17.) "These tiny Mercurys will be the end of me"

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Special chapter, requested by xMiss_Mercuryx
Thank you for the suggestion, love!
And thanks also to my dear msmayharold 
I appreciate the both of you listening to my rambling and helping me with my questions haha 🥰🥰❤️❤️🥰🥰❤️

This chapter is all Freddie POV


After getting back into the swing of things, I've decided to call up the boys and set aside some daily time for the studio. So far, everyone seems excited about it. We've been goofing off a bit here and there, but that's simply our nature. All is fun and games until Brian chirps up about this live concert once again, I cut him off before he can finish his sentence.

"Yes, we'll do it. We must!," I say as I flick the lighter in my hand to light my silk cigarette.

"I agree, Freddie can't-uh, come again?," Deacy looks at me completely with a baffled expression.

"I said, we must do it, darling. We have to play our part in this. I've been reading about it. It seems like a worthy cause, of course!,"

Brian grins at my response and stands to his feet, "I'll get to making some calls . I'll let them know that Queen is in for the show," I nod my head at him and shoo him away pointing to the phone with my cigarette.

"Fred, are sure you're well enough?," Roger asks, a pit of worry swarming in his sky blue eyes. Deacy crosses his arms, silently studying my every move.

"Hmm, I'm sure of it. I can do it. Besides it's in, what? A week? I think we can pull it off..," I start to feel a little regretful to have volunteered so quickly, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I don't contribute to this. It's something to be proud of, after all the years I have worked to gain success and money. It's a way to put my efforts to good use.

Brian walks back to us now, happily jetting along until he finds his seat again.

"Alright, boys.," he rubs his hands together like a mad scientist. "What's the set list?,"


"Charla, darling, I really think I've got the walk down correctly. Now, if you'll just help with my stretches and such. I must be able to glide across that stage like a Persian popping jay," I say, exasperated by not being as flexible as I use to.

She chuckles at me, before nodding in agreement. "So, Queen is performing for live aid after all, huh?," she asks with a hint of a smile on her face.

I turn to her and wink, "Shhh, it's a surprise," I say as I bend down into a lunge and breathe through the stretch.

Charla reaches her hand to help me back up when I can't grab ahold of anything for assistance.

"What's a surprise?," She asks once I'm standing straight again.

"Darling, it's me- I am the surprise!," I laugh with her as I strike my infamous stage pose, fist high and mighty raised above my head.

"Okay, surprise boy. Before popping out of any extremely large cakes, I'll need you to lunge your way from here into the kitchen," she instructs while pointing her finger along the path.

I jokingly stand to salute her and am about to lunge, when her comment clicks in my head, "Did you just call me fat?," I fake hurt and put my hand over my heart.

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