20.) Though They May Be Parted, There's Still a Chance That They Will See

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The following chapters will skip around to fill you in a bit on the events between Live Aid and the last chapter.

The beginning has some Spanish in it, but I've put the English translation also for with it.




July 16
(Three days after Live Aid)


I feel my face being smothered in sloppy wet kisses as I wake from a much needed nights rest. I open my eyes to see Charlie and Richie curling up beside me in bed. They join their father together in song, singing the traditional way we as a family have come to wake each other on birthdays.

"Estas son las Mañanitas
                                        (These are little keys)
que cantaba el Rey David,
(That King David sang)
a las muchachas bonitas,
(To all beautiful women)
Te las cantamos asi.,"
(As we now sing to you)

Freddie walks to my side now from his spot at the end of the bed. He holds a long tray in his hands with a birthday cake. On top of the cake is a single white, flame lit candle.

"Despierta, mi bien, despierta,
(Wakeup, mylove, wake up)
mira que ya amaneció,
(Have a look at what has dawned)
ya los pajarillos cantan,
(The birds are up and singing)
La luna ya se metió,"
(The moon has already went in)

Freddie's accent through his Spanish makes me smile up brightly at him. The flame of the candle shadows his features against the still dim bedroom light. Charlie and Richie, knowing the lyrics well, try their best to sing along.

"Qué linda está la mañana,
(How lovely is this morning)
en que vengo a saludarte
(In which I come to greet you)
venimos todos con gusto
(We all gather with pleasure)
y placer a felicitarte.
(And joy, to congratulate you)

El día en que tu naciste,
(The very day you were born)
nacieron todas las flores,
(All of the flowers were born)
y en la pila del bautismo,
(And at the baptismal front)
cantaron los ruiseñores."
(The nightingales began to sing)

I hide my morning yawn behind my hand as I sit up in the bed now. Freddie places the tray in my lap and puts the leg stands down on either side of me, while continuing the heart warming tune.

"Ya viene amaneciendo,
(Already, The dawn is breaking again)
ya la luz del día nos dio.
(Already, The day has given us light)
Levántate de mañana,
(Get up this blessed morning)
mira ya amaneció."
(Have a look at what another dawn has brought)

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