7.) Write Your Letters in the Sand

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Real quick, I wanted to clear up any confusion from the last few chapters.

So. I don't really like how I went ahead and put those "death visions" in for both Cherie and Freddie, seeing as a lot of you have been confused by it.

The part when Cherie sees Freddie and the twins in a future without her, was basically her "guide" showing her what would happen if she didn't fight for her life, since it occurred when her heart stopped beating.

Freddie's vision is meant to be a menacing warning from Death himself about how lucky he has been to have met his soulmate, and how she will forever honor him if he were to give up. The party with an old Roger and Cherie is his glimpse into the sad, lonely future and Cherie waiting to lie down at his grave site at the moment of her own death.

Okay- a big thankssss to anyone who took the time to read that^



My head is pounding and swirling around with the haunting images that played throughout my dreams. If I concentrate hard enough, there is a repeated beeping noise in my ears. I squint my eyes against the bright sunlight streaming into the room. Slowly taking in my surroundings, I come to the realization that I am not in my own bed or bunk, but in a hospital room.

In an instant, my mind floods back to the last real life images in my reverie. Rogers red face, Brian's wide eyes stare..and Deacy at my bedside when I thought I could no longer hold on.

There's a bustle of commotion coming from outside of the room, but my eyes find the curled up form that lay under a thin white sheet on the recliner chair in the corner. I open my mouth to speak, but my throat is so dry I can't get the words out to call attention to myself.

A nurse walks into the room now, she hasn't even noticed that I'm watching her every move. She checks the bag of fluids hanging on a hook by my bedside. She then turns to the source of the beeping sounds and takes down some notes onto the file on her clipboard.

"You're awake!," she sounds so surprised, I have to wonder if I was ever expected to wake up.

"How are you feeling?," she asks as she turns to fill a plastic cup of water from the sink behind her. She hands me the cup and I gulp down every drop, swishing it around in my mouth before swallowing.

"Sore...," I respond as I try to wiggle myself a bit in the bed to lift my head into the pillow more. My body refuses to respond in the way that I mean for it to. I stare up at her with wide eyes, she seems to read my mind.

"That'll be the anesthesia wearing off. Um, you'll have to let us know when or if, you can move around properly..," she keeps her voice low as her eyes flicker to the sound of heavy snores interrupting her from the corner.

"What do you mean 'IF'?," I have to question her words as the events from the concert smash into my memory.

"Yes, well...I'll call the doctor in shortly to give you more information. I do not want to misinform you, dear," I nod my head at her, hoping that she perhaps has just minced her words.

"I'll just take your vitals and head out to page the doctor on your file,"

After she leaves, I wait up a while for the ball huddled up snuggly in the corner chair, to turn and face me. I have a strong sense that it is Cherie lying there, but I can't be sure, as the persons body is cover in the sheet all the way around their head.

I can't stop the heavy feeling of my eye lids. Though, I've just woken up, my body feels completely drained and exhausted. I want to stay awake to wait for the doctor to come into the room, but my lashes keep fluttering, making my eyes droop down. I inhale a sharp breath at the sudden relaxation of my limbs, the air is painful to fill my lungs.

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