I Wanna Be Like You

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"You're looking better already." I complimented with flowers in my hand.

"Shut up 'Quan. What'd you come here for?" Jinx scoffed.

"To check on you, duh." I said as I tried pushing my way past her and into her condo.

"Well you did, now bye." She tried shutting the door but I put my foot in the way which resulted in her sighing.

"I didn't meant to go M.I.A on you. You know I was in the hospital myself, and-"

"Your little girlfriend appeared and all of a sudden you forget about me. It's cool, it honestly doesn't even bother me." She interrupted.

"Aaliyah, just let me in." I straight faced her. She sighed and threw her hands up in defeat. I pushed the door open and closed it behind me before placing her flowers on the island.

"Lemme see the scar." I blurted. She mugged me and went inside of her refrigerator.

"I really want to tie you up and chop a new limb off every time you blink." She mumbled. I held my chest like I was hurt and took a seat on one of the bar stools.

"So it's like that?" She nodded as she drank from her water bottle.

"Aaliyah, come hereeee." I dragged. She pointed to the door and shrugged.

"You've overstayed your visit. You may leave now." I sucked my teeth and hopped up from the stool, making my way towards her.

"Lemme check yo' scar." I continued walking towards her until she backed into the refrigerator.

"Don't get smacked 'Quan." She warned.

"Damn 'Liyah! I can't even check on you?!" I yelled, growing irritated.

"Go check on Mya!" She yelled back. I put my hands on both sides of her face which caused her to smack me across mine.

"See, I'm trynna make sure you straight. I bet you low-key enjoying my company too, but you wanna be hard on a nigga. Then as soon as I leave because I've had enough of putting up with you, you gon' be in here moping 'cause you wish I wouldn't have left. Now you better take this chance 'fore you don't get another one." I said.

"Moooovveeee." She dragged while trying to push me away. "I don't need you checking on me if you not my boyfriend." She added.

"I can't check on you 'cause we friends?" She shook her head and finally made her way past me. I followed her into the living room and sat beside her.

"I don't do that friends crap. A few weeks ago you were all over this and now you just want to be friends? If you want a relationship with me, then say that. If not, I don't need you hanging around. It's either my boyfriend, or nothing. We can be cordial, only because we work together, but that's it. Make up your mind Ja'Quan, I'm serious." I sighed and ran a hand across my hair. All these problems. My mother is already upset because her dinner didn't go as planned, and now this too, plus my girl is being watched by a nigga I dont know or trust.

"Then I guess we're only going to be cordial because we work together." I said. She frowned and folded her arms, looking in the other direction.

"I thought you were different." She mumbled.

"I thought you were different." I said back. "Honestly, I thought I liked you at first, but I think that was just because my girlfriend wasn't my girlfriend no more, and I was looking for someone to take her place. But I don't think I'm replacing her. I love her and I don't feel that way about you, or anyone else but her. So if you can't see that I'm just checking up on you 'cause I care 'bout you, then I'm cool with that. But I've come to the conclusion that I'm not interested in a relationship with you no more."

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