49.) Lily of the Valley Doesn't Know (Part2)

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So I was gonna make this longer, or I wanted to- but I think this is better. And anyway I had it written from earlier I just wanted to add more like I said.

Ummm, I have two more chapters written but I'm feeling like this shoulda ended already? Lol

Anywhoooos you know how indecisive I can be, by now. So we shall seeeeee

Much lurveee, my darlings!

She sits tied with her arms hanging above her head- I can see the rope burns ringing red slashes on her wrist. Her knees are spread apart as far as they can go with her ankles still tied together while she struggles to twist against them.

The policemen push past me as they rush to her aide working quickly to untie her. The paramedics come in next with a stretcher and their supply kits. I'm frozen at the entry. Her eyes cry out to me as she locks hold to my gaze. She screams again- the first thing she screams is my name.

"FREDDIE!! Help me!!,"

I rush to her side now, miraculously stepping forward out of my shocked trance. I can't reach her as she is surrounded by the help she needs. Her eyes never leave mine as her face contorts with the pain.

"No time to move her, she's crowning,"

I crouch down on my knees behind the crowd that surrounds her, unable to touch her or comfort her. All is concealed from me except her stare that could bore holes into my flesh as she continues to scream through the paramedics urges for her to push.

My gut tells me that this will all be over soon. Soon we will have a new life in this world- or at least, she will. I feel like I'm on the outside looking in and I don't mean it in the literal sense. Because obviously, I am knelt down behind the team of helpers that block my view.

What I mean is, I get the feeling that this chapter has come to its end. She lets out a long , haggard breath that quickly turns into a sigh of relief. My eyes shed tears to the cries of the little baby that I cannot see.

Everything at once, happens in a flash. The cord is cut, the baby wrapped in a heated blanket, Cherie transferred from the hard cement ground onto a stretcher. The both of them are whisked away into the back of the ambulance. I stand to watch them go- unsure if I should follow.

"Freddie-lets go," Thomas motions me forward and I quickly follow his words, without so much as thinking twice about it.

I ride along with her in the ambulance. The ride is fast, but to me several things occur in slow motions. The paramedic offers me the child to hold onto as we wait to arrive at the hospital- I silently refuse. Cherie's eyes beg me to look at her, I can feel her staring- my gaze remains on the back window ahead of us.

Her cries- the new baby- she cries as though she cannot breathe properly; and that's how I know. I know that she's just been born, just barely been brought into this world- and already, she's having to fight for her life. I still cannot look at her.

An icy chill wraps around my arms, but I realize it's Cherie's hands that feels so cold. Probably due to the lack of blood flow from her constricting ties. I glance down at the first contact, and tuck her arm beneath the heavy blanket that covers her body.

As soon as we arrive, Roger, Brian and John are not too far behind us. They sit beside me in the waiting room. I wasn't offered to go back with Cherie- she has to be examined. I know that. We sit beside the nursery, far enough away from the window for me- but it's only the width of the hallway.

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