Chapter 4: Official

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     "No, please don't..." I plead as I feel the mattress dip down in front of me allowing my heart to begin to race. I quickly crawl back as far away from him but am stopped by the head of the bed.
     "Don't worry, I ain't gonna hurt you too bad." He whispers edging closer and closer to me. I could smell his scent as he neared closer. I feel my lips being kissed by his as his hands roamed all over my figure.
     Oh and here's the thing, I've never had fucking sex before. He was gonna probably rape me and I would be scarred and in pain for the rest of my life. I've also only kissed a boy twice in my lifetime. I's sad.
     "Roger, Stop. I don't want to." I mumble as he begins to kiss me down my neck, gently nibbling on my collar bone.
     "I'm not gonna fuck you. I'm just gonna eat you out is all..." he moans against my skin as he  starts to unbuttoning my white top, throwing it across the room. I notice his eyes land on my bra before gently kissing all over it.
     "No Roger, please." I plead trying to gently push him off of me. I see him reach into his back pocket, pulling out the same knife and holding it in front of my neck.
     "I don't wanna hurt you, but if I have to I will," he mutters, pressing the blade against my throat as he goes back to kissing my torso. I let out a sigh, giving me all to himself.
I feel him slide my shorts down before tossing those across the room as well. I find myself sliding down so I was now on my back while he slid my panties down. My cheeks flush with red as he did so. Good thing the room was somewhat dark.
I let out a shaky sigh as he begins to kiss my inner thighs. As much as it looked like I loved it, I was so uncomfortable in the moment, I let my body take over me.
     Before I knew it, he was not only eating me out, he was driving me insane. I...kinda liked it.        
I try my best not to moan as I feel a strange feeling in my abdomen. 'Oh fuck, was I gonna orgasm?'
     Before I could answer my own question, I feel a strong high hit me before "releasing" myself onto him. I lay flat on the bed, panting from what had just happened. He comes up from my core to smile at me before placing a kiss on my lips, allowing me to taste myself.
     "See, I don't usually eat a girl out on her first day. Your lucky this time, but next never know." He smiles, placing one more kiss on my lips, and getting up from the bed towards the door.
     I quickly make my way over to my shirt, shorts, and panties on the ground before quickly putting them on. As I was sliding my shirt on, I thought of what my mom was thinking right now. And even my dad who should be home, worrying sick of his missing daughter.
     Slowly getting up, I walk over and enter the living room to find them all doing their separate things. I watch as Freddie does a line of crack while the others gambled in the corner. He looks up to find me standing by the door as he wipes his nose.
     "Mmm, how'd it go dear?" Freddie asks, closing the small bag of powder and stuffing it in his pocket. Roger turns from his conversation to meet eyes with me before shooting a small wink.
     "Good I guess..." I reply continuing to lean against the wall, wanting nothing but to be as far away from them.
     "Lovely, Brian," He says allowing the curly haired boy to turn to eye him. 'So that was his name.' "Get the list." He orders allowing Brian to get up from his seat and enter another room to retrieve this "list."
     He comes back with a small, leather covered book before handing it to Freddie who flips through until he lands on a certain page. Motioning a finger, I slowly approach him and take a seat on the couch.
     "Give me your hand," He demands holding his hand out, waiting for me to place mine in his. Raising my shaky left hand, I place it in his.
     Taking out his pocket knife, he flips the blade and quickly swiping it across the palm of my hand, allowing blood to slowly run down onto a blank line of a page.
     I wince a bit at the pain before squeezing my hand shut. He takes out a calligraphy pen and hands it to me. "You are to sign your name with the blood you have spilled onto the page." He explains, handing me the pen and book.
     Looking down at the small pool of blood, I hesitantly raise the pen and dip it in the drops. "What exactly am I signing up for?" I ask, holding the pen in midair.
     Suddenly, a knife is felt pressing against my neck as a figure stands behind me. "That's for us to know, and for you to not." Brian whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine as he did so.
     Feeling the blade press harder against my neck, I take my chances and sign my name on the page allowing him to release the knife.  Freddie smiles in victory before shutting the book and handing it back to Brian who takes it back to the room.
"Well, now that that's takin care of, take her home Taylor." He says snapping at the blonde who heaves a sigh before getting up, motioning me over to him. I do as he says and follow him out the door towards the awaiting convertible.

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