29.) Let Us Never Lose the Lessons We Have Learned

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"Helloooooo in there my little bijou...Papi's hooooome...,"

Freddie's been talking to the pudge at the bottom of my stomach for the past 10 minutes. I giggle at him as he goes back to using my belly button as his microphone.

"You think she hears me, yet?" He looks up to me, but keeps his lips pressed against my navel, making his voice muffled and his mustache tickling.

"What makes you so sure it's a She?," I raise my eyebrow at his persistence to call the gender so quickly.

"Shhhhhhhhh!," He lifts his head and uses his hand to cover up my belly button. "Not so loud, she'll hear you," he whispers.

"What?!," I fling my head back, cackling loudly at his silliness.

He crawls up beside me now and lays his head back in the pillow, putting his hands behind his head, he turns his neck towards me.

"Well, we sure as hell are not saying 'it' for the time being," he explains with a roll of his eyes.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure we've only a few more weeks left until we can have a sonogram to find out if it's a boy or a girl,"

He smirks at me, not his sexy smirk, His annoyed one with his eyelids drooping low into a brooding squint until he rolls his eyes once again. I swear one day they're going to get stuck like that!

"I already know she is a girl. So, I think this time we can wait and see that I'm right," His hands pull me close to him, we're still lying in bed naked only partially covered in bed sheets.

"Mmm, maybe we can wait this time...," I agree and he starts to smother my cheeks with fast kisses when he hears me agree with him. I laugh at the tickling sensation of his whiskers poking at my skin, before giggling my speech again.

"Speaking of little beans, Rose texted and said that the twins are with the Deacons since the afternoon.,"
I explain to him; he responds with a nod of his head and a soft hum.

He starts to stretch his hands above his head and his legs stretch out with his toes straightened to a point.

This little movement causes the little bit of bed sheet to fall off his hips. I can't stop from licking my lips at the sight of his manhood.

"Stop it...," he warns, but I can hear the tease in his tone.

"Or what?," I taunt him, sliding lower towards his pelvis.

"Oooooh, you're gonna get it now!," In one swift swoop he flings me back to him and rolls on top of me. I yelp at the surprise and am made to shut up when he presses his mouth on mine.

His way of kissing me is always a passionate taste of warm caramel, but this is rougher than last time. Papi's out to play.

He slithers his way down to my legs, a tiger grip on my thighs only to be released as he slaps them with a firm hand. The jiggle of my skin sends a tingle to my clit. He sucks the skin of my thighs so hard I can feel his front teeth every time he leaves a love bite.

His tongue licks every spot that instantly starts to pink up as he continues to mark me. He switches his head to either side of my inner thighs, repeating the pleasurable pain until he reaches his head to my center.

When I try to clamp my thighs together at the feeling of excitement twiddling my pussy, he holds my legs open and puts his face closer. The very tip of his nose glides up through my outer lips as he inhales deeply.

"Mmmmmm," He groans as he looks up at me, the tip of his nose glistening with evidence of my wetness. He smacks his lips, "Home...sweet home,"

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