Chapter 14

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Charlie's POV:

"I don't want to go to the party!" Mayleen whined at me.

"You have to, you promised." I said taking out a can of beer from the refrigerator.

"But it wasn't a far race!"

"Yeah, yeah." It was just one of her excuses for not going to the party.

"I'm serious! This morning, when you were out of sight already, I bumped into this girl, from the next apartment building. She wasn't really nice" she said in a low voice. "But I swear I bumped into her!"

"Ok let's say I believe you. You said I was already out of sight right. Meaning I was faster then you, so even if the girl didn't happen to be standing in front of you, you would still lose." I said folding my arms.

"But- but-" Her mouth was open, but no words came out, instead I heard her say, unbelievable under her breath and she stormed off to her room.

She'll cool down.

I knocked on her door, two hours later, when she didn't get out.

"Hey May, want to go watch a movie?" When she didn't answer, I added, "It's my treat." She still didn't answer. So I opened the door, and found her sleeping. I was about to leave, when she spoke.

"What movie should we watched?" She stretched and sat down on her bed.

"Oh, I though you were sleeping?" I said.

"I was until you knocked."

"Oh sorry, I didn't know."

"No worries, it was time to get up anyway. I can't sleep too much in the afternoon, if I do, I won't be able to sleep at night." She said getting up and walking towards her closet. "Let me freshen up first." She walked past me, and headed to the bathroom.

Hmm.. She's not mad. So either she decided to go, or she completely forgot about it.

"So what movie do you have in mind?" Mayleen asked, while looking out of the window of the car.

"Hmm... I don't know. I was hoping you had something in mind?" I replied.

"Well.. I do.. You okay with any movie right?" She asked.

"Yeah sure."

"Good because I have been wanting to watch this movie for a while, I hope its out already." She said excitedly.

I can't help but to laugh. She looks like a 5 year old when she's excited about something. It's too cute not to laugh.


"Yes its out! Two tickets for 'Best Of Me' please." She said all jumpy.

"What movie is that?" I said, as we walked to the snack line.

"You'll see." She said smiling.

When we took our sit the movie was about to began. We took the center seat because Mayleen wanted to. She said it would have the best view of the movie. I thought that was ridiculious, because the movie screen is huge, you can watch it with no problem from any angle.

"Ok its starting!" Mayleen said taking more popcorn, as the the lights began to dim.

"Really? A romantic?" I said, after the first 10 minutes.

"You said you're fine with anything, and shush I am trying to watch here." She said turning back to the movie.

I can't do anything else, so why not try to watch.

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