Chapter 3

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Mayleen's POV:

"I'm late!" Aghhh I knew I shouldn't have forced myself to finish that essay! I got up from my bed and hurried to the bathroom. Woah why is everything turning dark and fuzzy. I knew I shouldn't have gotten up from bed that fast.


I bumped into something hard.

"Oh, I am so so sorry. I didn't see you there. Mind me I'm still in my sleepy mood." Charlie chuckled.

"Oh no no its not your fault, I should've been more careful." I said

"Well, you can go in first."

"Oh no its ok you can go first, after all you arrived first."

"It's ok I don't mind, after all, ladies first." He said doing a little bow.

I couldn't help but to let out a short giggle.

"No its ok I insist." That's me always letting people be first then me.

"Ok but I'll be quick promise." He said looking at me and giving me a smile.

I went to the main window and looked out. Right across from me, I could see a girl through her window. She was using a pink sports bra and shorts, and was doing the treadmill. She looks like she was on the phone yelling to someone. Wow great way to start the morning. The girl moved in a month ago. I never met her in person, just like I've never met 99.9% of the other neighbours in this apartment. Just then Charlie came out of the bathroom.

"Sorry it took so long." He said rubbing his head. He was already fully dressed for school. It was suppose to be free clothes but he still managed to look very neat.

"Its ok." I said, giving him a smile before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. I quickly tied my hair, and went in the shower. Oh the warm water feels so good. It's been freezing outside. The snow hasn't settle down for days now. After I was done, I got out dried myself up, brush my teeth, and went out.

I look up at the clock. God I'm late! I am so fired.

I quickly change clothes, brush my hair, put it into a quick bun, put a little makeup on and went out. I left my door open a little so Sophie can get in and out.

"Breakfast?" He said putting fresh pancakes on my plate.

"Yeah thanks." I said seating down.

I quickly ate my food, put cat food on Sophie's bowl, and grab my bag.

"Thanks for the breakfast. It was delicious." I said, giving him a thankful smile.

"Hey Mayleen, let me drive you to work." He said, while I was putting my shoes on.

"Oh you don't have to." I said. I just have to run to the bus stop and hope I get there in time. No big deal. Only six more minutes. Great.

"Its ok, I'm going to school anyway. Hold on let me just put these in the sink."

He hurriedly put on his shoes, took his bag and car keys, and follow me out the door.

I've been living with him for more than a week now and I don't know which one his car was.

"Its the white one there." He said pointing to the Ford Kuga.

"Oh." I replied.

We walked over to the car and before I could open it, he was already there opening the door for me.

"Em thank you."

"No problem." He closed the door gently but enough to make the door shut, and ran to his side.

"So where do you work?"

"At Mister Steer. On 1198 St. Catherine West."

"Oh yeah, yeah, I know that place, me and my buddies like to go there sometimes between classes."

Great so there are chances that I'll meet him and his pals there. Just great. No. No. Its fantastic.

"So how long have you work there?"

"Just recently."

I was fired from the orphanage three days ago. They said they found a better, older and more qualified teacher to educate the children. I should've seen it coming. Natalie, my boss doesn't really like me. I overheard her once say that I was always quiet and weird. She thinks I keep secrets. But that's just me, I'm not good at soacializing. Anyway so that's that, and Tony's getting married so he was planning to move back home and start his business there. I mean that's great for him, but that means less jobs for me. So now I only have two jobs. I'm just glad Charlie can back me up. But I wonder, how did he afford the apartment, have this cool car, and yet doesn't have a job? Or does he?

"Where do you go to school?" Ok I don't usually do these conversation thing, but why not, I'm going to be living with him for a while. It wouldn't hurt to talk once in a while .

"McGill University." He said looking at me then at the road again.

"Don't they have dorms and closer apartments?"

"Yeah but right now I got some things I need to deal with so.." He said rubbing the back of his head.

I realized I've been living with him for more then a week and all I know about him is that his name is Charlie Randall, he is an awesome chef, and he's super nice. I decide not to ask what he wanted to deal with, not wanting to piss him off, so I changed the topic.

"Where do you work?" I asked.

"Oh I don't work." He said giving me a nervous smile.

"Ok?" I said slowly. "So scholarship then?"

"Yeah you could say that." He smiled at me before looking at the road again.

"Made new friends at the resto yet?" He said changing the subject.

"No." I replied quietly. Again, like I said, I'm not good at making friends.

"Well I bet you would soon."

I just gave him a nod and a smile.

"Ok here's your stop." He said looking at the restaraunt. Wow I thought the car ride was going to be awkward, but it wasn't awkward at all.

"Thanks again, you really didn't have to." I said as I got out of the car.

"Hey anytime, beats riding the bus. Plus I was the one that made you late. Hey what time do you want to be picked up?"

"Oh its fine, I have another job after this that is close by. I could just walk. Plus I don't know when my work is over so." I shrugged.

"Oh ok then be careful." He waved goodbye and drove off.

I stood in front of the restaraunt. I was ten minutes late.

Well here goes nothing.

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