All About Protection

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I followed my dad through his trap house as I looked at the few people that were here.

"Where's everybody at?" I asked my father.

"Somewhere you don't need to be. I'll tell your ass where you can go inside of here. If I catch you in any rooms you don't belong, you getting in trouble." He said. I rolled my eyes and continued to follow him down the hallway.

"What's in the other rooms?" I questioned. He ignored me and pushed through his office door where three other boys who looked around my age sat.

"I'm getting bad vibes from you." I told my father while shifting my weight to one side of my crutches.

"Whatchu talking about? Your smart ass don't need to know everything. I'm trying to protect you anyway." He scoffed as he took a seat at his desk. "Sit." He ordered. I sighed and sat on the other end of the sofa sense I wasn't trying to be next to the boy.

"What you call us for boss?" One boy asked as he slumped and got comfortable.

"You three are my most trusted workers here. While I'm cool with everyone else, it's clear as day that y'all really with me." The three boys nodded in agreement while I took the time to stare each one down.

"Now, I have someone very special I want y'all to meet." My dad said, nodding towards me. "That's my daughter, Mya." He added. The three boys instantly snapped their necks towards me.

"Her?" One boy questioned.

"She's who's you been going on about finding and shit?" Another one said. I noticed that one boy remained quiet the whole time. He hadn't said a word since we walked in here.

"Yeah. Anyway, she's back in good hands again, and I don't need shit happening to her. Which is why I'm putting all three of you in charge of her. But she's only gonna be staying with one of you. Aspect, I expect you to take good care of her for me. She would stay with me, but I be out and about and I got a few people who want my head. I don't need them coming to my shit and taking her-"

"Hol' the fuck up." I interrupted as I scooted to the edge of my seat. My dad snapped his eyes at me.

"Whoever the hell Aspect is, the nigga gotta babysit me?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Mya, shut up and let me finish." He said. I sighed and sat back with my arms crossed. I don't need nobody to babysit my grown ass. The rest of my dad's talking was a blur as I zoned out and thought about my life.

I've been through some things and I was still trying to figure out the answer to my own question. Who was my adopted mother's husband? I didn't even know she had one. She never had a ring on her finger, and she's always told me everything.

"That's all." I heard my dad say as I zoned back into the conversation. He stood up as well as the three boys and dapped them all up.

I stayed sitting there as I watched them talk a little more before the three boys walked out. My father stood in front of me with a questioning look.

"You good?" He asked. I nodded and stood up with the help of my crutches.

"Talk to me." He said as he sat on top of his desk. I sucked my teeth and stared at him before opening my mouth again.

"I understand what you do is dangerous, and me being your daughter, I'm sure a lot of people are after me too, but why can't I just get my own little condo or apartment? I don't wanna stay with some random. Can't I live with Ja'Quan?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"I know where you coming from, but if you had a place by yo'self, imagine what could happen. You won't have someone to look after you. When I say something it's because I'm trying to protect you. I know sometimes I come off rude, but that's just me. I'm serious about what I do, what I want done, and how I want it done. I just need you to cooperate for the time being until I can get things 'round hea' situated. Now as far as this nigga Ja'Quan, I don't want you anywhere near him. I'm guessing y'all had a thing, but whatever you had, you can't bring that here. He's working for the enemy now, which makes him yours as well." I sighed and nodded. I wasn't going to argue because he was right and there was no point.

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