6.) In A Dream, My love, U Will Find my Heart

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This chapter was written with the vaudeville theme, that the song makes me feel. I don't know if I'm right about that but anyway. Think- dramatic theater.

Uhm, I'm not sure if that makes sense. Anyways, thought it was cute, might delete??? No, I didn't write this while doing recreational things and watching Futurama.





I watch shocked and frozen on the stage, my bass heavy hanging around me feels like a ton of bricks. Roger and Brian are already all over Freddie. I watch from my spot, as his body twitches underneath their bloody hands that are putting pressure on his gushing wounds.

The screams from the fans are ear piercing. All I can do is stare as some of them disperse, while others stand by to look on and cry their hearts out as their idol lay in a pool of his own blood on the stage that he just conquered. There seems to be some sort of chase going on as a team of security guards leap over the iron fences and run after someone in the crowd.

Unbeknownst to me, my feet take me forward. My body automatically going into fight or flight mode. I stand over him as Roger and Brian shout across the stage for help. His eyes look up at me, but it seems like he's just looking through me. Bending down to his level, I'm unsure of what to do.
What can I do?

Freddie is not responding to Roger or Brian who are both hysterically shouting for his attention. He seems to have lost his grips with reality. Putting my lips down to his ear, I whisper to him and I think he's heard me, when I see his hand reach up and blindly search around.

Before I can talk to him any further, a team of paramedics rush to his side. I sit back on my knees as his body is secured to a stretcher, all the while Brian is left with the job of prying Roger off of Freddie so that he can be lifted away. They take off with him and poor Brian, who doesn't look too well himself, has the job of dragging me and a blubbering Roger along.

When we get behind the stage there is already an ambulance on standby. As they lift Freddie into the back, they turn to ask quickly if anyone is tagging along. Now, I know the more level headed Brian is maybe better suited, but I just told Fred that I wouldn't leave him and I won't!

I climb into the waiting seat and before I know it I wave to my friends through the tiny back window as we speed away. Roger and Brian's outlines grow smaller and just before turning the corner, I see Roger dropping to the floor from sobbing so hard. His whole face is swollen and pink, so pink you can see the part in his hair match the same hue as his face.

The paramedics are talking some gibberish that I can't keep up with, I just grab ahold of Freddie's hand. He squeezes it back and I let out a deep breath at the realization that my dear friend is still alive. Though, he is fighting for his life, I know this is just the beginning of this horrible nightmare. How have we never discussed this or prepared for it? We know how crazy fans can be, look what happened to poor Lennon.

No. I stop myself from thinking such things. Freddie cannot go out like this. He has too much to live for! He's fought too hard tooth over nail to get to where he is today. He's got such beautiful children and an amazing wife by his side and-

Shit! I wonder if Cherie knows?? Has anyone told her? Has anyone called her? Wasn't she meant to be watching. Dear Lord, I hope she wasn't watching!

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