Chapter 15

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Mayleen's POV:

"Here we are." Charlie said, as the car came to a stop. I looked at it. It looks amazing from outside. It must've looked better on the inside. It made Mr. Steer looks like a joke. And I think Mr. Steer is awesome.

"Are you crazy? This is a five star restaurant. We can't afford this. I CAN'T afford this." I complained.

"Stop complaining and get out of the car."

"What are you smiling about?" I asked annoyed and confused.

I didn't want to go in, so Charlie had to drag me. "But we aren't even using the rigt clothes to go to these places, we'll be kicked out!" I said more frustrated as we got closer to the door.

"Chill, will you?" Charlie said calmly. I could hear a smirk in his voice.

"Are you enjoying this? Let me go Charlie, we are not eating he-" I had to stop talking because we were already inside. I can't embarrased myself. I got out of his clutches, cleared my throat, and straighten out my clothes.

"May I take you to your table?" One of the waiters said.

"I am going to kill you Charlie." I whispered to him, through my gritted teeth. Then I smiled at the waiter.

Charlie chuckled and pat my back. "I am going to the bathroom." He said walking away.

"Hey you can't leave me here!" I yelled. But he was already going into the men's room. I turned to the waiter, and smiled again.

"Where would you like to sit madem?" The waiter asked politely and patiently.

"Emm.. There please, thank you." I chose the first empty table I saw. The waiter nodded and took me to my sit. He set to menus on my table.

"Champagne miss?" He asked.

"Oh no thank you. I don't drink. It's not because I don't think its good, it must've taste good, but its because I think I'm still to young to start drinking. Not that I am too young or anything. I'm almost 20. Just a couple more months." I caught myself blabbing. The waiter just stood there quietly. This is why I don't have friends. I get too nervous around strangers.

"No champagne, thank you." I said awkwardly smiling at him. He nodded and smiled back before leaving.

Where is Charlie? Does it take that long to go to the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, a lady came to my table.

"Miss I am sorry, but that is not your table. Please come with me." She said politely and gestured me to come.

Oh no, did I do somethhing wrong? I took a reserved table didn't I? Oh man. The person that had that table must've been complaining. And this lady is taking me to whoever the person is. Should I run? No, I can't, I'll just embarrass myself if I do that. Charlie where are you?

Wait where am I? The lady stopped. I almost bumped into her. I was walking like a confused person.

"Here you go miss." She said smiling. I smiled back. "Thank you."

When she moved away I could see another person sitting in the sit across from me.

"There you are. Where have you been?" Charlie said. He was completely relaxed. I am here all confused and nervous, and he's like completely chilled.

"Where have you been? Where have you been? Waiting for you at that- that other table over the-" I wanted to point at the table I was just at, but I forgot which one it was.

"Mayleen relax and sit down. You're embarrassing me." He joked.

"Haha very funny. Let's get out of here before one of the waiters come back. They're nice and all but it looks like they're all watching us, waiting to see what we want next. Its kind of creepy." I said looking around. That made Charlie laughed.

Accidentally Roommatesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن