☁️ Monoma x Reader [Midterms]

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"You really are helpless aren't you?" Monoma sighed as you once again asked what the squared root of 144 was. "It's twelve. It's always been twelve!"
"I'm sorry, that one always gets me," you chuckled. You had gotten past the point of feeling sad when Monoma insulted you and left with the realization that this was just his way of humor. It took a while, but now you could spend hours with him without feeling insulted once. You were used to his odd antics by now and had taken a liking to him. And you were one of the few people who understood him, so he let you hang around him. He had been your best friend for the entirety of the school year, ever since the first day. He sat next to you in class and told you that he would probably beat you in every challenge that would be presented to you. You got angry at first, but you soon realized that was just how he held himself to a higher standard. By challenging the people he saw as strong, he was all the more eager to prove to himself and everybody that he was truly the best.

You always admired that about him. Even if most people viewed him as maniacal, you saw him as your personal hero. He was inspiring. Though he was slightly embarrassing when your class ran into class 1-A. You wished he would be a little less crazy, but again that was the thing you liked about him. You just hovered a book in front of your face for the whole time so they wouldn't see you.

The truth is, you liked Monoma. He was hilarious, determined, talented, and sometimes sweet. That last one was rare. You just wanted to be like him. He wasn't well-liked, but that wasn't what you needed. You needed to be a great hero. There were many admirable traits about him, not to mention he was easy on the eyes. You spent most, if not all of your time tagging along with him. You didn't know if his feelings were reciprocated, but he let you hang out with him so you took that as a good sign.
"Well if you would work harder on math then you would know that," he retorted, flipping through a page.
"I know math well, but sometimes I just forget certain things," you tried. He rolled his eyes and held back a smile, resuming his normal, albeit crazy face. "How about that training session today, huh? The one with class 1-A?" You chatted. He looked up at you and then looked back down at his book.
"Well what other training session would there be? And what about it?"
"You know what I'm talking about. You can't be okay with how that turned out," you worried.
"It is what it is," he muttered. You sighed and stared at him, even though he wasn't looking back at you. When his eyes finally met yours, you could tell he was upset. Usually during your study sessions he was more talkative, discussing several things with you that made you laugh your head off. But right now he was quiet and his jokes were dry.
"And what it is is bad. I know you're not happy." The training session started off well for your class, but as normal class 1-A pulled ahead and made your class to look inadequate. This inadequacy was something that drove him up the wall; it was more than he could handle. Normally he would mask that angry feeling by berating the members of the other class and laughing maniacally, but behind closed doors he truly showed how he felt about losing. He was incredibly competitive, and for just once he would like to be the winner.
"It's nothing out of the usual. They always win." You could see tears forming in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away before you could be sure if he was crying or not.
"Maybe. But they don't have you," you remarked. He inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly, calming himself before he let emotion flood out of him in a very physical way.
"What do you even mean by that?" He questioned. You closed your notebook and stood up to sit on the couch that he was on. He visibly shrunk into himself as you sat down, but he didn't scoot away.
"I mean they don't have you. Your class spirit. Your quirk. Your talent. Sure they have some incredible people," you insisted. He scoffed at the word 'incredible.' "But they don't have you. And for that I pity them." He wiped at his eyes again, looking at the floor with an empty gaze. You squeezed his forearm with your hand, feeling his warm skin beneath yours.
"Your opinion of me is far too good. You know what happened today? I made a mistake. I made one big mistake which made it impossible for us to win. It was all my fault. You know I can't handle failure," he exclaimed.
"I messed up too! I made a mistake. Everyone has made a mistake before. Even if you hesitated for a moment and that caused issues, you redeemed yourself. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself," you pleaded. He looked up at you and smiled slightly. He sniffled a little and put his hand on top of yours.
"Thank you. Really, thank you." You wiped his tears with your thumb gently, then stood back up, returning to your previous spot. You opened your book again and found the spot where you left off.

"So where were we?" You broke the silence. He stared at the book for a moment before shutting it carelessly.

"You know what? It can wait," he said. He tossed his books off the coffee table between you with reckless abandon.

"What? Why did you do that? Midterms are tomorrow!" You exclaimed.

"We can study all night. Or we could have some fun. We've been studying every night for two weeks now, and we can't possibly be more ready than we already are," he explained. You smiled and slid all of your books off in the same manner.

