Chapter 23

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Charlie's POV:

When I opened my eyes, I was met with Mayleen's sleeping face. I didn't move because I didn't want to wake her up. I found myself admiring her. I noticed things that I didn't notice before. How her hair fell perfectly on her face as she was sleeping, how she breathes softly, how beautiful she looks.. I was about to touch her face when my senses snapped me out of it. Woah. Woah. What were you thinking Charlie? Are you going crazy? You don't have feeling for her. She's your friend for god sake, scratch that a bestfriend actually. I have only a few of those, and I don't want to ruin one friendship. I shook my head.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. That startled me and Mayleen. We both sat up on the bed.

"Honey? Honey? Why is your door locked?" Mayleen's mom said jiggling the doornob. "I- I don't understand. Is something wrong?"

"No mom, I'll be out in a second." Mayleen replied.

"Ok then I'll be waiting in the kitchen making us some pancakes." We could hear her humming all the way to the kitchen.

"Ok um.. You stay here while I go out. When we're done I'll be back and we'll make a plan on how you can leave without her knowing. Ok." She got up, looked in the mirror and fixed her hair. Then she looked around the room like she's looking for something but decided not to look anymore and headed to the door.

"Wait here ok. I'm sorry." She said before walking out of the door.

About almost an hour later, she came back with pancakes and maple syrup on top.

"Here I know you haven't eaten dinner. You must be starving. She said handing me the plate. "My mom is in the bathroom, and there were leftovers, as usual, so I took them."

"Thanks." I said digging into the pancakes. I hadn't realize how hungry I was til' I started eating the pancakes.

"Ok so today my mom would probably want to go shopping together, you know, and sightsee. So you'll have the whole place to yourself. You can pack some of your things and go somewhere. I mean you do have a place to go right? I'm sorry I'm being mean. I mean this is your place too, I can't just do that. Its -" She started to babble to herself.

"Its ok, Brandon will probably be more than happy to let me stay over at his place for a while." I cutted her off. That seemed to relaxed her down.

At around 11 am May and her mother left. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to meet her mom though.

I went to take a quick shower, made some omelette, clean everything up, so May's mom won't suspect a thing, and packed my bags. To tell you the truth I wasn't mad that May made me go away from my own apartment for a while. I mean I get it. If I was a girl my parents would be furious if they found out I was living with a guy, although we were just roommates, but still.

"Hey buddy. Missed me already?" Brandon joked as he opened the door. I just smiled and shook my head.

"Come in, come in. Welcome to my humble abode. Oh and I think I'm suppose to say this. Mi casa es su casa." He said letting me in.

"Nice place you got here, Bran." I said. "Hey, listen, I'm sorry for coming here without telling you first. It's just I don't know where else to go. Dave probably got another roommate already, and my parents hadn't send in money yet." I explained.

"Hey, hey no problem. Like I said mi casa es su casa."

As I was just settling into the guest room, Mayleen texted me.

May: Did you get to Brandon's ok?
Me: Yeah, we're about to go play some video games.
May: Well that's good to hear. I hope you two have fun, and again I'm sorry for this.
Me: And again no problem. So what are you and your mom planning on doing today?
May: I don't know. Maybe she'll buy me some new clothes (hopefully) then we'll watch something, then eat, and probably that's it.
Me: Hahahaa well have fun.
May: Thanks. Well I gotta go, my mom is complaining about why I'm on my phone when I should be hanging out with her. I'll tell you when it's safe to come home. If you need anything just call me or text me, and I'll go distract my mom, while you take your things. Well have fun. Bye.
Me: Ok I will. Thanks. Bye.
Mayleen's POV:

"Honey quit playing with your phone, and look at this. Don't you think it looks good on you?" She said putting the shirt up for me to see.

"Sorry mom, just checking on a friend." I said as she put the shirt in front of me.

"A friend?" She said looking at me. "Well who is this beautiful friend of yours?" She said all cheery.

"Um.. Elizabeth. Yeah she works with me." I said.

"Well that's very good. I'm so proud of you. Finally having a friend. I'm just glad its not a boy." She said turning all serious. "You don't want to get involve with them until you're old enough."

"Well they're not all bad." I said defending Charlie, Brandon, and Dave. I didn't lie to her about having guy friends, she just never ask, so I don't have to answer.

"Oh nonsense, you see those lovely sweet girls with a future ahead of them, that get caught up with boys and now look at them, some do drugs, got involve with the wrong crowd, gets pregnant, or even worse stars in MTV's Teen Mom." She said getting frustrated. Ok no point in arguing with her about this.

"Ok mom, you're right. Let's go look at some more clothes." I said, changing the topic, that seemed to brighten her mood.

"Ooh how bout' this one hon." She said holding out a short sleeve casual dress.

"It's pretty mom."

"It is. Brings out that pretty hazel eyes of yours." She said putting it in my hands. "Try it on."

"But mom its too expensive." I said.

"Oh nonsense. Today I will buy you beautiful clothes and we'll have fun. Understand?" She said looking at me.

"Yes mom." I said smiling. I love my mom.

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