Chapter 18

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Chalie's POV:

"I am very sincerly sorry girls for this." I laughed embarrasingly. "I should've known Brandon would bring us to places like this."

"It's ok I need a little refreshment anyway. I'll be in the bar if anybody needs me." Elizabeth said heading to the club bar.

"Well I don't think I'm old enough for this." Mayleen said looking around nervously.

"You're 20, you'll be fine. Plus you got me and..." I trailed off. I looked around. "Ok where is Brandon?" I said. I can't believe he brought us here then ditched us.

"I think he's over there dancing with that pretty girl that's wearing... Ok what is that?" Mayleen asked.

"Ok that's too much for your eyes, come on let's grab a sit somewhere.. If there are any..." I said finding a place to sit. All the sits were in the corner snd most of them have people either making out or drunk to the point of passing out. But thankfully I found us a sit in one of the corners.

"Here we go." I said sitting Mayleen down.

"Ok if my parents knew I'm here they'll freak out. And I'm talking volcanic level 10 eruption." She said trying to joke but is still nervous. I laughed. That seemed to calm her down a little.

"I'll go get us a drink. What do you want?"

"I don't know. I've never drank before. And I don't think I want to."

"Right. Then when you're thirsty we could get water, sounds good?" I offered. She nodded.

"Look I'm sorry again for this." I said taking a sit next to her.

"Don't be, I'm exploring something new here so its fine." She said nodding her head to the music.

"You want to dance?" I asked. Its better then sitting here doing nothing.

"What?" She couldn't hear me, because the music got louder.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked again, a little louder.

"No thanks." She smiled, shaking her head.

"Oh come on, nobody will ever see you again anyway, except me, Brandon, and Elizabeth." I said trying to convinced her.

She thought about it for a while. "Ok fine but only a couple of minutes ok." I nodded my head and took her hand. Then we headed to the dance floor.
Bradon's POV:

"Give me two of you're best drinks for me and this beautiful lady over here." I said looking over at the chick I just met. I am so going to win her over tonight.

"Coming right up." The bartender said.

"Honey I'm going to go to the little ladies room for a minute ok, I'll be back." She said putting her hands on my chest.

"Don't keep me waiting." I smirked. She giggled and went away.

I was waiting for the bartender to finish the drinks when I spotted.. Um.. Beth? Wait no Elizabeth. She was drinking too many shots too fast. I kind of find that hot. I went over to her. When she saw me she rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly. Ok did she do that on purpose or was she just drunk?

"Uh.. Watcha doin there? Shouldn't you slow down?" I adviced.

"Look I don't need anybody telling me what to do, especially you, oh god yes ESPECIALLY YOU, now go back to doing whatever you were doing with that girl, and just leave me alone." She ordered two more shots and drank both of it in two seconds.

"Ok sheesh, I'll back off." I raised both my hands, as a gesture of backing off. I went back to my side, but kept watching her. Ok what is her problem. Mayleen said she's the nicest person ever. That over there looks like a vicious tiger that is ready to eat you alive, if you tick her off.

"Hi babe I'm back." The hot girl came back, and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hi there, look just in time for our drinks. Cheers."
Charlie's POV:

"Wow you're really good. I didn't know you had it in you." I praised her. She smiled.

"Me neither." We both laughed. She said just a couple of minutes but it became an hour. After like 30 minutes I got tired, but she kept on dancing. So I waited until she also got tired.

"You want water?" I said panting. I was still exhausted from all the dancing.

"Sure." She said taking a sit.

"Two water please." I said to the bartender. He nodded and gave me two water bottles. I paid. Before I left, I saw Elizabeth just sitting there, drinking.

"Hey Elizabeth. You ok?" I asked. She looked at me, and tried to put on her happy face.

"Yeah I am, how are you and Mayleen doing? Having fun?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah, we just finished dancing, she's good at it."

"I knew she had it in her."

"You want to join? We're almost leaving anyway." I asked her. I don't want her sitting there alone.

"Nah you guys go ahead." She said.

"Oh come on, it won't be fun without you." I said, convincing her. She let out a small laugh. Then she nodded her head, and got off the stool.

"Hey Mayleen look who decided to join us." I said walking towards Mayleen.

"Elizabeth! There you are. Come here sit next to me." Mayleen said patting the sit next to her. Elizabeth smiled and sat next to her. All three of us talked and joke around, while waiting for Brandon to show up. After an hour later he finally did. He was all drunk.

"Darn it, I had to let that hot chick go, because I remembered I had to drive you guys home." He said trying to keep balance.

"Yeah you're driving us home alright." I said sarcastically.

It was almost midnight when we got out. When we got to the car, Brandon passed out.

"Ok then, I guess I'm driving." I said taking the keys from his pockets.

Mayleen and Elizabeth had to put him in the backseat. Then Mayleen and Elizabeth argued on who sits in front.

"Its ok Elizabeth you can sit in front." Mayleen said.

"No, no I'm fine sitting in the back really I am. I'm just a guest coming along." Elizabeth replied.

Finally Mayleen got in next to me, and Elizabeth went in the backseat next to Brandon. During the ride, Brandon kept on leaning against Elizabeth, and everytime Elizabeth pushed him away.

When we arrived at Elizabeth's place, she sighed, like she was not happy going back there. She thank us and went in, after waving us goodnight.

During the ride home, Brandon leaned in to where Elizabeth just sat, but because she wasn't there he hit the sit. Mayleen and I laughed.

"Ok do you think we should bring Brandon back to our place?" I asked Mayleen. We looked back at Brandon.

"Yup, I think we should." She said.

When we got home, we had to drag Brandon all the way up to our apartment. Yeah as you can imagine, it was very tiresome. We put him on the couch, and Mayleen put a blanket on him. She then went to feed Sophie.

"Phew that was fun." She said.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." I replied.

We were both tired so we brushed our teeth together. We kept on joking around, so it took us double the normal time to brush our teeth.

"That's it we are never brushing teeths together ever again." Mayleen laughed.

"Agreed." I laughed.

"Ok goodnight Charlie." She said heading back to her room.

"Goodnight May." I replied before closing my room.

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