Chapter 18: Fight

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"You don't know me El, I've done a lot a bad shit in my life."
"I know you well enough. You can never hurt me truly. You're too soft."
"Is that so?" He replies, flashing a grin and cocking his head to one side.
"Mmm, it is." I reply sarcastically, pressing my lips against his in a long, loving kiss. I could feel my high begin to fall a bit.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Eleanor." He whispers in between the kiss before planting another one on my already swollen lips. 'Beautiful. Never been called that before. My parents usually just say I look nice or pretty, but beautiful? That was a step.'
"And you, Roger, are the most charming man I've ever met." I reply, breaking the kiss and gazing into his icy blue pearls. "But, you need to get off of me cause you're crushing my bones." I chuckles as his face drops before apologetically rolling off of my allowing my breathing to flow smoothly again.
"You are the worst at telling me things." He chuckles as I pull my underwear and jeans back on.
"You aren't so innocent yourself." I reply, remembering the weird connection I had with the Jacks and why I was so important to the Queens.
"What d'you mean?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows as I pull my shirt over my head and back onto my body.
"Like, why am I so important to you guys? Or why Michael always acts so weird around me? Or that other time when Freddie said 'she's all ours' resulting in Michael flipping out? I don't understand why you can't just tell me." I mumble looking back at him to find his lips pressed together nervously and his eyes away from mine.
"El, there are some things that I can't tell you for your own safety. It may seem like..."
"Roger, if you cared even the slightest about me, you would've told me by now...regardless the rules." I interrupt him, my eyes becoming glossy and my words becoming short. "I'm supposed to be living a normal life right now. We moved here to seek change and to just be normal. If I would've known I'd become someone', I would've never missed here in the first place."
"You moving here happened for a reason, a good reason too because then I got to meet and fall in love with you." He replies, getting up and putting his underwear and pants back on.
"Well I think it's bullshit how you all can keep something about me...from me!" I cry, tears streaming down my face at this point, not knowing what else to do in the heated moment.
"Yeah? Well, me too. I hate keeping secrets from you but if I have to so I don't get killed by Freddie...than I'm gonna fucking do it." He replies in a much harsher tone, standing in front of me as I take a seat on the edge of the bed.
"God, you're so full of yourself! How do you think I feel right now? Exactly, you wouldn't know cause your too stuck in your own life to even care!" I yell, burying my face in my palms as I continue to cry.
"You're high, you don't even know what you're talking about, love. Come here." He slightly laughs, taking a seat next to me and pulling me into a warm hug. "I've never said this to anyone but...I love you El. So very much. I'd go mad without you." He whispers in my ear before pressing a kiss on my temple.
     'He...he just said I love you. To me. Does he actually care about me?'
     "I love you too but, I just wanna understand." I mumble, snuggling up closer against him.
     "I know babygirl, I know." He replies, leaning his head on mine. Suddenly, the door bursts open to find Brian.
     "Rog we gotta go." He demands, pointing to the front door. His eyes land on me before going back up to Roger. "She's coming too."
     "Where're we going?"
     "Jacks asked to see us."
     "Yeah, shes high. I don't think she should..."
     "Mmm, no I'm not." I groan pulling away from Roger and trying my best to stand up only for me to almost fall over.
     "Yeah she's still going. C'mon, Fred's not in the mood for slacking." He adds, exiting the room, leaving just the two of us once more.
     "Right, lets go." I say as he slides a shirt and his jacket on. He nods before opening the door and following me through. I find all the boys waiting by the front door with their familiar jackets on.
     "John, bind her arms. Don't worry dear it's only temporary." He assures as John walks behind me before tying my hands behind my back. I didn't even care where they were taking me or what they were gonna do. I was just angry, angry at the fact I'm not allowed to know the truth.
     "Alright, c'mon." He says, leading us out the house and to the car.

     The whole car ride was silent, except for some rock music playing quietly in the background. Roger drove which gave me the perfect excuse to ignore him. Not only were my hands blind, my mouth had a piece of duck tape, sealing it shut.
     I sigh as I see the lot coming closer and closer to us. Whatever the Jacks wanted, it wasn't good and I didn't want anything to do with it.
     As we pull into the gravel area, the other gang was already there, waiting for us. "Alright, make sure to look as if we own her and have done some terrible things to her. El, make sure to look like you're terrified." Freddie whispers to all of us, allowing everyone, including myself, to nod their head.
     Brian grabs ahold of my arms before helping me out of the car and begin his role playing. "I'll try not to hurt you." He whispers in my ear before before pretending to order me to walk.
     "Look who it is boys. I must say Mike, you're games never get old." Freddie greets, crossing his arms and putting his sunglasses on, as well as Roger.
     "Very funny Mercury." He replies, slowly approaching us with his chained leather jacket on. Brian pulls out his knife and holds it up to my throat allowing him to stop walking. "Give us the girl, Fred." He demands, popping a hip out and glaring at all 5 of us.
     "Finders keepers Michael. If you want her, you gotta fight us for it." Brian replies, pressing the blade harder against my skin.
     "So be it."

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now