took Tito and Marlon, the smaller ones while Brian took Jermaine and John took Jackie. Each punch that was thrown made me wish I didn't have my sight during it all. The worst part though, was watching Roger.
     Every swing into his face made it bloodier and more swollen. 'Oh please be careful Roger.'
     I continued to watch the fight until I noticed something. 'Wait, there's only 4 Jacks. Where'd Tito go?' Suddenly, the feeling of a set of arms wrapped around me before picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder.
     I kick my feet and try to scream as Tito carried me to their convertible. I curl up in the corner, as far away from him while he smirked victoriously at me.
     "Mike!" He calls out allowing the leader and the rest of their gang to hurry over to the car. 'This was their plan all along! But why me?'
     The bleeding Queens looked at them puzzlingly before Roger locks eyes with me.
     "Eleanor!" He yells, running towards the car as they all piled in. Jackie held me down as I tried to escape his grasp.
     "Go go go!" Marlon yells as Michael starts the engine and slams his foot on the gas petal, sending us forward and away from them. I turn my head to see Roger trying to catch up with us. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as he grew further and further away.
     "Aw don't worry. You're safe now. Those bastard Queens can't hurt you anymore." Michael coos from the drivers seat, his eyes staring at me throwing the rear view mirror. The tears continued to drip down my cheeks to my chin where they fell onto my lap. "Jackie, tape." He demands before the man next to me rips the tape from my mouth, enabling me to speak.
"Why? Just why? Why me? What is it that's so important about me that you two gangs of assholes have to fight over me?" I ask, glaring at every single one of them resulting in all of them looking down at their laps nervously...except Michael.
"I'll explain all when we reach the house but for now..." he replies, snapping at Jackie who rummages through his pocket for something. "You need to quiet down a bit." He finishes as Jackie pulls a syringe from his coat pocket.
"Why the hell are you carrying that around?" I panic, scooting away from him as he inches the tip closer to my arm. "Don't you fucking touch me." I threaten, pulling my arms as far away from him as possible but, they can only go so far until there's a barrier which was when the syringe of mysterious liquid was injected into me. "You just wait... they..they are gonna...come find me...soon." I say in between multiple pauses as I begin to feel very sleepy. 'God damn it.'
I was out like a light.


My head shoots up as I realize I'm sitting in a chair and sleeping. I look around the rather dark room except for an overhead light that shined over me.
"Well, this is fucking great." I mumble to myself, looking down at my bound arms wrapped around the chair I was sitting in. 'God my neck hurts so fucking bad.'
"You're right. This is perfect." I hear a voice from in front of me reply, turning my head only to find the darkness.
"Yeah real funny. Um, aren't you a bit old to be playing hide and seek?" I ask, cocking my head as the mysterious man chuckles. "What's so funny?"
"You really are her." He replies before taking a few steps forward, revealing himself as Michael. His smile was wide and his eyes glistened in victory of his capture.
"Oh great, the exact person I want to see." I say sarcastically, making him crack a small laugh again.
"Oh I'm so glad it's you. You have no idea how long I've waited to see your face again." He replies, pure joy written across his face. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as to what he was talking about.
"I'm sorry, did I miss something?" I question, having no idea what he was talking about.
"Darling, you've been missing for 8 long years. I never thought you'd come home."
"Okay how about, instead of dropping hints that I clearly don't understand, you fucking tell me what the hell you're talking about." I say in a frustrated and annoyed tone. He nods his head at my words before pulling out a chair from behind him and dragging it towards me and taking a seat.
He gazed at me as he crosses his legs in his seat, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "July 20, 1957, was the day that a girl came into this world. You. Along with you came me, about a minute later. We were raised by the same father but lived with different mothers. But, we only lived 5 houses away from each other..."
"Wait, how do you know my birthday?" I ask, interrupting his story and staring puzzlingly into his eyes. He just smiles again before continuing.
"Dad, Joseph Jones or as I would know him, Joseph Jackson, raised us together. Although he was cheating on my mom with your mom, he still made time for the two of us. 10 years in, I was waiting outside for you to come visit me one day but, you didn't come. I hadn't seen you or dad all day and then suddenly, you both disappear."
"Now that meant two things for me. One, his most dangerous gang was going to be handed down to me. And two, I would forever lose my partner in crime."
"I made a promise to my 10 year old self that day. That I would find you and bring you back home. See, when the gang was handed down to me, about 11 months ago, my one and only goal was to keep you from the Queens and I couldn't even do that."
"You look hella confused right now so I'm gonna sum it all up for you. You're real name is Diana Jackson, you were born the same date as me making us half siblings. Dad changed your name at age 10 somehow and took you away to live with your mother in a different part of London, which is why you moved. We were predicted to be the baddest, most famous gang leaders Britain would ever see. We were born to be together and our father kept us from achieving that. You were and will always be, a Jackson no matter the tattoo on the back of your neck. I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was trying to get you away from those jackasses who probably did some terrible things to you. I want you to come back with me and help build our dream gang where we make the rules and do whatever the fuck we want. We were destined to be together Ana."
My mouth hangs almost all the way open in awe. My breathing had stopped and I think I've lost all brain fluid I had. 'I was a Jackson. Not only that, I was Michaels sister. But also, I have a totally different name. And, my dad lied to me about my entire life.'
"Ana. My Diana Jackson and I'm the baddest bitch in town." I laugh at my own words, sounding as mad as ever. "Do you realize how crazy that sounds? Diana Jackson. Please." I giggle, repeating his meaningless words.
"I know, but it's time for you to come home sis."

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