38.) The Blossom Knows

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So like, I had forgotten about the Deakling! I know, I know- shame to me!

But I wrote the next chapter before this one so I'm too lazy to edit any misspellings rn soooooo Yeah, my bad if there's anything wonky.

Also- I wanted them to have a girl so I switched Joshua and Laura's birth order bcs I CAN! (I had to add Joshua bcs of the time skip- you know the Deacons stay busy)

Umm.....I think that's all...

Enjoy zee floof!


"Knock, knock!,," Cherie voices my taps on the door as we swing it open into the hospital room. "Hi, Everyone!,"

I walk in behind her, holding onto the bunch of balloons and bouquet of flowers, as she quickly goes to hug the Deacons, and kissing each of their boys on top of their heads.

I set the balloons down and give John a big hug, "Congratulations, Papa!," I kiss his cheek, when he tries to shy away from me.

I place the flowers by Veronica's bedside and bend down to hug her, too. "Congrats, Ronnie...and you, too, boys! You've got a little sister to look after now," I wink at them and step aside when John comes to place his new little bundle of joy into his wife's arms.

Cherie stands beside me as we both look into the little beautiful eyes of sweet Laura. Our two friends share a quick kiss as John sits in the seat across from us on the other side of the bed.

"She's beautiful!," Cherie gushes, wiping at the corners of her eyes. I expected her to have such an emotional reaction- she and the Deacons have a great bond since the start.

"She truly is precious, isn't she?," I coo down at the baby girl, brushing my fingers against her blanket.

"Thank you," Ronnie answers, but her eyes are fixated on her new little girl.

Robert, Michael And Joshua are fussing with each other on the couch in the corner of the room. They seem to have had enough of the sitting around- they are usually very hyperactive children, naturally.

"Boys!," John bellows and at once, the three of them quit their shenanigans and sit with their hands in their laps. As their father looks away, I catch Robert rolling his eyes, which makes me chuckle.

"We can take them with us to our place for a while- give you three a chance to get some rest," Cherie suggests. She's holding Laura close to her chest and rocking her arms back and forth.

I can't help but feel excitement inside, seeing her cradle a tiny little baby in her arms. It'll be our turn again, soon. She smiles up at me and catches my daze, "Do you want to hold her?,"

I nod my head, but move to the empty seat beside me before Cherie places her in my arms. It feels like too long ago that I held a baby, even though our friends have been popping them out left and right. The feeling of a brand new child in your arms is like a new experience, every time.

A flash blinds my eyes. I squint hard for a second and look up to see Deacy snapping a photo. "For the photo album- 'Meeting Uncle Fred'," He shrugs and puts the caption onto the Polaroid with a black marker. "Cherie, you get in this one, too," Ronnie sways her arm, motioning for Cherie to get beside me.

We pose together with me sitting still holding Laura and Cherie crouching down behind the chair. She puts one hand on my shoulder and the other over my arm that supports little Laura's back. "Say cheese!," Deacy smirks behind the camera.

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