Chapter 6

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Charlie's POV:

"Why do you suddenly want to go here?" I asked Dave. We are right in front of Mr. Steer restaurant. Mayleen is in there.

"I don't know I just feel like eating burger and fries today, why?" He asked looking at me.

"Oh, just asking." He just nodded, and we got out of the car. I don't know if Mayleen would like this, but oh well.

"You coming?" Dave asked opening the front door.

"Yeah,yeah." I said running to the front door. Ok here goes nothing.


Mayleen's POV:

I was just finishing putting the dirty plates in the kitchen, when I spot him. What is he doing here? I watched him sitting in a table with another guy.

"What are you standing there for, a costumer is waiting." One of the waiter said pointing to Charlie and his friend. I nodded before he left to attend another customer.

This is so awkward. I look around all the waiters are busy, even Elizabeth is serving someone with their food. Ok be brave Mayleen you can do this. You see him everyday right? I mean you're living with him for god sake. I grab a notepad and a pencil, took a deep breath and walk to their table.

"Hi guys, welcome to Mr. Steer, how may I help you this evening?" I asked, giving them the menus. I must be looking nervous because Charlie was giving me the 'relax Mayleen its fine' look.

"Hi Mayleen its so nice to see you here." Charlie said standing up. What is he doing?? "Mayleen Dave, Dave Mayleen." He said looking at me then at Dave. Oh god why is my cheek getting warmer.

"Hi Mayleen its nice to meet you." He offered a handshake. Why am I so nervous to shake his hand. I think my face is turning red. Okay now I am just overreacting. I reluctantly shook his hands. Then gave an awkward smile. I didn't feel like this when I first met Charlie. What is wrong with me?

They both got back to their sits.

"I'll take the Mr. Steer burger and fries, and a chocolate milkshake please." Dave said. Everytime he spoke, I feel like there's butterflies in my stomach. I quickly look at Charlie. I can't see Dave face to face because I'll just get nervous again. But with Charlie, I've grown use to him.

"I'll take the same thing. But with vanilla milkshake." Charlie said smiling at me, and gave me back the menus.

"Take your time." Dave said smiling. Oh god. I just nodded and went to give their orders.

Then I stood leaning against the counter looking at Charlie and Dave talking. Ok I don't believe in liking someone at first sight, but I don't know. Dave is different.


Charlie's POV:

Why was Mayleen so nervous? She's shy, but she wasn't that nervous when we first met.

"So Mayleen's your friend huh?" He said winking at me.

"Yes, just a friend." I said giving him the 'you're unbelievable' face.

"Ok, ok, so where you two met?" He asked.

"When.." Come on Charlie think, he can't know she's my roommate, he'll never stop teasing me about it. When I moved out of the dormitary, I only told him its because my parents wants me to live closer to them. He never even asked to visit so that's good.

"When. I was on my way to my new apartment." I said nodding and smiling. Hope he bought it.

"Oh." Looks like he did. Just then our food arrived.

"Enjoy guys." Mayleen said. She smiled at us but didn't make any eye contact. After that she went to another customer. Why is she acting like that? Is she mad at me for coming here?

We ate our food while talking about football. When we were done Mayleen came to give us the check. Dave insist on giving her a ten dollar tip in which she thank him for. We waved her goodbye, and she waved back, but quickly looked away. As we left the front door and back into the car, I can see her going back to work. Was she smiling? I could've swore she was smiling.


It was Friday, so after we're done with all of our classes we decided to hang out at Dave's and my used to dorm.

"So no new roommate yet?" I asked as I walked in. I went to sit at my old bed.

"Nope." Dave said laughing. "Ever since you left, the whole place was mine. And now it was cheaper since you paid half of it already. So thanks bro."

"No problem Dave." I said chuckling.

"But I do admit, it does get lonely sometimes." He frowned. "That's why I have guests every night." His frown turned to a smirk. He threw me a football and went to lay on his bed.

"You dog." I said. We both started laughing. We kept talking and passing the football to each other until it was 9. We were disturbed by a knock on the door. I went to open the door.

"Hi can I help you?" I asked as I opened the door. There was a pretty redhead standing there. She looks like she's 18.

"Hi, is Dave here?" She said smiling politely.

"He's inside come on right in." I let her in and closed the door. "So what are you doing here?" I asked her politely as we were walking towards Dave.

"She needs help with homework." Dave smirked looking at me. I knew what he was telling me, nope she's not here to do homework. We're best friends, we have this telikenisis thing going on. The girl just stood quietly, smiling.

I shook my head, smiling. "Ok then I'll be out of your way, have fun "studying" you two."

"Thanks man, see you Monday." Dave said laughing as I closed the door. When I closed the door I could hear the girl giggling. Dave, you dog.


I decided to go by Mr. Steer again. Since its friday Mayleen wouldn't mind if I pick her up, right? I parked in front of the restaurant. I couldn't see Mayleen. I waited for another 10 minutes while listening to the radio, and she still hasn't shown up. She must've gone home already.

As I was turning around the corner, I could see Mayleen coming out of a petshop. I stopped in front of the petshop and opened the window.

"Hi." I waved.

"Hey? What are doing here?" She asked confused.

"I was thinking of picking you up since its Friday." I said. I hope she doesn't get angry.

"I told you, you didn't have to." She said. But she didn't look like she was pissed at me.

"Come on, we're going to the same place right? Let a roommate be friendly to his roommate." I asked trying to convince her.

"Ok fine." She said smiling as she got in the car. "Thanks." She said.

"No problem." I replied. "Hey, you're not mad right that me and my buddy came to the resto this morning?" I asked. I'm still not sure if she's mad or not.

"No of course not. Don't be silly." She said laughing.

I laughed along with her. I didn't want to ask why she was acting weird today. Don't want to get on her bad side.

We talked as we drove home. I think she may start liking me. The first time we met I don't think she liked me at all. She was always quiet. But now she's starting to talk to me more often. At first I doubt we could be friends if she kept on shutting me out. But now I think we might actually become good friends.

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