Chapter 28: The Rumble

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     Raising my fist, I punch the leader while also taking his knife away from him. Holding it against his neck, he looks up at me through his dazed sight.
     Then it occurred to me...I wasn't the only one here still. I turn around to see Marlon and Jackie lunge at me with all their weight, pulling me to the ground.
     "Get off me!" I yell, kneeing them as they held me down and the others hovered over me. Suddenly, a gun shot is heard and Jermaine is kneeling on the ground, grasping his side in pain.
     Our heads turn in unison to find Freddie on the stairs with a smoking gun in his hand. He pulls a small smirk before raising the gun to the ceiling and shooting off two bullets into the roof.
     "Get...your fucking hands...of her." He orders as Michael stands back up and reaches for his gun in which I quickly stick out my leg, tripping him.
     Squirming our from under the men, I race towards Freddie who rushes back up the stairs and to Michael's room where a window stood opened. He jumps down first before I follow, finding the others in the yard as I do so.
     Climbing off of the small roof I had previously jumped on, I am met by a bear hug from Roger who whispered nothing but sweet things in my ear.
     "C'mon you two, they're gonna be coming soon!" Brian yells at us before following them to the front and into the car where John was waiting in the front seat.
     We quickly gather in the car and speed off as they were just getting into theirs. Thunder was heard as we drove down towards a familiar path and lightning was even seen.
     I lay in Roger's arms as I recalled everything Michael said only a few minutes ago. They were catching up to us only making John speed faster as we header towards the bridge.
     It was beginning to rain...hard as he stopped on the side of bridge and got out. They came shortly after, giving us time to hurry to the center of the bridge.
     We were all soaked as they slowly approached us with knives in their hands. Taking ours out...we let the rumble start on in own.
     I took on Michael. That son of a bitch kept so much anger in me, this was a great way of getting it out.
I hook my arm around his neck before rotating myself so I was on his back with his head caught in my arms. I grunted as I tried to pull him to the ground but he had a grasp on me. Grabbing my arms he flips me over, slamming me on the slippery, hard, cold metal. My knife slid on the ground in front of him, just out of my reach.
I groan at the pain of my back as he looked down at me. I make eye contact with him as he was slowly walking closer to me. Crawling to an upright position, I try to keep my distance from him without falling of the edge.
"Oh Diana..." he mutters, picking up the knife, folding it, and placing it in his pocket. His face lit up by the strike of lightning behind me, followed by more rain. The others fought as I neared closer and closer to the edge.
As quickly as a flash of lightning, his hand finds its way to my neck where he picks me up and shoved me through a hold where he holds me over the running rapid beneath me.
     "Ana!" I hear a voice shout as I hold onto Michael for dear life.
     My air ways are gasping for air as he continues to hold me by just my neck. "Mi...Michael." I mumble, gasping for air.
     "If I can't have one can!" He yells, seconds away from letting me go until he was pushed. I let out a scream as he lets go of me. Holding my arms out, I grasp a metal bar, allowing myself hold my entire body weight over the dangerous waters many feet beneath me.
     I see shadows more above me through the cracks of the bridge as well as grunts and punches being thrown. "Roger?!" I call out, but no response.
     I execute my decision on climbing back up. Using all the strength I had, I managed to throw my leg over a bar that held me up. Crawling along the bars, I find my way through the bars on the side where the boys fought.
     My torso was on the ground but the bottom half of my body was still dangling over the edge. That's when I saw Michael fighting Roger and my boyfriend was not winning.
     'I gotta help him.' I think, grasping a train track and trying my best to pull myself up. Suddenly, Michael shoves Roger so he hit a bar that was only a foot away from me.
     "Roger, I'm coming." I grunt, trying to lift myself up while also not slipping. But I was too late.
     Michael walks over to injured Roger before giving him one last push thy threw him over the edge. I let out a scream as I quickly let go and slipped back down so I was only hanging by an arm.
     I had caught him, just in time. "Ana?" He calls out as I hold him up with all the strength I had.
     "R..Roger!" I call back out, gritting my teeth at the pain of my arms stretching from all the weight. "I...I'll get you...back up." I grunt, repositioning my grip on the dripping bar.
     "Here, let go! I'll hold onto your legs and climb my way up!" He calls from down below. I nod my head as he wraps his arms around my legs and lets go of my hand. I then use both hands to hold us up, as he climbed my torso until we were face to face and he was holding himself up.
     "I get up first then pull you up." He instructs before crashing his lips onto mine one last time. He pulls him self into a bar that was thick enough to sit on. There, he took my hand and pulled me up so I sat next to him.
     "Oh Roger, your face." I coo, cupping one side of his bruised cheek as he looked at me with his purple, bloody eyes.
     "I'll be fine, but we've got to get up there." He says, taking my hand off his face and kissing the back.
     I nod, and get back up on my feet as we crawled through bars of wet metal until we reached the edge again. There, I got up first this time, making it my turn to give him a hand. "I've got you." I assure him.
     As my hand grasped his, a gunshot was heard and before I knew it, he was out of my grasp. "Nooooooooooooo!" I scream as I look down over the rails to find no sign of him anywhere meaning he had already hurt he water. "Roger...!" I cry, not caring who heard.
     I bent down so I was now on my knees as I held fists in my hands. Tears rolled down my face as the thought of Roger was gone. I then look over to Michael who held a recently fired gun in his hand. He just stared at me as I clenched my jaw in anger.
     The others stop their fight and they look over at us. I stand up, tears blending in with the still pouring rain "I'll...I'll kill you!" I scream before lunging towards Michael and throwing a punch right to his face.

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