I'm Not Trippin'

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Quan quickly put some space between us. Tray stood at the doorway for a minute, taking time to let what he just saw sink in. The thing that surprised me was that he didn't even looked phased by it.

"Shit, my fault. That was all me." Quan said, trying to take the blame.

"You ain't gotta cover up for shit. Both of you did that." Tray grimaced, sizing Quan up. The room fell silent once again and the tension was high.

Quan cleared his throat, grabbed his crutches, and brushed pass Tray. They stared each other down before Tray walked into the room with me. He sat in the same place Quan once was.

"So this what we doing now?" He asked. I twisted my lips to the side and looked down at my lap. I wasn't even ready to look this man in his eye. I felt guilty and remained silent as he sighed.

"You know what, I'm not even trippin'." He shrugged and stood back up. I glanced at him and bit my lip. He was looking so good, but it was obvious that he was going to cut all ties with me. I mean, I know I would.

"So, you're just going to leave? You just got here and now you're going back?" I questioned. He lightly chuckled and shook his head before walking over to the side of my bed.

"Funny how that's the first thing that comes from your mouth. Fuck you want me to do, huh?" He growled. He stared intensely in my face as his nose flared.

"I came here looking for your ass only to see you kissing all on the nigga that broke your heart. Like, what's that yo? How the hell you end up kissing him when you wanted nothing to do with him? That shit make sense to you?" I frowned and hoped that he would just leave. I wasn't up to arguing and there is no point in explaining when he already saw everything.

"So what was I, another nigga to fill that empty spot in yo' heart because yo' ass didn't feel loved?" The nurse came back into the room with a questioning look on her face.

"Do you two need more time?" She asked while staring Tray down. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Nah, I was just leaving." Tray said. He looked me up and down with a mug before walking towards the door.

"Yes, we do need more time, Tray come back." I spoke up. He just continued walking which made me angry.

"We are perfectly capable of talking this out like grown individuals." I scoffed. He popped his head back into the room and the nurse looked puzzled.

"Fuck is there to talk about. I saw everything!" He yelled.

"You don't even know the half!" I yelled back. The nurse quickly walked back outside while Tray stepped into the room.

"Look Mya, it's obvious that you still have love for him. I'm not even trippin' because I kind of expected it. I just wanted to be there when you needed someone 'cause I knew you were hurting. I was just hoping your feelings for him would fade eventually, but like I said, you still got love for him." He shrugged.

"So, even if I kissed him on purpose, you're not mad?" I asked. I mentally slapped myself because that was a stupid question.

"Shit, I'm furious, and we're definitely not a couple anymore, but I'm not about to lash out on you like that because I know where yo' heart is. If something comes across you and you realize what you've done, then I'mma be in the waiting room to make sure you're straight before I go. We can keep in touch and shit because you still work for me, I'm not gon' fire you because I'm no heartless nigga, and two wrongs don't make a right. If you ever need some' you can still come to me. Just don't expect us to have some sort of romantic relationship, because we not cut out for that." I nodded but frowned a little, knowing that I just lost a good one. But I guess my heart was all for Ja'Quan.

"Thank you for understanding Tray." He nodded and turned around. I was grateful that he wasn't the type to blow up in your face when you did something wrong.

I sighed a breath of relief and slumped into the bed, pressing the button for the nurse to come back. Nevertheless, I was sad to be losing Tray, but my heart told me otherwise.

The nurse walked into the room with a pair of crutches smiling and crap like someone just gave her an award.

"You're free to go, but like I said before, you're going to be put on crutches due to your knee injury. Make sure to elevate your leg and try not to use it so much." I nodded and positioned myself to where I was sitting on the left side of my bed. She handed me the crutches and told me some more information that I had to listen to. Once she was done I limped out of the room and down the hall to where I saw Trey flirting with a nurse. I rolled my eyes and limped up behind him. He must've felt my presence because he turned around quickly with his hand on his waist band. The nurse giggled and started walking away which made Trey suck his teeth.

"Watch yo' ole pinhead ass want?" He asked with a mug.

"Wow, I was kidnapped, abused, and shot and that's the first thing you say to me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It's Quan's job to be nice to you and shit. I'm Trey, that careless nigga. I think you got the wrong one if you searching for condolences." He shrugged. I smacked my lips and brushed pass him to find my father's room. Trey can kiss my black as-

"Mya." I heard a voice say. I whipped my head around at the open door and limped in when I saw my father. He didn't look too bad.

"Good, you're okay. I wa-"

"Shut the hell up. After what happened today you will not be coming around my work or anything like that. You put your little ass through too much so therefore, no, you will not help me with any shit involving my business. You hear me?" I grimaced at him and sat on the chair that was in the corner of the room.

"Man, yeah." I mumbled. He groaned and sat up in the bed.

"Speak up." He demanded. I sucked my teeth and sighed.

"Yeah, I hear you." I heard him, but I didn't really care about what he said. My mother was just like him, and so is Quan. His job keep money in his pocket and I want that too. I still had my Job for Tray but more money wouldn't hurt.

"Now, me and that nigga tied our ties, so I should be good on that part." He said, referring to Quan's dad. I mugged nothing in particular and looked at him strangely.

"He lied to you before, right?" He nodded his head while rubbing his chin. I never understood why the boss, who's suppose to be the smartest one, never got the simple hints. I got ready to whisper and rant.

"Okay, then don't you think he's playing you? He did it once, he'll do it again. He didn't even get to take back from you, so what if the next move he's encountering is to take me away from you. First he took your wife, who was important. Now all of a sudden he wants to tie the ties and say he's done with messing around with you when he didn't even do as much damage as you did? That's a little shady if you ask me." I stated. My father nodded and rubbed over his hair.

"You're right." He nodded. "Which is why you're staying in L.A with me. So I can watch over you at all times." I nodded but but my head drifted off to another thing that I couldn't get off my head. And I really needed answers.

"Hey Dad, if the enemy killed my adopted mother to get to her husband's head, then who was her husband, and how come I've never met him before?"




And be eazzzyyyyy! 💯

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