8.) We're Far from the Shallows Now

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A/N: I hope you enjoy another fluffy chapter that almost killed me to write out!

I have such a block for happiness? Lolol

Anyways, I wanted to do a complete chapter through Freddie's eyes, so here we are.

I hope you like it


I sit with the boys in the hospital room. We've all been fooling around all day and I just got finished explained to them in detail about the dream I had while I was under.

"So, did you like, die?," Roger scratches the top of his pretty little head with a confused or surprised look on his face. I can't really tell the difference.

"Roger! You can't just ask someone if they died, you nitwit, it was just the drugs!," Brian replies while chuckling at Rogers confusion.

"I don't know..if it was me, I would have taken it as some sort of sign. Like a warning from the big guy or something...," Deacy chime in, pointing his index finger to the ceiling.

"I hardly think I'm special enough for all that, dear," I reply with a smile. The truth is, Deaks hit rhe nail right on the head, those were my exact thoughts upon waking up yesterday. I had to tell someone about the weird dream and I didn't really want to bring it up to Cherie. The reason being that she and I spent our time together just reminiscing about things and talking about what we plan on doing when I get in better shape.

I made her leave late last night. It took a couple of hours, but she finally gave in. I didn't want to burden Veronica and Anita any further with taking care of the twins. They can be a real handful! And besides, I want Cherie to go home and tell them everything is alright. I know they didn't watch the part when..they didn't watch most of the concert that night. So, they don't know exactly what's happened, but Richie is very intuitive for his age. Either way, I want them to at least be with one of their parents.

"So, I didn't want to bring this up and I mean, of course we'll say no, but when Miami called to check on you yesterday, he mentioned an offer for us to do a show..," Brian looks so nervous, switching his eyes from the floor to my face and back again.

"A show?! Are they bloody mad!? Fred just got shot 3 times on national television and Miami is talking about another concert!?," Deacys shy little demeanor that he kept almost all the time, has a way of disappearing when he's angry. His face instantly showed a red mask of boiling rage at Brian's words.

"I told him it wasn't very likely. It's for a charity benefit. Supposed to be very large with everyone in the business doing their part. It's two months away anyway," Brian rolls his eyes. I just cross my arms over my chest trying to imagine myself well enough to perform again in two months, or ever.

"Fred's got a lot to do before that time. It isn't really very much time at all to ask a man to heal," Roger, for once, is the calm voice of reason. The three of them look to me now awaiting my response.

I clear my throat before opening my mouth to speak, but am interrupted by a knock at the door. A new hospital worker that I haven't seen before walks in with a smile on her face. She isn't wearing a nurses uniform, she's in professional clothes with her long brown hair down to her waist, which as far as I know nurses usually wear their hair tied up.

"Hi, I'm Charla, I'll be your physical therapist while you're here. Have the doctors said how much longer you'll be staying?," Her voice is like that of a twinkling musical box. Unlike the regular nurse who has been coming in here all day- now that lady scares the crap out of me.

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