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Christmas Eve.....

Dad walks back in the room and takes a look at everyone before walking to the stairs. "Allyson! Dinah! ¡darse prisa! Our guest and family will be here any minute!"

Sierra comes down the stairs carefully in her open-toed heels and a red sweater dress.

"Look at you!" I yell happily, admiring my cousin. She never fails to look good. "A snack!"

She makes her duck lips and flips her hair behind her shoulders, "Oh girl. Tell me something I don't know."

"Oh my lord."My grandma rolls her eyes. "She's so full of herself."

"I'm conceited, I gotta reason." Sierra shrugs.

Then here comes the love of my life, in a black sleek long-sleeve turtle neck with black jeans. She had her up in a neat bun with gold diamond studs and gold watch on her left wrist. Lauren looked so good, so daddy-ish like. Now she, my dear, was a whole meal that I was craving.

I crushed on her like I didn't already have her under my belt. I had fell in love all over again. Those green eyes when they met mine was enough to make sang girl fall to their knees.

I rushed to the stairs to take her hand like the queen she was and she took mine with a smile.

"You look beautiful," She says before looking me head to toe. "Wow."

"That would be you, dear,"I smile. "You look amazing in black."

"Oh stop it," She bats her eyes. She twirls and strikes a pose. "I mean I do look good, huh?"

I smiled and pulled her head down to kiss me, "You're cute and yes you do."


"Okay is everyone downstairs," Dad looks at everybody.

"Luna!" Sierra yells sharply. "Put the candy down."

"But I want a piece!" She whines.

"After dinner," I fill in before Brandon takes it out her hand and places it back in the candy dish.

"You too Sierra," Mom says without looking up up her and fixing the collar on Luna's dress."Being a mother comes with having eyes in the back of my head. I see everything. How are you gonna tell her to put candy down but you have candy in your mouth. You ain't slick, hurry up and swallow it."

Sierra's eyes grow big and chews the candy fast.

Diing dong! Diiing dong!

"That's them," Dad says happily. He fixes his clothes and pats his hair before we all walk over to the door; all of us looking like a those cliche families in drama movies.

The fresh but cold zephyr of air hits us when dad opens the door to a large group of people in which I call family and friends standing covered with scarfs, fake fur coats, some with aluminum foil wrapped platters and bowls in hands. Some with wine bottles in theirs hands too.

Everyone grew a genuine, bright, happy smile, including us as dad welcomes them in.

We hug everyone as they enter or as they pass us toward the dining room. I introduce them to Lauren as they come and they happily meet her.

After my Aunt Heather told mom she brought homemade pie, mom disappeared into the kitchen with others that had a food or drink in their hands.

The Melzar's came in with the group and Julian was the first to hug me before his mother and father. He smiled at Lauren and Lauren returned the smile before Donovan and Catherine hugged me.

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