9.) Once I Could See the Good in Me

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*Tid bit of smutttty smut warning!*

Kind of feel like I should've separated this into two chapters but I'm tired of copying and pasting all my notes together so you get this extra long chapter today 😉😉😉


It's been 6 weeks since Freddie's return home from the hospital. He has been doing really well in his physical therapy sessions. He's even got permission to perform again, though he refuses. He says he wants to be in tip top shape before attempting to ignite the stage again.

The amount of fan mail that has been brought to our home via the head of the fan club, is how Freddie has been using his free time. He takes it very serious to reply to each letter that he can. The outpouring support always brings a smile to his face and it still shocks him how he could mean so much to people who have never met him. But that's just Freddie. He never thinks too highly of himself- he thinks he's really too boring to be seen as the rock god he is labeled as.

I am currently in the kitchen, bright and early, while the rest of my family sleeps in. I've decided since Freddie can now walk at a more comfortable pace, that we should have one of our picnic days. So, I'm up early to pack the picnic basket full of freshly cut up fruit, sandwiches and an apple pie for desert.

The last few nights, since Freddie's condition has improved, he's been staying up late scribbling away in his notebook. I've even woken up sometimes at 3 AM to the sound of his light singing against the piano twinkles from down stairs. I love that he is so inspired, but he does need his rest. That's why I hope lazing on this Sunday afternoon, will give him the breeze he needs.

"Good morning, my sweets," Freddie comes down the steps with the twins following along behind him.

"Aww, Good morning, love bugs!," I smile up at them as I place the cover over the picnic basket. Freddie comes over to wrap his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek.
"Did they wake you?," I ask while looking at the twins as they climb on to the kitchen chairs.

"Mmm," Freddie hums into my ear. "They screamed their good mornings into my ears and nearly gave me a heart attack!," the twins burst into bubbly giggles when Freddie shakes his finger at them. I can't help but chuckle along.

"I was hoping for an easy day for you.," I comment once were all calmed down from the giggles.

"Huh, what a way to begin that easy day..," Freddie rolls his eyes and mumbles as he walks to sit with the twins at the table.

I notice that his limping is back. He seems more stiff than he has the last couple of days. I brush the thought off, because he has just woken up and maybe he needs to move about a little before I pass judgement or get too worried.

After some morning tea, we all pile into the car and I drive us to our spot at the park, up on the hillside where we usually liked to picnic. I guess I did not think this all the way through.

"Darling, uhm, I'm not even going to attempt that," Freddie smirks and points to the top of the hill as his cane digs into the moist ground.

"Oh, right...," I internally face palm at my thoughtlessness. "Let's just settle for right here, there's shade over by that tree," he nods his head and the twins run ahead of us to the place I have just spotted out.

"Oooh! Papple pie!," Richies tongue pokes out at the side of his mouth as he rubs his belly and closes his eyes, while I unpack our goodies. We laugh along with our silly prince. He does love his sweets.

"Food first, my boy," Freddie sternly tells him and then bends to pretend to whisper in his ear. He keeps his voice the same volume so I can hear. "Mummy's here, so we must save the sweets for after we eat this time," he pulls back and winks at our son. I roll my eyes and laugh at them when Richie quickly eyes me and gives his dad a thumbs up.

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