48.) Lily of the Valley Doesn't Know (Part1)

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Okay so here's Part one- I know I won't have time at least not for most of today to finish so I just decided to give ya this in sections.




"Freddie- NOOO!!,"


From the sound of Deacy's terrifying howl, my legs start up the stairs, the three of us break into a run to find him. He juts his arm out, palm stopping us from moving any further towards him as he stands shaking in the doorway.

I don't think my heart has ever pumped this fast, but then I hear the sound of Freddie's voice- and only a second of relief I'm granted to know that the first thought that had burst into my mind is not true. Thank god!

However, what he says tells me that we've come just in time; he's missed his mark only by a second and it's killing me that we stand huddled together at the top of the stairs, while John is the one taking in the scene.

"Don't come any closer!," Fred shouts. "Goddamnit, John! Go home!," His sobbing pleads, I can just tell whatever it is, it's not good.

Deacy puts his hands out in front of his chest, but doesn't move from the doorway.

"Maybe I should intervene..,"

"Noooo," Roger and I, pull Thomas back to us as we hiss at him to stop. We shut up instantly when we hear Deacy's next words.

"Freddie...put the gun down...come on, Fred...you don't know-,"

"NO! You don't know! You don't know a goddamn thing, John!," His gasp for air sucks the whole place dry of an breathably comfortable oxygen. Please, Freddie put the gun down...

"She's dead, John! That bitch killed her!! I have nothing here! Nothing left!," His whimpering sounds through his yells, come out weaker and more distressed by the second.




I cant even grab ahold of my aching sides as the rippling effect of contractions expands through my spine. Sitting in this position is definitely not making the pain any more bearable.


The loud clanking of the metal gate being rolled open, makes me open my eyes as my breathing begins to quicken.

Deep breaths, deep breaths- breathe, breathe.

Marys crystal blue eyes pierce through me as she walks forward into the room and swiftly turns around to pull the gate back down.

"I told that idiot not to forget the tape!," She grumbles with frustration- not even acknowledging my shrill whines.

"Owww- Maryyyy...,"

breathe breathe breathe.

"Marrrrry, p-pleasseeee!!," I think I can tell she's beginning to panic herself now. Her weary eyes never stop moving over me, as the roll of tape shakes in her trembling hands.

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