Chapter 2

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Present Time...

Mayleen's POV:

"Ok so this is your room. I know its pretty small but trust me you'll get use to it."

"Its fine" he said smiling at me, putting his bags down. He was so nice to me the whole time. Yup, something's wrong with him.

I gave him my spare key. Guess I needed to get another spare. You know me, sometimes forgetting things, that's why I needed a spare.

"Hey thanks again for letting me be your roommate." He said when he finished putting everything down. I just smiled and walked to my room. But he paused me in my tracks before I could go in.

"Hey, I've been here for what two hours? And I haven't even introduced myself. Hi, I'm Charlie La- Randall, what's your name?" He said offering his hand out for a handshake.

"Mayleen. Campbell." I said reluctantly shaking his hand. I'm not good at these greeting and making friends stuff, its just not me I guess.

"Well Mayleen its nice to meet you. I hope that we can be friends."

That's what they all say. Then two days later they acted like they never knew me.

I gave him an awkward smile and went back to my room.

Sophie was playing with her small scratching toys. I can't buy her anything big because I had to hide everything if Mrs. Zobertha ever comes to check on me. Her litter box is a flower pot, so that I could just put my fake plants on top of it. I clean her litter box two times a day and she has two of them, so it doesn't stink. Nobody would suspect a thing.

It was Saturday, so I was in my room the whole day studying. Since I couldn't afford to go to University I took online classes which is much cheaper, and affordable. .


"Mayleen dinner's ready". Charlie knocked on the door.

Wow its seven already? That was fast.

I opened the door and went to the kitchen. "Wow your not kidding about cooking were you?"

"Nope." He looked and me and give me a wide grin. "Just go sit down, I'll be there with the food in a minute."

I went to the table planning on setting it up. But it was already set up. The glasses filled with ice lemon tea, and the plates lie neatly on the table with the utensils on both sides. He didn't have to do all this. I thought he was only joking. I only agreed to let him stay because he would pay two-third of the rent. I know I sound a little harsh but I was desperate. The rent is due in three days, and it looks like he was the only one needing to rent around here. Now with all this, I feel guilty, so guilty.

"Here we go. Roasted chicken, with roasted potatoes, boiled vegetables, and my special secret sauce on the side. Bon appetit!" I just stared at the food. Yup really guilty. I haven't had dinner like this since... since dad left... My mother stop cooking like this after that. She lost her creative happy self, I guess.

"I think you should start eating before it gets cold, instead of gawking at it." Ok so now I'm guilty and embarrased. I didn't even realize that my mouth was hanging open. He came back after cleaning himself and the kitchen. He sat right across from me, and that made me uncomfortable. The table was small so we were sitting really close to each other, face to face. I just ate there quietly, staring down at my food.

"Well? How is it?" He asked after a while.

"Its delicious. Thank you." I replied, not looking up.

"That's good to hear." He said taking another bite at his roasted chicken. I could hear the smile on his face. Why is he so nice? Does he really want to make me feel that guilty.

"I took out the bones and cut it into pieces so that it'll be easier to eat." Geez, he can't really stop talking can he? I just nodded, and kept on eating my food.

Sophie came out of my room and climb up to my lap and put her little paws on the table. Oh man she's not suppose to come out, she always hides until strangers are gone. I was hoping to let her out once Charlie went into his room. I must've left the door open. Curse me. Great now Charlie will probably move out and nobody will help me pay rent.

"Wow is that your cat?" He stopped eating, why did he stop eating?!

"Yeah?" I answered slowly.

"She's adorable." He got up and went to the kitchen. After a few moment he came back carrying a plate. He called over to Sophie and put some chicken on her bowl. Sophie went over to him and rubbed her head on his leg! And she purred! She never does that to anyone but me, and my mom.

"Good kitty." He went back to the kitchen, put the plate on the sink, washed his hands, and went back to take his sit.

"I knew you had a pet. I just didn't know it was that adorable. What's her name?"

"Sophie." I glanced up at him quickly before returning to my plate.

"Nice name." I just nodded and smile at him. But once again my eyes didn't leave the plate. I don't usually talk to people but I had some questions.

"How did you know I have a pet?" I asked playing with my almost finished food.

"Oh come on, I saw the bowls while I was making dinner, and those two plants in the corner, yeah I know their not real, and under those fake plants are her litter tray."

Wow he's smart. Even Mrs. Zobertha couldn't guess that.

"Look don't worry I'm fine with animals. I have nothing against them." He said, looking at me. He must've sense my anxiousness.

"Oh thanks." I heard him smile.

That was the last of our conversation for the night. What bothers me was that he was so easy-going. People like that talks a lot. They always want to make conversations. I'm not good at that.

I was about to enter the bathroom, but it was locked. Then I remembered how we were sharing one bathroom as there was only one. Great I have to get use to all this from now on. Talking, sharing bathroom, living room, and getting descent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hopefully. I had to admit I never met a guy that is so good at cooking. I guess he won't be so bad after all.

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