28.) It Started Off So Well...

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I've missed you all, my beauties!! 😘😘😘
I've been busy cleansing my stubborn soul hahaha anyway I've done a lot of writing and art and all that hoopbla to make myself feel better sooooo I decided to post the next chapter.

********If you don't read this authors note - you'll be lost!******

The second part of this chapter is going to be with both Cherie and Freddie's POV at once. I wanted to try something different and give the full experience of their thoughts and emotions. I hope it's not a flop, but oh well if it is then I won't do it again. Maybe.


Oh yeah and...


(To be completely honest, I don't think what I've written is considered smut. Smut is filthy. Smut is dirty. This is making love)


How lucky are two people who find each other at random- at complete opposites of the world, and fall in love with each other at the same exact time. No doubt about it, I could instantly tell the difference in my sons voice, his giddy laughter, and his overall attitude towards life and his future.

It's true, he was a lonely boy. All my time mothering him, I felt maybe I had smothered him with too much protectiveness that he would never want to go out in a world that made fun of him at first sight. But he did. He proved me wrong and I couldn't be more happy that he had the drive to be as ambitious as possible and accomplished his dreams.

I don't mean his success in fame or fortune, yes, that's also one of the many things that gives me pride in him, of course! What I'm talking about is his dream of finding the other matching soul that he so badly craved since he was very young.

Freddie used to watch loving exchanges, either from his father and myself, or strangers on the road. His eyes would light up and he would try so hard to hide his shining bright smile behind his little hands. Often times, he would ask me what it was like to be in love. I always used honesty with my children, that is just the type of mother I grew to be.

I would tell him that a real, true love is not what he sees at just one quick glance. It's not all rainbows and sunshine- a deep love is messy and you have to work for it. Just because it is not easy doesn't make it any less meant to be.

I explained to him that too much love is enough to kill you, just as sure as not having ever loved at all. Either way, you have to fully give your heart and mind and soul, to the other person. No matter how clearly I'd explain it to him, he continued to build up his fantasy of one day meeting someone who would sweep him off his feet.

The first time he spoke of Cherie, I seen the way his eyes had new shimmer to them. The way his golden colors of his iris sparkled with a brand new glow, I knew it was because he was wrapped up in his thoughts about her.

Every time he said her name, he'd smile that big toothy grin and bashfully hide it behind his hands- much like that little boy who longed for true love. I knew right there and then, that my boy had finally found what he had always been looking for all his life.

As I watch him now- I can see that his love is threatening to tear him apart. The two of them, stubborn as they may be, can never part. In no way do I say my son is perfect, he's made mistakes and fallen from grace here and there, but he tries his best to be a good person.

"Mama...tell me what to do...," he stares at me so full of desperation, I can see his soul is crying. "I need her back with me- my...my heart, she is my whole heart..,"

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