Chapter 25: Rules

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He continues to kiss me passionately while holding me in his arms. Without warning, he throws me on the bed and goes over to his box of... 'toys.'
"Let's try something different today, love." He says, opening the box and pulling out two sets of handcuffs. I smirk at the sight before sitting upright and waiting for his commands.
Walking over to me, he slowly pulls off his jacket along with his shirt, showing off his skinny but still jaw dropping body. "Do as I say and you'll get what you want." He purrs in my ear while taking my clothes off as well.
I was left in only a bra and underwear before he cuffs me to the bed. My arms were stretched out and my legs were spread out for him to admire. He licks his lips at the sight before crawling over to me and gently sucking on my neck.
"Oh fuck..." I whisper as he bites my collarbone going lower with every touch. My legs squirm impatiently while my core throbbed in want. "" I moan, my breathing heavy and fast.
"Now now, you must do as I say and I can't cum until I say so." He whispers against my hot skin, leaving love bites along my stomach and waist. 'Fuck, this is gonna be so hard to do.'
Without warning, his hand travels down south to my clit where he began to gently rub from the outside. I arch my back at the feeling but still wanting more.
As if he could read my mind, he swiftly takes my panties off and begins to slowly suck on my womanhood. I hiss at the sensation, my breathing fast and shallow.
His tongue danced along my clit, adding a few kisses as well. The feeling had arrived and all I wanted was to get rid of it but I had to do as I was told. "R..Roger please..." I groan, holding it all in so that tears were in my eyes.
He looks up at me with a smile before taking his mouth away, the feeling dying down sadly. Suddenly, his unexpectedly shoves all of him into me resulting in a moan from the two of us.
"Ah! You're so tight for me babygirl." He hisses, repeating the pattern faster and harder.
"Roger...oh god." I breathe, arching my back and helping him thrust. The feeling had returned, stronger then ever. "Please! Please Roger!" I almost scream, my teeth feeling as if they were gonna shattered from all the pressure being placed on them.
"Okay love, you can...cum." He stammers, allowing us both to release our juices at the same time. His warm seed was dripping from my womanhood onto the bed with all the other cum stains.
"Oh fuck..." I moan, slouching on the bed as Roger pulls out. "That was...incredible." I mumble as he undos my wrists and places them back in the box.
"You've been a good girl." He whispers, putting his jeans back on and crawling on top of me. His face hovers over mine as he gently strokes my hair. Our breathing was still quite heavy but our wants were fulfilled.
"I love you, Roger. I love you so much." I whisper, raising my head and pressing my lips to his. He smiles back at me before kissing me again.
"I love you more, Diana." He replies, gazing deep into my fern eyes. "In fact..." he starts, reaching over to his nightstand before picking up a small silver ring. I knew right then and there what it was.
     "Roger I..."
     "I can't hide it anymore," He whispers, taking my right hand and putting it in his. "Diana, will you wear my ring?" He asks, allowing me to have to sit up and look him in the eye before responding.
     "Roger I can't. If it slips, even once..." I pause not wanting to say the rest. "I don't wanna lose you."
     "And you won't. Look I haven't worn this in years. I kinda forgot I even had it." He chuckles, holding the band between his fingers. "Please wear it." He pleads, his blue eyes piercing my soul.
     I sigh at his begging while exchanging looks between his ocean eyes and the piece of jewelry. "Okay, but please...if you see me with another guy, it's nothing personal. It's just keeping the act hidden." I plead, taking the ring from his fingers and sliding it on my right middle finger.
     "I could say the same to you. Freddie might assign you to bring men over for sex while I bring girls. Good thing you aren't the jealous type." He chuckles, gently pressing a simple kiss on my lips.
     "Just...don't get any girls pregnant."
     "And don't get pregnant from any guys."
     "I'm on the pill, I'll be fine. Shoot, I need to talk to Freddie." I remark, climbing out of bed and putting my clothes back on.
     "Mmm, please don't go. Brian'll just hit on you the entire time." He groans, stretching his bare arms and lying on the bed. I force a smile as I pull my shirt on.
     "Can't blame him if you like me too. Don't worry, I'll never choose him over you." I assure, fixing my sex hair in the mirror.
     "That's a relief." He replies, getting up and throwing his shirt on as well. I open the door to find all three of them drinking and watching the television.
     "Freddie, you said you have rules for me?" I remind allowing him to nod his head and scoot over, making room for me on the couch. Taking a seat, he turns so we were eye to eye.
     "Okay so we all go by 10 rules here. If you can't follow them, you might as well leave now." He starts, taking a puff of his cigarette and blowing a cloud before continuing. "Rule one: Brian?" He asks the curly haired boy on the chair.
     "You can't do anything you're contemplating without consulting it with Freddie first." He says, shooting me a smile before going back to the tele.
     "Okay, rule two: John?"
     "If you tell anyone any of our secrets, you are to be killed right away." He replies, not taking his eyes off the colorful screen.
     "Three Roger?" He asks the blonde who had been leaning against his doorframe the entire time.
     "You start trouble with another gang, you gotta end it with the gang by yourself." He rephrases, shooting me a wink. I just shake my head before looking back at Freddie.
     "Rule four: You may not date anyone from another gang or, now that you're here, in the gang or else it will result in an immediate discharge from the group and possible even death sentence. Rule five: Brian?"
     "If you end up in the big house, it's your job to try and find a way out. But, usually we help with the escape."
     "Six Deaky?"
     "Each of us are assigned a job and you must do the job unless Freddie says otherwise."
     "Seven Rog?"
     "If you kill someone from another gang, it is your job to hide the body or consult with the leader."
     "Eight: when stealing anything, make sure to hide any information that could lead back to the gang. If your mistake gets the gang in jail, you are held responsible and are dismissed from the group. Nine, Brian?"
     "You can not have any relationship connections with your victims. If this does happen, it will result in either a discharge or death."
     "And ten, Deaky?"
     "Look our for one another. Even if one has done wrong, we are all family and must look out for each other."
     "That's all. Now we need to assign you a job." Freddie says, placing a hand on his chin and scanning me up and down. "You can have sex with the men."
     "Okay." I reply, exchange a quick look with Roger who gave a 'told you so' face.
     "Basically, you find a guy at school, bring him here to have sex and you'll probably do that once a week. Since you're a woman though, you might have to have them pay you." He suggests, taking about drag of his light.
     "Doesn't seem too hard." I chuckle, leaning back in my seat and crossing my legs.
     "You need a neck tattoo as well."

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