Chapter 1

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A month ago....

Charlie's POV:

"Hey babe, we still on for tonight?"

"Yup, star gazing at 10 pm sharp. Don't be late."

"Kay, I'll try. Just checking in. At 10 right?"

"Haha yes Brit"

"Ok then gotta go"

"Oh ok, love you Brit"

"Ok, bye"

"Who's that?" Dave asked, catching up to me.

"It's Brittany"

"Ooh what's it about?"

"Star-gazing tonight at ten, just me and her, under the stars, together- "

"Ok hot shot we get it"

"You know Dave I think she's the one" I really think she is. I mean. She's wonderful, she's smart, funny, and wow she's beautiful.

"Well if we don't get to class on time, we'll be the one that misses parts of the portion for the exam next friday." I snapped out of my thought and gave him a slap in the back of his head. Then we both rushed to class laughing.


Mayleen's POV:

"Yes mom I won't forget to send a present for Uncle Bob this Christmas promise...

Yes, yes I already ate mom, gotta go I'm late for work. Love you. Muah"

Ok that was my mom, she likes to check up on me. She thinks I'm not responsible enough and likes to forget things. But I assure you I have changed. The only thing that hasn't changed is my income. I am still struggling to pay the rent. I can't tell my mom, I don't want her to worry. I am trying my best. I have three jobs so far so that's good. Working as part time in the children orphange in the morning, then volunteering in the pet society in the afternoon, and working at a small fried food shack till' midnight. Although its a tough time to be me right now I am greatful that at least I've got jobs.

"Maykin! Maykin!" Oh no its the landlord. I swear this woman has no mercy, and after two years living here she still can't get my name right! God help me.

"Hi Mrs. Zobertha." Please be in a good mood, please be in a good mood.

"Its Miss Zobertha young lady, and where is your rent money! I need to do my nails today." She said looking at her nails. Like it wasn't colorful enough. Those nails had too many visits to the salon that they started to wrinkle. I didn't even know nails could get wrinkled.

"Yes Miss Zobertha I'm sorry, I'll give you the money tomorrow I promise."

"Young lady you have been saying that since last tuesday. I am getting very impatient."

"Please, I promise by tomorrow." I said giving her my puppy dog eyes. Please.. Please...

"Fine tomorrow is the last day, after that you are out." She said looking at her nails again while walking back to her apartment. I hope I got enough cash to pay her by tomorrow. Maybe I could borrow from Tony, or Silvia.


Charlie's POV:

"Well good luck man for tonight, I am going to the gym, catch you later." Dave said going to his car. To be honest, I think something's wrong with Dave. He's been acting strange since a month ago, I just can't put my finger on it.


Ok sandwiches, wine, small radio, a mat, cause I know how Brittany doesn't like sitting on the grass. Ok everything is ready. I'm going to surprise her with a little 'late at night picnic', she'll love it!

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