Chapter Three

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Skipping to Snatchers catching them and taking them to Malfoy Manor.

Apparated from Xenophilius Lovegood's home and landed back in Dean forest. We ran into snatches and they took us to Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix answered the door and called someone to get Draco after taking one look at Harry whose face was distorted by a stinging jinx I cast. "Well?" Bellatrix asked. Draco answered, "I can't be sure." Lucius whispered "Draco. Look closely, son. If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord......everything would be forgiven. All would be as it was, you understand?"
"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr Malfoy," Scabior questioned. Lucius answered in an aggregated tone "You dare to talk to me like that in my own house?"
"Lucius." Narcissa solved. "Don't be shy, sweetie. Come over. Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure." Bellatrix encouraged. "What's wrong with his face?" Draco inquired, "Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bella asked. Scabior replied "He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest, I reckon."
"Or ran into a Stinging Jinx." She hit the hammer on the nail! "Was it you, dearie? Give me her wand. We'll see what her last spell was." I shifted slightly in nervousness so she doesn't find out but she did. "Ah. Got you." She laughed the gasped as her sight set on the Sword of Gryffindor "What is that? Where'd you get that from?"
"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now." One of the snatchers answered. Bella killed one, chocked another and flung Greyback into a wall. "Go! Get out!" Bella yelled "Cissy, put the boys in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl-to-girl."

Left alone with Bellatrix Lestrange, who tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom- Neville's Parents- to the point of insanity, they don't even remember their own son, so I was terrified however I was not showing it to Bellatrix. I see Draco staring at me with confusion and I think adoration which confuses as he hates me why is looking at me with adoration in his eyes. I look directly into his eyes and feel complete, whole, loved, safe and protected even though I was in front of a notorious psychotic death eater. It confused me and it seems he felt the same as his face changed from happy and overjoyed to confusion.

The next thing I know Draco's eyes are golden and Bellatrix hits me with the Cruciatus Curse. As I screamed Draco seemed to fly across the room hitting Bellatrix away from me and bringing me into his arms, the feeling of safety completely washed over me while in his arms. As I looked at him, he seemed to have wings like an angel protruding from his back. Narcissa quickly grab her son taking him from the room, along with my feeling of protected, safe and whole while Bellatrix gets up to start asking me what else I took from her vault, what else I took from it and I keep telling the truth I didn't take anything, she didn't believe me and started to carve the word 'mudblood' into my arm.

Draco's POV

My Aunt Bellatrix called for me after I talked to Blaise, as he had important information about his family for me, as I am his Godbrother and best friend.

Flashback To Talk With Blaise
So we met up in his dorm room, "So what did you want to tell me, Bay?" I asked quickly. "Well, I have to tell you two things. First, what do you know off Veelas?" Blaise asked nervously. " You mean, Veelas beings of love, high sexual drive and entices men into traps. Mainly Females as males are rarer, " I started recalling the information I had read. " Yeah well I am a Veela because of my Parents, " my jaw dropped but he continued "I also have a twin sister."
Shocked I asked, "Who is she, do you know, does she know and she doesn't?" Bay answered, "Yeah, Hermione Granger is actually my twin and No, she does know I haven't had the chance to tell her yet." My jaw dropped again, "Hermione Granger, as in Know it all Granger, Mudblood Granger, Granger who broke my nose in our third year." He tried to suppress a chuckle as I reminded him of my broken nose from Granger however his attitude quickly changed as he remembered the rest of our conversation, "She is not a Granger or a Mudblood. She is a Zabini and a Pureblood as well a Veela," he states slightly pissed off at me "and she is your Godsister whether you like it or not!" He said seriously. "Ok, so got any more information like you have a younger sibling or more information on veelas like if you don't find you mate you die or what not, " I say jokingly. He replies seriously " I don't have any other younger siblings other than Hermione as she was given up for her protection. Also, Males do actually die if they don't find their mates, you may actually be a Veela because of your Mother."
"Great, you are being dead serious, as well. Anyway, have you met your mate yet, Bay?" I asked trying to lighten the subject of the talk. By the look on his face he had.

"Merlin you have, who is the lucky Woman?" I asked intrigued. "Ginerva Weasley, she made me feel like Mama said it was whole, complete, the need to protect, a sense of calm and safety" Bay said nervously as if I would explode or shout at him again, however, I just said "Well you should probably tell her sooner rather than later, Bay. I also have some news. I joined the Order of the Phoenix because I am fed up of being SOME PAWN IN HIS GAME, I AM NOT A PAWN I WILL NOT CARRY ON BEING A PAWN AND BEING ON THE WRONG SIDE. I DIDN'T HAVE CHOICES AND THAT IS WRONG!" I started to get angry towards the end and Blaise grab me and calmly said: "Calm down Draco before the Carrows hear you and you end up dead or something."

End of Flashback

I walked in to see Ron, Hermione and Harry with a distorted face. Aunt Bella asked me if it was Harry, I said I wasn't sure even though I knew it was Harry. Even my Father tried to convince me to look carefully to see if it was but I prolonged it until Aunt Bella notice the Sword of Gryffindor and went crazy. That was the first time I properly looked at Hermione, I feel whole, the need to protect her and loved from someone other than my Mother, Godmother or Bay. It confused me and Hermione seemed to notice the happiness then confusion as her face contoured to confusion to trying to understand how I could feel like this towards someone who hates me until I remember the talk with Blaise. 'she made me feel like Mama said it was whole, complete, the need to protect, a sense of calm and safety' and 'She is a Zabini and a Pureblood as well a Veela.' That is when I realise my Godsister is my Veela mate as I am Her's. That is when I see Bella hit her with Crucio and her scream causes angel-like wings to protrude from my back as I flung Aunt Bella across the room into a wall to protect and help my mate, Hermione Zabini. Next thing I know my Mother is dragging me out of the room and Hermione's screams fill the whole Manor as I fight to get back to protect her, no matter what. That is when my Mother explains I can't help her but Ron and Harry can if we can just free them from the cellar without being caught. I then remember I can call Dumbledore and tell him, Harry and Ron's exact location to get them out. I pray this works.

I was going to upload this Yesterday but wattpad deleted over half of this chapter, so here it is rewritten.

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