Chapter 26: Trouble

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"Well, I better get going. It's getting a bit late." I say, getting up and walking over to my bag.
"Mmm, Taylor'll take you home." Freddie replies, snapping at Roger who gladly gets up from his seat to join me by the door.
We both hurry outside which was when he pulls me into a long, loving kiss. "Antsy aren't you?" I giggle, passionately kissing him back before dragging him to the car.
"I'm just glad to have some more time with you before you go." He replies while climbing into the drivers seat and starting the car. As I get in, I notice the Jacksons' car still parked next to us.
"Of course. This won't be the only time though. You can drive me home everyday." I purr, playing with his long, blonde hair that I loved so much.
"It would be my pleasure." He growls, crashing his lips on mine once more. It quickly stops though as he begins to back out and drive towards my house.
The warm, evening breeze was nice against my skin as we drove down the road. He could tell I was enjoying myself because at a stop sign, a kiss was quickly placed on my cheek, turning them red.
"You spoil me, Roger Taylor." I comment, blushing at his action.
"Only because you deserve it, love." He says, continuing on until my house was spotted around the corner. Grabbing my bag, I prepare myself to exit as he parks by the curb.
Just as I opened the door, I was stopped by a pair of lips locking with mine. I smile into the kiss before breaking it and gazing into his beautiful blue pearls.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Rog." I giggle as he begins to kiss me down my neck impatiently.
"Oh, how I wish you could move in with us." He muffled against my skin before leaving more kisses.
"I will, I just wont be there all the time."
"El, is that you?" I hear a familiar voice ask behind me allowing me to quickly push Roger off of me and see my mom sticking her head out the door.
"Hi, mum." I greet, climbing out of the car with my bag and jacket in hand.
"Oh is this the boy you were talking about? Can I meet him?" She asks in her motherly loving voice.
"Um, y'know he really has to get going so maybe not..."
"Oh I'll get your father. We can both meet him. Joseph!" She yells inside the house as I bury my face in my palms. Roger chuckles at me as my face turns into a tomato.
"You should've left while you could." I mumble, shaking my head and rolling my eyes at my mother.
"Oh, I don't mind."
"Yeah but my father was the past leader for your rivals. I don't know what he's capable of now. For all I know, he can slit your throat while you're sleeping." I mutter as he gets out of the car and takes a stance next to me.
"You are too dramatic." He chuckles, pulling me into a hug and planting a kiss on my head.
     "For someone who doesn't want to die if our relationship gets out, you sure are calm." I whisper as my father and mother approach us.
     "They're your parents, not Freddie." He chuckles as my mother greets him first.
     "Hello darling, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She greets, shaking his hand while the other one was inclosed in mine.
     "Mum, I only told you about him this morning." I scoff, pressing my lips together as my father comes next. Roger straightens his posture before holding his hand out to him.
     "Roger Taylor, pleasure to meet you sir." He introduces himself while shaking his hand. My father's eyes grow wide in satisfaction. 'Never heard Roger use his manners like that.'
"So, you're dating my daughter I see." He says looking over at me with a sly smile.
"Well actually..."
"No, no we are not. We're just very close friends." I interrupt the blonde who glances over to me shooting him a 'go with it' look. My father's mood suddenly changes at my interference.
     "Well, still very nice to meet you, Roger." He says before turning around and going back into the house. My mum smiles at us one more time before following him.
     "See, told you it'll be fine." He murmurs to me before gently pressing a kiss on my temple.
"You don't know that. I still don't trust him. We've gotta be careful." I reply, pivoting my body to face his before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.
"And we will." He chuckles before placing another peck upon my lips. "Worry about the troubles when they come. But in the meantime," he pauses, wrapping an arm around my waist while the other one cupped my face. "You're all mine."
     "Indeed I am, Roger Taylor."


     A week later

     "A fuck, that's right babygirl." He says as I finish riding him in my room. Today was the day I took my first victim for a good time. The first man I got was a senior named Thomas.
     "Shit." I mumble, pulling out and flopping on the bed next to him. "Right...see you next week." I whisper in between pants as my heart continued to race in my bare chest.
     "Come on baby..."
     "Get the fuck out." I mutter, not wanting his flirts. He does as I say and quickly gets dressed before leaving my room.
     I moved into the house 3 days ago. They took a storage room next to Brian's and turned it into a simple room for me. It wasn't too bad to be honest except for the fact Brian was next door while Roger lies downstairs.
     Sitting up, I grab my bra from the foot of the bed before clipping it over my chest. I rub my tired eyes as my heart slowly returned back to it's normal pace.
"My fucking god." I whisper to myself as I stand up to put my clothes back on. 'He wasn't that bad. Of course, I had to do all the work which I hate but is also my job.'
'I wonder how Roger and Angela are going downstairs.' He brought another stupid blonde home to complete another appointment but I didn't mind. We had no choice but to not mind if we wanted to continue our relationship.
Suddenly, a knock is heard at my door. "Come in." I groan, taking a seat back on the bed. The door slowly creaks open to reveal Brian. "Oh, hey." I greet as he comes in.
"Hey, so how was it? Your first costumer." He asks, showing a small smile that I kindly returned.
"He wasn't too bad. How's Michael holding up?" I ask back getting a nod. He inches closer until he stood right before me.
     "John's taken him to the lot for questioning." He says with a chuckle. "You know John, it's just something he would do."
     "Hm, yeah I suppose." I reply, rubbing my eyes once more. After regaining my vision I look up to see him smirking at me. "What is it you really came for...Brian?" I ask in a seductive tone that got his attention.
     "Well..." he pauses, taking a seat on the bed next to me and gazing into my desire filled eyes. "Now that you mention it, we haven't been spending some time together...haven't we?" He asks as he bites his bottom lip at the sight of mine.
     "Oh you're right darling." I reply in character while brushing some of his curls away from his face. "Are you in need of some loving?" I murmur, my lips ghosting over his to tease him. I knew he liked me so why ignore it when you can have fun with it.
"Oh my fucking god Ana, yes." He whispers, cupping one side of my face before forcing his lips onto mine. Suddenly though, the door swings open to reveal John.
"Guys I...oh god." He said but stopped as he say the make out session we had created. I part away from Brian to focus my attention on John.
"Terribly sorry. What is it, John?" I ask the brunette who was covering his eyes with the palm of his hand.
"What I was trying to say..." he says, removing his hand and swallowing hard in embarrassment. "I lost him."
"Lost who?" I say in a serious tone, standing up and furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Brian does the same, both hoping he wouldn't say what we were thinking.
"He escaped. Michael escaped."

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