22.) Leaving Home Aint Easy

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Thank you all for the reading my junk!!💖💖🥰 I appreciate all the interest and love!

Leave me your predictions or thoughts in the comments so I have something to do on the drive back home pleaseeee 😬😬

I've had all these sections written for a while and I think they fit together with my timeline so I edited a bit and I'll let it here while I'm away!

Don't miss me too much 😉


*Trigger Warning: Depressive thoughts*

You can play the song^ as you read if you want to!


"What in Christ name are you doing here?," I storm into the living room upon hearing her voice. I'm unsure how I easily recognized the voice to match her, but somehow I do.

"We've just come to collect our things..," She speaks and moves her line of vision to my friend. In her hands she hold bags of luggage and I notice the dazzling diamond that's on her marriage finger.

I put my hand over my eyes and rub my temples. With a heavy sigh and an urge not to do it, I threaten her, "Look, darling. You really don't have to go through all this trouble. I'm sure you can have a free ticket to our next concert, just please stop this shit at once or I shall have to call the police!," She jumps back at the rise in my tone. Her lip trembles, but she stands her ground.

The whole exchange, I hadn't noticed the two sleeping figures behind her on the couch. As she nods her head, she looks back to Roger, who has his mouth agape and a lost look on his face. Is he shagging her or something? What does she want with me then?

"What's this?," I ask, as I point past her. She quickly turns without answering me to lift up one small child into her arms, the other, the little girl is picked up by Roger. Now I'm really confused.

"Freddie please!," she turns to me, standing right in front of my face with this tiny sleeping child in her arms and tears streaming her face. "Please remember! I need you! And your children need their father!,"

At the high pitch of her voice as she shouts her words, the little girl that Roger is holding sleepily picks up her head from his shoulder. When she sees me, her eyes light up and the way her big brown eyes stare up at me in adoration makes my heart twinge. She smiles with a toothy grin and reaches her little arms for me. "Papi home!," she squeals excitedly.

I scrunch my face and turn my attention back to the woman who is at fault for all of this. Why is she doing this? I scowl at her in anger.
"Have you really gone as far to dement the minds of these children with your psychotic fantasies!?," Her face, if even possible, frowns deeper and she gasps as if in disbelief. The small child begins to pout and whisper in Rogers arms when I do not play into her mothers game.

"Fred- that's enough!," Roger growls at me.

"What?! What do you mean, enough!? Why have you let her into my home!? What the fuck is wrong with you people!?," I start to step backwards shaking my head at the audacity of the two of them.
"Roger, please, I beg of you. Take your lunatic shag home and don't come back here with her ever again!,"

When they left, I felt an odd emptiness hit my stomach, causing me to flee to the nearest restroom to wretch up my insides. What could cause my body to react so viciously sickening?

They are lovely to look at, though, weren't they?


No matter what I do, I can't seem to get her out of my mind. I don't even know her! Yet, she pulls my thoughts in the quiet times of my days. At night, I have dreams of her angelic face. I can't seem to place the emotion, or to find the words to explain this yearning feeling in my heart.

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