Chapter 8

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Mayleen's POV:

I could feel something pressing against the top of my head. I was leaning against something. Why am I in a sitting position? Oh yeah last night, movies. I tried to get up but the thing was still pressing against the top of my head. I glanced sideways and I could see Charlie sleeping, leaning against me.

He must've fallen asleep during the movie. Now, how am I going to get out of this situation without waking Charlie up. I stayed there for a couple of seconds thinking. Nope, got nothing.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes hoping he would change positions. Finally, he did. He leaned against the other side of the couch. Thank god. I got up and turned the TV off. I went to look outside. Everything was covered in snow. It was like waking up to a Christmas morning. Well, minus the tree, decorations, and presents under the tree. It was a quiet Sunday morning. Very relaxing.

"Morning May." Charlie yawned, stretching his hands. I turned from the window and said morning back.

"What time is it?" He said, scratching his head.

"Hmm.. Its 7 am." I replied, looking at the clock.

He nodded and head to the kitchen.

"Its still cold outside, you want some hot tea?" He asked.

"Sure, but I'm heading to the showers first." I said heading to my room.

"Sure." He replied.


When I got out of the bathroom, he was already standing there with his clothes, waiting for his turn.

"Gosh, you surprised me!" I said shocked.

"Sorry." He laughed. "Your tea is waiting for you on the table."

"Ok thanks." I went to sit down to drink my tea when Sophie meowed at my feet. Oh yeah, her breakfast.

After I drank my tea, and washed the cup, Charlie came out.

"Hey you have plans today?" He asked.

"No.." I said slowly. "Why?"

"Well since yesterday was fun, I was thinking we could do something again today?" He asked cheerfully.

"Sure, what you got?" Yesterday was fun, ans since today I have nothing to do, why not.

"Well, since yesterday was a blizzard, I was thinking we could play outside, like make a snowman, or something?"

"Sound awesome." I said smiling.

We both went to change into our winter clothes.

"Ok I'm ready." I said. I was using my thick winter jacket, complete with a scarf, gloves, earmuffs, and a hat. And of course winter boots.

"Me too." Charlie said coming out of his room. He didn't use as much as me. He just used his thick jackets, scarf, gloves, and winter boots.

We head to the apartment playground that was nearby. It was still early, so no children were around. It was only me, and Charlie. Wow the snow is really deep.

"Hey where do you want to make the snow-" I was about to complete my sentence when something hit me. I turned around just in time to see another snowball thrown at me.

"Charlie! I am so getting you for this!" I yelled, chasing after him. I couldn't contain my laughter.

"Oh,oh." He said running and laughing at the same time.

He was taller then me so of course I could never get to him. Everytime I was still far away, he would bend down, scoop some snow, make it into a ball, and when I got closer throw it at me.

That's it, Mayleen you need to think fast. I got an idea. I grinned. Ok Charlie you wanna play? Let's play.


Charlie's POV:

She would never catch me, I am way to fast for her. Hey, where did she go? I looked around the playground, but she was nowhere in sight. Ok maybe she fell or something. I went back to last place I saw her.

"Mayleen?." I yelled. "Mayleen?! Not funny, May." Where is she?

Suddenly a group of snowballs hit my back at lightning speed. When I turned around I saw Mayleen waving to me, while running away. She had gotten far, but I can catch her.

It took me less then a minute to catch her. I grabbed her from behind, so she couldn't escape.

"Gotcha!" I said when I finally caught her.

"Let me go." She laughed, trying to shake me off. I don't know how she did it, but she manages to break free. I kept chasing her around the playground, when I got an idea. Instead of chasing after her, why not I run the other way around.

While she was running, I ran the other way. She was looking back, so when we finally meet, well, we bumped into each other. She was at her top speed, so her force knocked us both down, with her on top.

"I'm so sorry." She laughed. She rolled off of me and layed next to me. We both tried to catch our breath, but we couldn't stop laughing.

"This is fun." She sighed, after we finally managed to catch our breaths.

"Yes it is." I agreed.

"You know I have never done any of this." She said. Her wide grin turned into a frown.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm not the social type. I don't have many friends. No, scratch that, I don't have any friends. Well maybe Elizabeth. But I don't know." She said, staring at the sky, with an unhappy look on her face.

"Well I think you're wrong." I said smiling at her. She turned to face me.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"Because I Charlie La- Randall" I corrected myself, again I almost slipped. "Am your friend Mayleen." I said, giving her shoulder a nudge. Her frown was replaced by wide grin.

"Well, friend I think its time to make some snow angels." She said smiling. I moved to the side a bit to give us space to make the snow angels.

When we were done, we compared our snow angels to see which one is better. At the end, we both gave up because they look the same, except hers is smaller. After making the snow angels, we made a snowman, like I promised. It took us hours to finish the snowman because first of all Mayleen doesn't know how to make one, and second I can't make a perfect big round snowball. Which frustrates me because I am very good at this. When we finally finished, we stepped back and look at our snowman. We both stood there quietly.

"Our snowman looks like an old sick, weirdly shape snowman." I said looking at it weirdly.

"Shut up." Mayleen let out a laugh and gave me a friendly nudge. "At least it doesn't look like a zombie... Ok, at least it still looks like a snowman.... A zombie snowman." She said looking at it weirdly.

"At least we tried." I laughed, putting my arm around her. "Ok it's getting late, let's go home and I'll make some warm soup."

We walked back to our apartment after a whole day of playing with snow. I could see children going home with their parents as well.

When we first came this morning, the snow looks so soft and smooth. And now there's footprints everywhere, snowmans, and other snow creations. It was fun. Today, just like yesterday was fun.

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