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- Ally -
Walking back into Dinah's living room with my glass of wine in hand, I groaned in aggravation at the sight in front of me.

"Y'all make me sick." I said as I sat down on in the recliner.

Normani chuckled while one hand held her phone and the other held her glass of wine. "What's up with you?"

"She needs some dick, that's what." Dinah says while staring at the tv as her and Mani started laughing. Oh girl, if only you knew.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "I don't understand why you invited us over here only to do nothing but sit and look at each other."

"Because I'm a lonely bitch and I need my besties to keep me company." She whined.

"Ok but can we do something? Like play a game or watch a movie." I asked before lifting my glass to my mouth.

"Like what game?" She asked. "What movie?"

"Lets play Hide n Seek." Normani suggests. "Y'all hide, and I'll seek."

Before Dinah could open her mouth, Normani spoke again.

"Seek a nap because I damn sure ain't about to be looking and runnin around." She said before laughing hysterically.

"I fucking hate you." Dinah said before rolling her eyes.

"Lets play truth or dare." I suggested and they both looked towards me.

"Nasty Edition." Normani said with a smirk.

"And I say we ditch these glasses of wine and drink directly from the bottle." Dinah says as she takes me and Manis glass out of our hands. She comes back out with a big bottle of Dom Perignon champagne.

"Champagne?" I jumped up and jumped in front of her. "You said you were gonna save this for a special occasion."

"I did?" Dinah asked. Me and Mani nodded as Normani got up and went into the kitchen.

When she came out, she had Hennessy in her hand. "THIS is what we need to get this party started."

"Yeaaaaah," I dragged with a smirk. "Now we're talking."

Dinah sat the bottle of champagne on the coffee table.

"What kinda music?" She asks as she went over to her bluetooth and linked her phone to it before coming over to sit back down.

"Ari Lennox?"

"Who's that?" I asked Normani. She sighed.

"Ally, baby. I reaaally need to put you on to more black artists because you so behind."

"Imma just put on Easy by DaniLeigh and put Ari Lennox on queue." Dinah chuckled.

"Mani, Truth or Dare?" Dinah asked first.

"Dare." Normani smiled wide.

"I dare you to......go knock on my neighbors door, if they answer, ask them to have sex. If they say yes, flash your titties and run. If they say no, you gotta tell us out of me and Ally which one you feel you'd have the best sex with." Dinah explains.

"Bitch what the fuck?!" Normani yelled. "I'm not asking no random ass mother fucker to have sex with me and if they yes, flash my changas and run. Hell no. And ain't your neighbor an old woman? Nah, I'm not doing it. You can forget it."

"Mani you have to do it." Dinah said in between laughs. I was laughing my butt off.

"Like hell I have to." She scoffed. "Fuck that. Wait what else you said? You said I have to pick between you and Ally? If I had to choose I'd choose Ally."

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