Chapter 21: Choose

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"You wouldn't." I reply, keeping my hands on the road and my gun pointed.
"Neither would you."
"I don't even know you. But me, you apparently know very well so you wouldn't have the guts to."
"Then do it."
"Why not?"
"Did I stutter?"
"God, you didn't change one bit." He chuckles, pointing the gun at me so I don't pull the trigger on him.
The rest of the trip was quite, I just wanted to get to Roger as fast as possible. I didn't know where he was but the chances of him being at his house are high.
The rain was getting worse though and since it was a convertible, we were still drenched. And hell if I know how to put the roof back on.
Finally, the road was familiar and I was able to reach his house easily. Pulling into the driveway, I turn off the car and get out, taking Michael with me.
Grabbing ahold of his wrist, I drag him to the front door. He continues to point the gun at me as I do the same to him. Knocking twice, I get an immediate answer from Brian.
"Jesus Christ!" He exclaims, almost jumbling back. I smile and shake my head at his reaction before pulling Michael into the house where the others were.
"El!? How did mate." Freddie starts but stops at the sight of the guns. "Okay, no one shoot... let's all..."
"Eleanor!" I hear a familiar voice yell as a blonde runs up to me, shirtless, and pulls me into a hug. "Oh god, we missed you." He mumbles in my ear as I try and hug him back with my full hands. "And I see you brought a visitor." He says, drawing back and glaring at Michael.
"Yeah? Well I'm closer to her then you will ever be." Michael mutters, taking his thumb and pulling back the trigger as if he was getting ready to shoot my head.
"What the hell is going on...oh shit." John says, walking into the living room only to slowly step back in fear.
"Looks like we have ourselves a prisoner." Freddie chuckles, going over to me while smiling pridefully. "Good work my dear. Your reward is waiting with Roger." He whispers, brushing a piece of hair back behind my ear as I smile back at him.
"Don't you hurt her, Taylor." Michael mutters as Freddie grabs ahold of the gun and throwing it on the couch before grasping Michael's arms.
"Fuck you, Jackson." Roger replies while lighting himself a cigarette as Freddie hands him off to John to be dragged upstairs.
"Freddie, we have a few things to talk about." I say, taking a seat on the couch before he joins me.
"Alright, go on." He replies, crossing his arms and taking a drink of beer from the bottle neck to him.
"Who am I? Why am I important to you?" I ask, wanting nothing but to know the truth. He almost choked on his drink at the question.
"I'm afraid I can't answer..."
"Is Michael really my brother?" I interrupt, looking deep into his eyes for the answer I wanted. He pauses and heaves a deep sigh. "Oh god..."
"You were gonna know eventually."
"Then why? Why do you need me?" I ask again, my eyes filling up with tears. I feel the weight of the couch change on the other side of me as Roger sits down.
"Darling it's okay..."
"Stop, you're just as guilty as him. All of you are." I say, stopping Roger in mid sentence and making eye contact with all three of them.
"You were predicted to be the best god damn gangster the world has ever seen. Your father... did some crazy shit. I can't even begin to list the crimes he's committed." Freddie explains, taking another sip of beer. "Once we found out you moved here, we knew we had to get our hands on you before they did."
"So you took me away from my family?" I cry, tears streaming down my hot cheeks.
"No, your father did that. He retired, left Michael with his mom and took you with a different woman." He replies, looking me straight in the eye. He was telling the truth. "Here's the thing though, if you and Michael were put together, you two would be inevitable. Not only would we be killed, you two would get away with a lot of shit we don't even do."
"So my real name is Diana Jackson?" I mumble as he nods in return.
"It was hard calling you Eleanor when we knew your real name. But now, I'm going to give you the choice." He starts, leaning forward so we were face to face. "Now I don't do this often but you can choose. You can stay a Queen and officially be apart of our gang, or you can be with the Jacksons and be with your brother. It's up to you dear." He says, allowing me to look up at Brian and behind me at Roger and even to John who was leaning against the stairway.
"What about my signature?" I mumble, remembering the book.
"We can white it out. But you must choose, Ana." He says. The sound of him saying my real name was almost too heartbreaking to hear.
"Y'know..." I start, wiping my tears and smiling at all of them. "for as long as I can remember, I haven't had as much fun as I've had with you guys. I actually thought someone cared about me when I had my first visit here." I continue, looking up at Brian who was crying too. "I want to stay with you all. I haven't felt as close to anyone like I felt when I was with you guys."
Suddenly, I feel Roger hug me from behind allowing me to hug him back. "C'mon Freddie." He says to the leader who just shakes his head before joining in.
"I haven't hugged in years." Brian says, joining in and hugging me as well. "John?"
"C'mon John, or else I'll just have to get up and hug you." I giggle, hearing him sigh before another body is felt pressed against me. "So what do I have to do to officially become a member?" I ask only to get a bunch of laughs.
"Oh you'll see my dear. You'll see." Freddie chuckles as we all continue to hold the group hug.

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now