32.) A Dream of Sweet Illusion

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After this chapter is where I have to make a tough decision for this book. It'll determine whether or not I'll continue on with Cherie and Freddie's story.
Soooooo- wish me luck!

It's finally that time of year again. The one time when my husband actually lets me spoil him. Though he tries to play it off like he doesn't want any type of celebration- we all know that's not true! Freddie deserves to be celebrated for being brought into this world.

"Ready Richie?," I whisper to my son who has just taken to tasting a whip of frosting from his sneaky fingers.

"Ready, Mummy!," he shouts, before Charlie quickly covers his mouth with her hand.

"Richie! Don't wake, Papi!," She shouts just as loudly.

I chuckle at the two of them- they're bickering is growing more and more articulate and easy to follow. We've really got some characters on our hands!

"Okay, Mummy just has to go and get the balloons from the car- I'll be right back!," I'm a little hesitant to leave the children with the cake, but I know Charlie will keep her brother in line from sneaking a bite.



I prop the pillows high, behind my back as Charlie and Richie try their best to serenade me with our traditionally birthday song.

"Estas son las Mañanitas....,"

The twins hop onto my bed beside me, as the three of them wait for me to blow out the single candle that tops the cake. I close my eyes a moment and instead of making a wish- I thank God for my treasures.

How much more lucky can a man get? Everything in our bliss feels like a reel out of a movie. Just being able to open my eyes and see my family celebrating me. I feel my chest contract with a build up of emotions as they sing to me. Each of their faces illuminated by the single candle topping the cake. They are my favorite gift.

"Happy birthday, sugar," She says to me as effortlessly as a dream as she plants a big, and slightly sloppy, kiss on my lips.

"Ewwwww," Richie interrupts us and we both pull away laughing, only to see our Charlie girl roll her eyes.

"Not 'ewww', Richie- 'Awwwwww'," she scolds her little brother who smirks at her and shakes his head.

The door downstairs creaks open and at first I wonder who it could be, but then I remember that we do have a new guest in our home- temporarily I hope.

"It's Auntie!!," The twins jump off of the bed and run out of the room. I can hear their lightening quick footwork as they descend down the staircase.

"Hey! What about me?!," I call out after them. Joking, of course.

Just as I place the cake down on top of the bedside table, Cherie crashes her lips against mine once again. Her mouth taste deliciously like the sweet flavored frosting that was on her lips. She swirls the taste in my mouth with her tongue. It feels so-

"What the fuck, Danielle!!!,"

At the shrieking voice that just trampled my dreamlike awakening, I push out of the kiss, only to see Cherie standing in the bedroom doorway with a mountain of balloons in her hands.

"I was only saying happy birthday, properly...," Danielle rises from her perched spot on the edge of the bed and walks out of the room to the sound of me gagging on my spit. When she passes a very red flushed and angry Cherie, she turns over her shoulder to wink at me.

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