"Fun?" You questioned, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at him. He smiled widely back at you and stood up, walking towards the kitchen to his small, cozy house. You excitedly followed behind, trying to keep up with his large strides.

"I bet class 1-A can't cook as well as me," he said, giving you a hint as to what your activities for this evening would be.

"What? You can cook? Monoma!" You gasped, laughing lightly. He shrugged and pulled down various ingredients. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"It rarely comes up in hero work, Y/N. You of all people should know that," he remarked. You rolled your eyes and held the boxes he handed to you.

"You should have cooked for me much earlier," you mumbled, staring at his back move.

"What's that?" He turned to face you, dangerously close to your face.

"I said you should have cooked for me earlier," you dared. He rolled his eyes and turned back around, pouring spaghetti into a boiling pot of water.

"Well I'm cooking for you now. And plus, we were always too busy studying instead. Here, help me," he said, holding up a spoon towards you. "Watch this while I make the sauce." You took the spoon and poked at the spaghetti, not having a clue as to what to do with the utensil he handed you. You glanced at him casually throwing in different spices and ingredients into a pan.

"How do you know if you have the right amount of ingredients?" You asked, peering over his shoulder.
"I don't know. I just sort of do," he stated. "Here, taste this." He held up a wooden spoon with sauce on the end.
"You're not gonna poison me, are you?" You joked, taking the spoon from his hand.
"Yup. Now hurry and try some." You put it up to your mouth, tasting it just a little bit. You didn't know what you were expecting, but it was beyond good. It was amazing.
"Oh my god! Where did you even learn how to do this?" You exclaimed. He smiled widely and shrugged, taking back the spoon.
Soon enough, he finished making the food, and had set up a table for the both of you. As you sat and ate, you talked about the things that happened during the school day. You talked about your internships, your families, and jobs. You learned things about him you didn't know before.
"Wait, you used to dance?" You laughed. He twirled around a fork in his hand and gave a smug look to you.
"My mom made me take ballet lessons when I was young. Didn't really like it but no matter what I do I can't forget those lessons." He proceeded to tell you about a crazy dance teacher and grueling lessons that made him realize that he was not a dancer.
"There's a lot about you I didn't know about you, Neito," you said. He smiled and put his fork down.
"You're my best friend, right?" He asked. Your smile ceased and you laughed dryly.
"I thought you were just my tutor," you teased. He narrowed his eyes and caused you to stand down.
"Yeah but seriously, there's been something I've been wanting to tell you," he said. You put down your fork and looked at him with concern. He let out a big sigh and ran his hand through his hair.
"What is it? Is everything okay?" You wondered.
"No, it's nothing like that. I'm not dying or anything," he mumbled. I might have to after this, though, he thought. "Look I'll just say it plainly. You and I are alike. I get along well with you and you are just really nice to me. It's rare, so I often cherish the people who actually want to spend time with me. You're one of those people, and at first I was just happy to have you as my friend. But now I can't feel content with that. It feels greedy to want more from you than you have already given me. But I do. I love you, Y/N," he stated. Your mouth hung open and you nearly fainted. What?!
"L-Love me? How? What is happening?" You stuttered. He smirked slightly and looked down at his plate.
"I'm not just gonna say I have a crush on you. We're not children. And I know how I feel. Take it or leave it. I don't expect you to feel the same way, but I just needed you to know."
You tried to formulate a coherent thought. Sure, you liked Monoma. Unbearable as some found him, you could spend an endless amount of time with him. Your feelings for him always seemed platonic, but tonight it was different. Seeing him in a normal setting made his confession seem appropriate. Your mind drew up blanks. You didn't know what to say. So you didn't say anything at all.
You leaned over to him, where he was sitting next to you, and kissed him. At first his eyes were wide open and he didn't move. He was too surprised. But when he realized what was happening, he melted into you. He swung his legs around so he could face you, and wrapped his arms around your waist. His eyes drifted closed as he accepted this outcome. Once the shock was gone, you were left with pure happiness.
You parted the kiss and looked at his blue eyes lovingly. "I wasn't expecting that," he laughed. You smiled and kissed him again.
"Get used to it, because I love you too,"


Hey y'all, thank you so much for reading! I noticed an absence of Monoma chapters in my book so I decided to add some! Idk this character is just so hilarious to me. I love my blonde boy.

Please submit suggestions so I can add future chapters! Thank you :)

This chapter has been edited.

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