Teenage Fever 🔥 O3

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"You busy with other girls just because we on hiatus?!" I yelled through the phone.

"Who's this? H- hello?" I paused for a minute before listening in on the background conversation.

"Babe come on, they can wait-"

"Holl'on bae, it's a private number"

"Exactly why you shouldn't be answering"

I quickly hung up.

He never loved me.

He lied.



3 weeks later...


So I've been avoiding Pryce ever since that whole butt dial situation. I do see him at school but I never give him the time of the day. Even when I really wanna hug and forgive him.

He's been blowing my phone up too. I had just gotten home from school when my phone endlessly beeped.

Old nigga 😒: Can I see you? 3:15 pm

Old nigga 😒: You've been avoiding me for so long. Just answer so I can explain everything. 3:20 pm

Old nigga 😒: Please baby girl! 😭💔 3:22 pm

Just as I was about to lock my phone, it rang:

Old nigga 😒

"What?!" I snapped.

"I see you opened my messages."

"Yeah. And?"

"Can you please just hear me out?" He pleaded.

I still cared so of course I was gonna listen. But I had to put a tough facade on.


"I can't do it over the phone," He treaded. "Imma send you a location, please show up. I swear everything is just a whole misunderstanding."


I stayed silent while he basically spoke to himself.


Still didn't reply.

"Y/N please. Pull up in an hour. I really need you to be there."

"Fine." I sighed as I put my hand on my hip.

"I know you probably do t wanna hear this or still believe it... but I love you baby girl. Mean it."

"Okay." I hung up.

I went up the stairs and got into the shower as I thought about the "misunderstanding".

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